Chapter 2 the first shift

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Trisha's P.O.V    That night I cried myself to sleep, thinking of everything that had happened to me since my parents were killed. It was Friday morning and I woke up to the Alpha banging on my door at five am. I pulled the blanket over my head not wanting to get up, but I knew that if I didn't answer the door he would knock it down. I threw the blanket off of me and opened my door, but when I did I was pushed down to the floor and kicked.   "What took you so long to answer the f*****g door?!" Alpha Keith yelled at me, I got up to my feet and angrily looked at him.   "Well let's see, because I was laying in what you call my bed and I also didn't want to get up to answer the door." I spat back at him, earning me a slap to the face.   "Don't you dare talk to me like that ever again. Now get your ass dressed and go cook breakfast, you stupid bitch." Alpha Keith said, grabbing my arm and pushing me back down on the floor. I quickly hurried to get dressed and raced down the stairs to cook breakfast. I cooked pancakes and sausages, everyone quickly finished their food, I gathered the plates up and started doing the washing up. Greg came up behind me and pushed his body up against mine, trapping me in between him and the sink.   "Tonight I'm taking your sorry ass again and if you tell anyone, I'll f*****g kill you bitch." He whispered in my ear, I pushed him off of me and turned to look at him,    "You're not my mate, I don't have to mate with you d**k head." I snarled at him, but he only smirked at me.   "Who is going to want you as a mate, when you're already used?" Greg laughed, I just put my head down and shook it.   "Just leave me alone," I snapped back at him, but maybe he was right. What mate is going to want me now after this? Greg raised his hand and brought it down hard across my face and I instantly felt the burn of it.   "I'll do whatever I f*****g want, whenever I f*****g want." Greg growled at me and walked away.   "Get in my office now!" Alpha Keith said through the mind-link to me. I took a deep breath and made my way to his office. I didn't know what he wanted to tell me off for this time, but I knew exactly what I wanted to tell him, that I was leaving and that I couldn't handle the abuse anymore. I stood in front of the Alpha's office door and encouraged myself to knock it.   "Come in!" Alpha Keith yelled, I slowly opened the door and walked inside. The office was quite large and the Alpha was leaning back in his reclining chair, while his feet were resting on another chair. He was looking at some paperwork and only raised his head when I was standing in front of his desk, he stood up and started walking towards me. I was scared and I was still healing from last night's beatings, I walked backwards and my back hit the hard brick wall behind me, my hand moved to the door knob, but the Alpha moved fast and blocked my escape.   "You called for me?" I nervously said, looking up into his big brown eyes.   "Yes I did, we're having a coven of vampires over Monday night and you will fix dinner, then go up to your room. When we are done eating you will come down to clean, the vampire King is looking for a mate for his son and no one wants a used up mate like you. Look at you, you're too ugly and you're a mess." Alpha Keith snarled at me, that's it I've had enough of this s**t to last me a lifetime. No more.   "I'm a mess because you and your pack of mutts beat the s**t out of me every day, I'm ugly because my body is bruised from it. I didn't kill my parents, but you still torture me for it. Rogues did and I've told you time and time again, but you don't believe me and you still beat me." I snarked, tears came down from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. It ended up with me having the hardest slap ever on my face.   "If you ever speak like that to me again, I'll kill you myself you stupid b***h, no one believes you and neither do I. Now get your ass to school and consider this your last day, you're getting pulled out as of Monday." Alpha Keith growled at me. I shook my head no, kicked him in the knee and ran out the door. I ran so fast that I made it to school in record time, I tried not to be seen as I went into the bathroom, I had to cover up the huge red handprint on the side of my face. I put a little powder to cover it up and then some eyeliner, I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath, I went to my second period since math class was almost over. I stood outside of the science class, waiting for the door to open to let the first class come out. Ten minutes later, the bell rang and kids started piling out through the door, I waited until the last one came out and then stepped into the room. A strange scent hit me as soon as I stepped in the room, it was blueberries and cheesecake, with a hint of darkness about it. I tried to pay no attention to it because like Alpha Keith said 'Who wants a used up mate'. I tried to hold my head down, as I didn't want to look up, but I couldn't help it and I did. I saw the most amazing beautiful man, with shoulder length dark hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen, he was about 6 foot 3 and he was smiling the brightest smile I've ever seen.   "Mate, Mate, Mate." My wolf Julie started repeatedly screaming in my head, as shivers went up and down my spine.   "Julie is that you? I haven't heard from you in years." I said, shocked that she was still with me.   "Yes it's me, I've just been in my own little corner, maybe our mate can save us Trisha." My wolf Julie said, excitedly.   "I doubt that Julie, who wants an abused and used up mate." I sighed.   "We're not used up, have faith, the goddess brought him here for a reason." Julie said, trying to convince me.   "Julie shut up, when he finds out I'm abused and used, he will reject us, so give up already." I snapped at her, I didn't mean to and I regretted it straight away.Julie sighed inside her head,    "I'm sorry." Julie said, sighing and whimpering inside my head.   "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped at you." I apologised to her, it's not her fault that all this has happened. The boy walked closer and I could smell the scent a lot stronger now, he sat beside me at my desk and turned to me, smiling.   "Hello, my name is David, it's very nice to meet you, I'm new to the school, what's your name." David said, smiling at me.   "Hello, my name is Trisha, welcome to were-high." I sighed, he nodded and then turned his eyes toward the side of my face.   "Who did that to you?" He sternly asked me, I turned my head and looked out the window at a tree, trying to hide my face.   "I fell down and hit the corner of a step." I said, not daring to look at him. I turned back to look at him and he looked like he didn't believe me, but before he could ask anymore questions the other student's started coming into the class. I noticed that Greg had his arm around a brown haired, hazel eyed girl and I thought I heard him call her his mate. Great, maybe now he will leave me alone and hopefully go to whatever pack she is from.    "Look, that's the pack slut." Greg said to his new girlfriend, pointing and smirking at me.   "Don't worry baby, you're coming to my pack, the purple heart pack, we don't have sluts there." The girl laughed, he nodded and kissed her cheek.   "I can't wait, my mate, after school I'll go home, pack and we will go together." Greg said and she nodded. Thank God he's leaving.    "Good, I can't wait to have you all to myself." The girl said, smiling up at him and pulling him closer to her side. I held my head down, shaking it. Something tells me that the girl wasn't so nice and Greg had his hands full. Oh well that's what he deserves. I turned to look at David and the look on his face was a look that wanted to kill, I followed his gaze towards Greg.   "Don't, not here, you will start a war." I said, reaching out to him and trying to calm him, he turned, looked at me and his expression softened, just then the teacher walked into class.   "Alright class, settle down, Greg and Kelly sit down now." The teacher said and they both took their seats.   "Alright class, take out your books and turn to page 201." The teacher announced. The hour went by pretty fast and my last period was a free class, so I walked home slowly. When I finally got home, I was suddenly shoved down to the ground, I looked up and saw Shelly.   "What the hell was that for?" I snapped, Shelly smirked at me and then kicked me in the ribs.    "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from the new guy or I'll do more than break a few of your ribs." Shelly spat at me and walked off.   "Trisha don't worry, we will have our first shift soon and then we will have our mate." My wolf Julie said, I slowly got to my feet and started to walk upstairs.    "Julie I don't think anything will ever be ok. Tomorrow is my birthday and no one has even mentioned anything." I sighed, shaking my head. I put my stuff up and then went to cook steak and shrimp for dinner, everyone ate and I cleaned the kitchen up. I walked back to my room, took a shower, dried off and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I laid down in bed and started doing my homework and by the time I finally got done, it was 11:58pm and it was almost time for my birthday.   "Julia are you ready?" I asked, nervous and yet also excited for what was about to happen.   "Yeah are you? Just remember it's going to be painful on your first shift, just try to stay strong." Julie replied, trying to reassure me. I started to get too hot, so I opened a couple of windows to let the cool breeze come through. I laid on my bed and my eyes started to close, I was so tired. My ribs were ok now, but suddenly I felt pain, pain like no other, it felt like every bone in my body started to break. I was doing my best not to scream out, but my face was burning, then suddenly I felt someone else in my room. I tried to see who it was, but my vision was too blurry and all I heard was a voice.   "Tristan it's ok, I'm here for you and we will go through this together." The strange voice said, I felt like I had heard that voice before, but I was in too much pain to think about it. I tried to hide the scream that was forming in my throat, when my legs started to break and shift in different directions.   "Come on baby, you can do this." The voice said, soothing me, as my arms started to break and shift, then my back and my head. Every single bone in my face felt like it was on fire, I felt everything shifting, until finally everything stopped and I looked down. I saw my white paws and then I looked around for the person that helped me through my first shift. Julie was jumping for joy inside my head, it was our mate. It was David, but how did he get here? How did he get in my room?
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