Willow Meets Jackson

2876 Words
    I woke up to Skylar's cellphone pinging a bunch of times after she turned it back on.  I groaned and pulled the covers over my face, as she giggled and started checking her messages.  Before long she was all out laughing, making my bed shake underneath me.  Why?  I thought to myself.  When she stopped laughing, she continued to chuckle as she said, "Girl, Evan is seriously loosing his s**t right now.  From the looks of it, he hasn't been to sleep, so prepare yourself."         I groaned then said, 'I don't want to hear about him right now.  Let me go back to sleep damn it."     "Don't you have a shift this morning, too?" she asked.     I growled then angrily mumbled, "f*****g s**t.  Damn work."  I kicked my blankets off in frustration and angrily muttered, "I don't want to deal with f*****g people right now."     "Oh, cheer up, Willow.  At least it will take your mind off of other things for a little while," she said trying to change my mood around.     I scoffed, then stomped to my bathroom and slammed the door shut.  I heard her chuckling on the other side of the door and I sighed remembering how many times she has cheered me up with her infectious laughing.  I honestly wouldn't be the person I am today if we hadn't become the close friends that we are.  I hopped in the shower and washed my hair.  When I got out, I threw it into a messy bun on the top of my head.  I put on a light coat of silver eyeshadow and a little eye liner.  After applying a pink lip gloss, I walked to my closet with a towel wrapped around me.     Skylar was sitting at my sketching table and immediately whistled at me when I walked out of the bathroom.  I flashed her a smirk then rummaged through my clothes.  I settled on a purple sundress with silver polka dots and a pair of sandals.  If Evan did show up at the café, I didn't want him to know how much I was affected by all of this.       When I finished getting ready, Skylar was already done, so we went to our cars and I followed her to the café.  After we had been there for about hour, an unfamiliar guy walked up to me and said, "Hi, is Savannah busy?"  I looked at him suspiciously as I eyed him from head to toe.  He had neatly styled blonde hair and piercing baby blue eyes.  He had the most kissable full pouty lips.  He was wearing a nice dark blue button up shirt neatly tucked into a tight pair of black slacks.  Everything about this unfamiliar guy screamed s*x goddess, from the look in his eye, to the smirk that his lips curved up to form, to his sexy physique.     I put my hand on my hip after I had thoroughly looked him over, then asked, "Who wants to know?"     "I want to know," he deadpanned.  No s**t sherlock, I thought to myself as I flashed him an annoyed look.     "Who are you?" I asked as I crossed my arms in front of me.     "My name is Jackson, and you are?" he responded as he raised one of his eyebrows.     "Why are you looking for Savannah?" I asked instead of telling him who I am in.     He frowned for just a second, then smiled again as he arrogantly said, "I am supposed to start work today, now if you don't mind, I would prefer to not be late on my first day."     s**t, I thought to myself.  I pointed toward the coffee machine and said, "She should be over there."     Before I could walk away, he bent down and kissed my cheek.  Not even thinking about it, I slapped him across his cheek in return.     His eyes went wide as he rubbed his cheek, then said, "Damn girl, that was just my way of saying thanks for pointing Savannah out to me."     I rolled my eyes as I sassily said, "Well, around here, that is not how we tell each other thanks.  If my boyfriend had seen that, I would have never heard the end of it."  Before he had a chance to respond, I walked away from him and continued to serve customers.  The rest of the work day went by fairly quick and uneventful after that.       I had purposely left my cellphone at home, not wanting to be bothered by Evan all day.  It was time for my shift to end and I was surprised he hadn't popped in yet.  After I removed my apron and grabbed my keys, I headed to the door.  When I got to it, I saw Evan waiting outside leaning against his car.  I groaned then dejectedly walked back to the office and sat down at the desk.  I really didn't want to see him yet and I wasn't sure how to get home without having to.       I took a deep breath, then dropped my face into my hands as tears formed in my eyes.  Why couldn't he just realize that I needed space right now.  After about five minutes of silently crying into my hands, I felt a hand rub up and down my back.  It was soothing and I didn't even bother to pull my head out of my hands to see who it was.  After a few more minutes, the person kneeled beside me and pulled my hands away from my face.       I looked over through my tear filled eyes to be met by those piercing blue eyes of Jackson, the new worker.   Instantly butterflies erupted in my stomach.  I hadn't talked to him anymore since that first encounter and he was the last person I had expected to see right now.  Upon seeing the tears rolling down my cheeks he cupped the sides of my face and started brushing the tears away with his thumbs as he asked, "What has such a beautiful lady like you crying?"     "It's nothing, I just need a minute to myself," I mumbled not wanting to talk about this with somebody I don't even know.     "It's obviously not just nothing.  Does it by chance have anything to do with the guy waiting outside?" he asked.     "Yes, if you must know, that is my boyfriend, and I am not happy with him right now.  I just want to go home and not talk to him, but my car is parked out front," I begrudging explained.     He smiled at me as he said, "I would be happy to give you a ride home.  I can pull my car around back and have you home before he even realizes you are gone."     "How do I know you won't kidnap me or rape me or something?" I asked not entirely trusting him.     "I promise I would never do anything to harm you.  I am not that kind of guy," he responded as he brushed a few more tears away.     "Okay," I said as my lips curved up into a small smile, then I gave him a kiss on his cheek.     He flashed me a goofy grin as he asked, "What was that for?"     I shrugged as I said, "My way of saying thanks."  I stood up and grabbed my keys, then I walked over to Savannah and said, "Hey, I am going to leave my car here for now.  If I don't come back for it later today, then I will get it tomorrow.  If Evan comes in asking about me, just tell him I left with somebody."     "Okay, sweetie, have a good night," she said as she continued to make a latte for a customer.     Jackson had already walked out the front entrance, so I walked to the back door and waited for him.  I was pleasantly surprised when he pulled up in a silver mustang.  I stood there staring at his shiny car, while he rolled his window down and smiled at me as he said, "Hop in and let's gets out of here."     I walked around to the passenger side and quickly got in.  As soon as I buckled my seatbelt, he started driving as he asked, "Where am I taking you."       I guided him on when and which way to turn and he pulled into my driveway in no time.  I opened the door, then turned to look at his cute smiling face as I said, "Thank you for bringing me home.  I owe you a favor sometime."     "Don't worry about it. I didn't have anything else going on anyways, since I just moved here and I don't exactly know many people," he explained nonchalantly.     "Oh, would you like to come inside and hang out for a little bit?" I shyly asked, feeling kind of bad for him.     His smile widened as he responded, "I would like that very much."     "Come on," I said as I hopped out of his car.  He quickly followed me into my house.  I locked the door when we got inside, then offered him a seat on the couch.  "I am going to grab a soda.  Would you like one?" I asked.     "That would be great," he responded as I headed to the kitchen.  I grabbed two cans of soda as I thought to myself, I can't believe there is a s*x goddess sitting on my couch right now.  When I handed him the can, he politely said, "Thank you," as he popped the tab open.  He took a drink of it, then sighed as he smiled at me.       I sat on the other side of the couch and opened my own can then took a little sip before I set it down.  He immediately scooted to the middle seat so that he was closer to me.  He flashed me a smile as he said, "So tell me, what did this boyfriend do to make you so damn sad.  I hate to see a pretty girl cry."     I sighed then reluctantly said, "Well, after I waited for him to text me back for hours, Skylar and I went to mall.  While we were there I saw him with some girl hanging all over him."     He furrowed his eyebrows as he said, "Does he know you saw him?"     I chuckled then replied, "Yes, Skylar snapped a picture of them and messaged it to him.  He immediately started blowing my cellphone up, but I turned it off and haven't looked at it since."     He smiled as he asked, "Shouldn't you at least see what he has to say about it?"     I sighed as I thought about it, then admitted, "Yea, I probably should.  Can you wait here for just second?"     He shrugged as he nonchalantly replied, "Sure."     I ran up the stairs and grabbed my cellphone.  As I walked back down the stairs, I turned the phone back on.  Before I made it to the couch, it must have dinged nearly forty times in a row.  When I unlocked the screen, I had 13 voicemails, I am assuming all or most from Evan.  There was also 28 text messages.  Not bothering with the voicemails, I went straight to the texts and read a few of the most recent ones.. Evan:    Who is the guy you left with.  This isn't funny.  I didn't cheat on you.  call me now Evan:    Please Kitten I swear she is just my sister's friend and there is nothing going on between us Evan:    it's just a big misunderstanding, call me so I can explain     I quit reading them after that.  Even if it is just his sister's friend, it doesn't make it okay for him to ignore me all day like he did in the first place, which makes me question if he's even being honest about any of it.  I will give him a chance to explain his side, after I calm down, that way I can see his eyes.  I can usually tell if he is lying about something because he constantly looks everywhere but my face when he lies.     I set my phone down on the coffee table just as it pinged again.  Across the top of the screen read: Evan:    WTF Willow f**k this B.S.     I turned it back off and laid my head against the back of the couch as I closed my eyes and sighed.  As I sat there tapping my foot in frustration, I thought about how I am the one that should be mad, not Evan.  It's bullshit that he is sending me shitty texts when he was the one that blew me off.  Screw him.       My thoughts got interrupted when I felt a hand grab mine and squeeze it.  Instantly I jumped and my eyes popped open to see a smiling blue eyed Jackson.  "Are you okay?" he asked with sincerity.     I had forgot he was here and I giggled at my foolishness before I replied, "Yes, I just needed a second to get my thoughts collected."  Oh and instantly those damn butterflies were back.     "That last message didn't look very friendly," he stated looking concerned.     "He's just mad about me leaving the café with you and avoiding him," I stated nonchalantly as I shrugged my shoulders.  I wanted to end the conversation about Evan and not think about him for a while.     He chuckled then leaned back on the couch as he took a drink of his soda.  It was nice hanging out with him.  I felt completely comfortable and at ease.  More comfortable then I had ever felt when I was with Evan.  That thought struck me as odd but I didn't ponder on it for long because Jackson suddenly asked, "What do you like to do for fun?"     I giggled then asked, "Have you not heard what I do on Friday nights?"      He furrowed his eyebrows at me as he replied, "No, why don't you tell me?"     "I play my music for my fans every Friday night," as I stated proudly as I smiled from ear to ear.     His eyes widened a little as he replied, "Really, that is awesome, I can't wait to hear your music.  Do you write you own songs?"     "Of course I do.  Why else would I call it my music," I said cockily.     He chuckled then responded, "Okay, so you write and sing, do you play any instruments?"     What the hell is this?  Ask Willow fifty questions?  "Yes, I play several instruments.  Now it's my turn to ask you a question.  Where did you come from and why did you move here?"     He laughed then said, "Okay that is two questions, but I guess I will let it slide this time.  I was born in Kansas and I moved here because it is boring there and I have a brother that lives here.  He said I would like it better here so I saved up my money and moved here.  Have you always lived here?"     "I was born here and have never moved from this city, yet," I responded emphasizing the yet, that he quickly noticed.     "Why do you say yet?" he asked me with narrowed eyes.     "I want to live on the coast some day.  It is one of my goals to own a beach house or cottage somewhere in a secluded area," I responded with a big grin.  I hadn't even talked about this with Evan.  How is it that I can so easily talk to this gorgeous stranger about it, I wondered to myself.     "That sounds nice.  I could see myself living somewhere like that too, but for now I am content spending some time here with my brother," he admitted thoughtfully.     A second later his cellphone pinged.  He looked at it then said, "Well, it looks like my brother made some plans for me so I better get going.  Would you like for me to take you to your car?"     "No, it's okay.  My momma can take me tomorrow since she has the day off work," I responded as I stood up to walk him to the door.       When we got to it, he opened the door and took one step out, then turned around and said, "It's been a pleasure spending time with you."       "Thank you and likewise," I replied with a smile.  He gazed into my eyes for a moment, then ducked his head down and kissed my cheek before he spun on his heel and walked to his car.  I closed the door and relocked it, then went back to the couch.  What a strange couple of days, I thought to myself.  I don't know who this Jackson guy is, but there is something special about him and I was a little excited to get to know him better.          
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