Chapter Thirteen - Punishment

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Crystal Raine Meadows After detention hours, I immediately left and noticed that there was that small red dragon again waiting for me from the outside. I looked around and saw no one, so I have just decided to take that ride, which surprised me because I didn't tell where I should be, but it knows where it'll take me. What happened a while still confuses me, I know he was not trying to help, but his words tell me that he does want to help me. I just shook my head because of what I was thinking, I must be out of my mind to think that he was trying to help me. That human dragon is a ruthless and cold one, I shouldn't be affected, right? Then why am I out of breath whenever I think of him? I didn't realize that I was drowning in my own thoughts until I heard the small dragon roar, trying to capture my attention. "O-Oh yeah sorry," I apologized before unmounting his saddle and took out my wallet, "Here's the pay--" after I said those words, the dragon flew as it almost took my skirt with it. "H-Hey! I haven't paid you yet! Come back here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it didn't come back. What the hell? Why are dragons being rude to me these days and won't get any of my payments? The main gates opened and revealed to me the worried faces of Ate Kathy and Kuya Draven after they heard me screaming. "Raine! Raine! You're back!" little Trevy came out and ran towards me, so I greeted him and carried him as I twirled him around the air. Giggles were to be heard around our surroundings as I put him down and bowed at my Kuya and Ate. "I'm home, Ate Kathy and Kuya Draven," I smiled at them, but it disappeared after I witnessed them looking at me intently. "Crystal, you were home late, where have you gone?" Ate Kathy worriedly asked as they invited me inside of the house. They allowed me to get myself refreshed first before we all decided to eat dinner, it was quiet because I know they're waiting for me to say words. They're just worried about me, so I wouldn't lie to them about what happened to me. They're the only people who truly care about me aside from Jenny. "I-I was in detention, that was why I was home late," I admitted before taking mouthful bites of my food. Their eyes widened like they couldn't believe what they just heard from me, "Detention? On your first day?! Are you joking Crystal?" Ate Kathy worriedly asked, but I just shook my head. "I was really in detention accidentally, someone listed my name and the president apologized because he didn't double-check it," I explained, so Ate Kathy sighed in relief. "I thought you did something wrong, but that's unusual because you're a straight-A student, you wouldn't want that to affect your grades right?" she stated, so my eyes widened. "I-It could affect my grades?!" I exclaimed that surprised them for a moment as they laughed while shaking their heads. "You're finally smiling, Crystal," Ate Kathy gave me a refreshment, "You were stiff ever since you got home, did something happen aside from you accidentally being listed on detention?" she asked, it feels like she knew something was wrong. I almost wanted to cry because they're asking these kinds of questions. Why do we always tear up if someone asks if you're alright when they clearly know that something is wrong? "I-I think I failed physical class and was bullied by that, someone knows about my parent's reputation, I'm afraid that I'll affect them once more now that people noticed how bad I am at it," I explained a lot more that has happened, so they looked at me intently before sighing. They looked like they knew this would happen, "Crystal, not everyone is good at everything," she comforted, "Well of course except for Nyx, she's the woman who's great at everything," we both chuckled at her statement. "But what I'm trying to say is, not everyone is good at first, you just have to try more about this matter, if you could excel in paper written exams and books then you could excel in that part as well," she advised, so Kuya Draven agreed with her. "And you don't have to worry about your parents hearing something from you at school, we're the ones who're going to handle them alright?" Kuya Draven said, so I teared up and bowed my head at them. "Thank you so much, Ate Kathy and Kuya Draven," I sniffed, so they just gave me a soft smile as they told me to eat more because I mentioned that I fainted and didn't get to eat lunch. I'm really grateful that I'm living inside this house. It feels warm and fuzzy on the inside being with them, we talked a lot about what happened on my first day and decided to wash dishes as Kuya Draven.  "Oh and by the way, what are your plans on not failing this subject?" Ate Kathy asked while we were both washing dishes. "U-Um, I finished reading books about martial arts and workouts, I think it helps?" I stated, so she stopped soaping the dishes and furrowed her eyebrows at me. "Are you for real Crystal? You're reading books for physical skills and abilities?" she sighed before shaking her head, "What are you really training? Your brain or your body?" she asked, so I stopped for a moment. "I'm confused, Ate Kathy, what do you mean about that?" I curiously asked so she shook her head before drying off her hands. "That's it, I don't want to do this, but we're getting a tutor for this subject," she stated, so my eyes widened in disbelief. "W-What?! I don't want to!" I exclaimed, but she glared at me. That's the stare that terrifies me the most, she's mad about something. "Crystal, believe it or not, reading books for your problem isn't going to solve it, we're talking about the physical tests here, your body must be tested and not this," she pointed at my head. "I thought about this while we were eating a while ago, I know that your plan would be like this so I'll request from the Leaders of the District to allow you to have some tutor for this subject," she explained, but I shook my head at her. "Ate Kathy please, not a tutor! That would be so embarrassing!" I argued, but she shook her head like her decision was final. "This would help you, Crystal, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for you and somebody has to let out those skills of yours, you have something but you're not just confident of letting it out," she claimed. "I'll wash the dishes, go to your room and think about it," she ordered, so I hit my lower lip and stomped my way towards my room. I slammed the door purposely behind my back, I don't want a tutor! This is a freaking nightmare! I just sighed and took out a paper and pen. I'll send Jenny a message about what happened a while ago and tonight. She has to know of the nightmare I'm experiencing right now while I'm still freaking wide awake! Ugh! Calyx Nyxerian Paraiso After I left the detention room, I called a small red dragon to fetch her home. I don't know why I did this, I just felt like she might need it. She's a woman that doesn't know how to protect herself yet, why is a smart woman like her is dumb when it comes to physical training? I didn't go home after that dragon arrived, I went to the enchanted forest to train. This is where I usually calm myself when I'm filled with numerous emotions that are not allowed to burst out. After I went home, it was dinner time already. So I immediately refreshed myself up and ran downstairs to eat with them. It was quiet after I arrived, it feels like they're all looking at me intently while I'm peacefully eating my dinner. "So, what happened at school, Cal?" Hailey asked like she's interested in what happened to me a while ago while she's still serving some to Uncle Kenneth who's eating right beside me. "Nothing interesting," I replied before eating some of the meal that she cooked. She's really amazing when it comes to cooking. "Really? Then why did Mr. Light tell me that you were in detention?" she blurted out, which stopped me for a moment. Ugh, why do they have to tell her that? She's going to scold me to death and will be worried about me after. "I'm fine, students freaking spread rumors like wildfire, it irritates me and I just have to shut them up," I claimed, so Uncle Kenneth tapped my shoulders together with Ash. "Man, if I were you, you should shut up right now," Ash whispered, so I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Why? She's asking about my explanation about this matter," I firmly stated, so they both sighed and gripped my shoulders intently. "As your Uncle, I also don't recommend answering her interrogations, it would just be awful," Uncle whispered, but I didn't mind them. "What do you mean shut them up? What did you do Cal?" she raised her eyebrows, so I just scratched the back of my head. "Like grabbing the hem of their clothes and pushing them on the walls, threatening them with words?" I explained, so Hailey glared at me. Uncle Kenneth and Ash just sighed before continuing eating their dinner, "You should be punished more, that isn't right Cal, you shouldn't do that," she sighed like she's disappointed in me. "I am punished, I was in detention," I firmly stated, so Uncle Kenneth and Ash just heaved a deep long sigh. "That's not enough punishment for you Cal, I'll be calling the Leaders and will give you more punishment," she firmly said, so my eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't do that Hailey because like I said, I only did that because they're spreading rumors that are hurting somebody," I argued, but she just glared at me before looking at me intently. "And there are many ways to deal with it without threatening or hurting people around you, I'm writing to them right now," she stood up but stopped when we heard someone was knocking on our windows. She immediately went over there and took that dove and the message under its feet, "It's from Kathy," she announced, as she thanked and let the dove go before proceeding on the dining. We all became quiet after she read that letter silently as she looked worried for a moment before smirking when she raised her head. Ash and Uncle Kenneth looked like they're scared for my sake after Hailey made that face. I just sighed as we waited for her to tell us the news. "Kathy is worried about Crystal, she almost got in trouble a while ago and fainted in your physical tests class," I almost flinched after hearing that voice's name. "And you protected her," Hailey gripped the letter before smiling at me, "I didn't know that you were classmates, why didn't you tell me?" she curiously asked. I just shook my head at her, "If I did tell you then you'll be like that," I pointed at her smirking happy face, "You'll be looking like an i***t," I claimed, so she just shook her head. "She was also in detention because she said she was accidentally listed because of the rumors that are been circulating the University, her classmates are probably bullying her," Hailey claimed, so I gripped my hands underneath the table. "Is that even allowed there anymore? I thought it ended in our era, kids were bullying you because you were strong and smart, they're really jealous about it," Ash complimented my twin as she blushed, jeez. "Right, I don't know if that's also the reason why she's being targeted. She's pretty, smart, and just lacking confidence when it comes to her physical strengths," Hailey claimed, so I couldn't agree more with her. "Was this the reason why you attacked someone in the hallways? Because of those rumors that you've been hearing about?" she asked, so I averted my gaze at her because I'm too embarrassed to agree so she just sighed. "Kathy is looking for a tutor, I think I know who's the best teacher for this," she smirked before standing up as she cleaned up her own plate. Ash tapped my shoulders like he's worried about me, "If you haven't guessed what's going to happen, you'll be punished for being a tutor, Calyx," he claimed, so my eyes widened. "She can't do that! I also have to train on my own when I get home!" I fumed, those two men I'm with on the dining table shook their heads and tapped my shoulders. "There's nothing you could do, bud, good luck," they bid me goodbye as they cleaned all of their plates. I stomped my feet because of my frustrations and was left to eat dinner alone. To be continued...
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