Chapter Thirty Nine - Challenge

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Crystal Raine Meadows He wasn't kidding about the 10 minutes countdown, I almost wanted to curse him because I didn't enjoy my meal that much. But Bernard was right, the ramen bowl I ate was lighter and not heavier on my stomach, it's enough to warm my inside and to cheer me up. I wanted to curse him because he made me eat my food so quickly, but I just realized that he saved the remaining minutes for us to rest before proceeding to the enchanted forest. He's such a nice guy, he's just acting like a jerk sometimes that you won't understand if he's nice or just being a jerk. “Woman, I've called you many times already, where the hell is your head?” Calyx complained, so I flinched before catching up on his pace. “S-Sorry, I'm just lost in thoughts,” I stuttered, so he just scoffed while shaking his head like he's deeply pissed about it. “You better clear your mind when we train,” he firmly stated, so I just nodded on his side even though he's not looking at me but on the way towards the enchanted forest. It took us a while to arrive there, our stomachs didn't ache so that means we're good to proceed with our routines. He let me warm up on my own while he's standing in an enormous space while looking up at the sky. I think he's waiting for someone, is it Flash? After finishing my routines, I'm surprised that I'm not exhausted, it's strange that my body was craving for more.  "I'm done doing all the routines you asked of me, what's next?" I curiously asked while pacing towards him. "What's taking that dragon too long?" he whispered, so I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment before tapping his shoulders. "Hey, I was talking to you," he just glanced at me after feeling my tap on his shoulders, he looked at my hands before peering at my eyes. He looked bothered at my hold because he kept on staring at it, so I took it off away from his shoulders. "I'm waiting for Flash, you need him for your training today," he coldly informed me, so I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Why the heck would I need Flash? I don't understand, is he planning some routine I'm not familiar with? "There he is," Calyx mumbled, so I looked at the skies and heard a loud flapping sound of wings and it revealed to us the landing of a small red dragon. It roared after it landed on the flat ground, so Calyx immediately glared at him, "What took you so long? I told you the specific time, right?" he scolded that poor red dragon who just whined, so I glared at him. I paced towards Flash and took out some roasted veggies on my bag, "Give this guy a little break, he must be looking for food, or some decent master," I joked, so Flash looked like he was worried about me for a moment. He looks like he's begging me not to talk further, what is wrong with him? I just shook my head and patted his head when he ate what I gave to him. "Prepare woman, you're going to ride that dragon and will be training in the sky," he coldly informed me, so I stopped as my eyes widened. "W-What?! N-No, why are we training in the sky? Shouldn't I be enhancing my sword skills?" I nervously suggested, but Calyx just looked at me with those red glinting eyes. "Sword skills are easy to acquire and taught, but heights don't," he firmly stated before wearing some of his gears. "You're a future warrior and you will always ride with your mate up in the sky, you have to work on your fear," he added, so I shook my head at him. "N-No! I'm not training in the sky and you can't make me!" I yelled at him and stomped my feet to the ground. I know it's childish, but I just can't...I can't face that fear yet. He tilted his head at me, "I thought you're not afraid of heights? Prove it to me then we'll stop this routine because this is a huge waste of time," he challenged me, so I felt my heart thumping because I was so nervous. "If you're not going to do it, here's a paper and pen," I looked at him and he's raising those things he mentioned. "I could easily write and tell the Leaders even Katherine, that you're neglecting your training and want to quit your tutoring or you'll do what I say," he bargained, so I immediately shook my head. "P-Please, I-I'm sorry about lying about heights, but I really can't face it," I almost cried, so Calyx stopped for a moment before looking at Flash who was whining because of what I was complaining about. "How can you ride Draven and Flash then?" he curiously asked, so I played with my fingers before sighing. "I-I just always close my eyes and wait until I feel like we've already landed on the flat ground," I admitted shyly. I heard him sigh before turning his back on me, "I'll be with you the whole time, but you got to promise me that you'll open your eyes," he insisted, so I bit my lip before sighing. I still don't want to do it, but I can't also let him message the Leaders about my failure and most especially, Ate Kathy. "T-That's enough for me, just don't message anyone about this okay?" I pleaded, so Calyx just nodded. "You have my word, prepare and you'll ride Flash right now," he ordered, so I did what he said and didn't waste any more time to get ready. After we both finished getting ready, I could feel my fingers shaking to their tip. This is the first time I'll try opening my eyes while riding a dragon and even if we're not starting yet, it terrifies my well-being. "Mount him," I flinched after Calyx mentioned those words, so I exhaled a lungful of air before nodding at him. "O-Okay, can we take this slow?" I bit my lip before glancing at him. He was looking at my eyes before sighing. "Fine, this is tiring jeez," he coldly said, so I sighed in relief before mounting Flash, "You heard the woman, take it slow," he glanced at Flash so that small dragon responded with a low growl. I carefully mounted Flash and exhaled a lungful of air before gripping on his saddle's handle, "F-Flash, I know how quick you are when you're flying, give me some consideration for now okay?" I requested, so Flash just roared at me. "O-Okay, I-I'm ready," I mumbled before looking at Calyx who's mounting Flash on my back. After he sat down, Flash started to expand his wings. Nothing’s happening yet, but I feel like my heart is about to burst out because of my nervousness. I just want this to be over. "Flash, we'll be having four layers of height for this woman, on the trunk, the top of the tree, middle of the sky, and the clouds, do you get what I want to achieve?" Calyx ordered, so Flash just nodded its head. Strangely, they could understand each other this easily, "Woman, give me a favor and always open your eyes or else I'll force them," he threatened, so I gulped before nodding at him. "A-Alright, alright," I nervously replied, so Calyx whistled and Flash started flapping its wings and lifted his body at the trunk of the tree. "Are your eyes wide open?" Calyx asked from the back, so I nodded at him. We stayed at the first level for a moment before Calyx whistled again. Flash flew at the top of the tree, I tried to keep my eyes open and stared at the wide field of trees that made me sky sick. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as my breathing sounded like they were hyperventilating. My knees are shaking and feel so really cold that I feel like I'm going to fall. This is why I always keep my eyes closed whenever I ride a ferry dragon or even Kuya Draven, it scares me half to death. "P-Put me down," I bit my lower lip while trying to keep my eyes wide open, it's just making things worse. I feel like I'm going to run out of breath while trying to calm myself down on the front, this is not good. My hands are freaking shaking. "Breath in, breath out, this is just the second layer woman, calm down because I'm right behind you," Calyx whispered behind my back. He's trying to reassure me, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. "I-I'm sorry please take it down, please! Please!" I panicked as I moved harshly on the ride, Flash roared and he sounded so worried about me. "Calm down, woman!" Calyx yelled at me, so I panicked more and lost my hold on the saddle. I almost screamed when I felt like I was going to fall when Calyx tightly hugged me from behind. "Calm down, take deep breaths, breathe for me woman," he softly whispered in my ear. I was distracted by how intently he held my waist, but it didn't help me to calm down as I firmly closed my eyes. I whimpered when I felt tears flowing to my cheeks, "I-I'm sorry, I-I just can't right now, I'm really sorry, please, just please put me down," I apologized before bursting into tears. Due to my current situation, I didn't realize that Calyx was panicking when he heard me crying. I didn't know that he ordered Flash to land on the ground.  I heard Flash roaring worriedly like he wanted to know if I'm alright. I already know that we landed on the ground, but I still feel like I was getting dizzy. Calyx was still holding my waist and when he's about to let go, I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug. "D-Don't leave me, please, please," I cried, which made his body stiffened. I don't know what happened, but I just cried to my heart's content. I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside when Calyx wrapped his warm around me and caressed my back, "I'm sorry," he whispered, so I whimpered and didn't know how long we held each other intently until I calmed down. *** Calyx was quiet the whole time that he was holding me, when he realized that I already calmed down, he slowly let go of me and asked me to get changed. I did what he told me to do and it didn't take me a while to get changed as I sat comfortably on the boulder that's placed near the huge tree. My eyes peered at Calyx and he looked like he's looking for something inside of his bag. I looked at my palms and noticed how sweaty they were. I don't have any spasms, but my palms get sweaty every time I get nervous and panic in some specific situations.  My mind reminded me of how Calyx hugged me intently a while ago, his presence was enough to calm me down and it's so weird that those hugs felt so right. "Feeling better?" he offered a small bottle of water, which I immediately accepted. I bit my lower lip before nodding at him. What happened a while ago was really embarrassing. I didn't mean to cry that much, I was just so scared. "I-I'm sorry about a while ago, I-I'll try again tomorrow," I firmly held onto the bottle, which made him look at me intently. "No, we'll skip that part, for now, we'll train your sword skills tomorrow," he turned his back on me while fixing his things. I sighed because I feel like he's trying to avoid me as of this moment, I don't know what's running on his mind. It didn't take us a while as we both finished cleaning up our things. I threaded my bag lightly on my right shoulders after I had finished cleaning myself and fixing up my things. "You go home first," Calyx coldly said while pointing at Flash, I bit my lower lip before looking at him intently. "T-Thank you for today," I sincerely said, but Calyx just avoided his gaze at me. What is wrong with him? "A-Are you alright? You seem off after you helped me calm down," I slowly paced towards him, so he just looked at me intently. "Nothing, you should just go home," he firmly said, so I just sighed before scratching the back of my head. "A-Alright, but if you're blaming yourself on what happened a while ago, that wasn't your fault okay?" I reassured him before turning my back on him. I slowly mounted Flash and glanced at him one last time, "And I'll try and try until I can do it without panicking," I added as I closed my eyes and tapped Flash's back. Flash flew up at my signal and I felt the cold breeze embracing me from the top, my lips were quivering because the height a while ago kept on replaying in my mind. Shaking my head, I firmly gripped my hands and held on to the saddle properly. From now on, I'll try looking from above every time Flash fetches and drops me off at school. But not now, I'll keep my eyes closed until I get home, I'll just start tomorrow. To be continued…
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