Decorating the Christmas Tree

2745 Words

    After I got out of the shower and pulled on a pair of fleece pajamas, I went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner.  I wanted to keep it simple, so I grabbed a pound of ground beef and started browning it for a batch of sloppy joe.  To go with it, I cooked some baked beans and pulled a bag of regular potato chips out of the cabinet.     I hadn't told Zach about Jackson kissing me, and I was feeling really bad about it.  I didn't do anything wrong, and immediately pushed Jackson away, but I felt like I was keeping a secret.  I was in a daze staring at the frying ground beef, when I heard Zach ask, "Willow, you look like you've got something on your mind.  Is there anything you want to talk about?"     I glanced over at him, then deadpanned, "Actually, there is something I need t

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