Advice over Dinner

2043 Words
    Skylar didn't have to be at work until later in the afternoon, so we spent the morning working on the duet.  While she memorized the words I had written, I played with different tunes on my acoustic guitar.  When I found the right one, I started singing the lyrics along the tune to see if they sounded good together.  As soon as I sang the last word, Skylar squealed before she exclaimed, "It's perfect.  I love it."     I had already made a copy of the lyrics that I had highlighted her solo parts in yellow, and our duet parts in pink.  She scanned over the paper I had just given her and smiled even wider.  "Ready to do our first official run through?" she enthusiastically asked.     I smirked as I said, "You know it," then immediately started playing the new melody I had created.  We played through the song a few times and before long we were singing the song in perfect harmony.   After another hour of practicing the duet, Skylar had to head home and get ready for work.     After she left, I took a quick shower and washed the leftover gel out of my hair.  When I was done with my shower, I pulled my hair back into a French braid.  I rummaged through my clothes in the closet and settled on my black pencil skirt and a red tank top with a lacy trim across the top and along the straps.  I put on a lacy red bra and panty set, then pulled on the skirt and tank top.     For my make-up, I chose a shimmery white eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara.  After adding a little blush and a light pink lipstick, I looked through my shoes and chose a pair of black heels.       Right at six, Jackson pulled into the drive, and quickly made his way to my front door.  As he knocked on the door, I was already grabbing my purse.  As soon as I opened the door, he smirked as he said, "I could get used to seeing you dressed like that."     I looked him other noticing the tight black slacks hugging his hips and the tight gray dress shirt showing off his muscles before I replied, "You are looking damn good, too."     He chuckled as he pulled a bouquet out from behind his back.  It was beautifully crafted with a dozen red roses and baby's breath.  There was a red ribbon tied around the bouquet to keep the flowers together.  I gazed into his twinkling blue eyes as he handed me the flowers and said, "I hope you like roses."     As I smelled the roses, I smiled at him, then said, "They are beautiful, thank you.  Please come in."     He smiled as he grabbed my free hand, then I led him to the kitchen.  I had already threw out the old lilies, so I grabbed the empty vase and gently placed the roses in it.  After adding water, I set the vase in the middle of the dining table and smelled them again.  Smiling as I pulled my nose away from the flowers, I looked over at Jackson who was also smiling as we watched my reaction to the flowers he had given me.  I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, then asked, "Are you ready to get out of here?"     He turned his face and caught my lips with his for a second, before he responded, "I am ready whenever you are."     "Let's go," I said cheerily as I grabbed one of his hands.  We made our way to his car, where he opened the passenger door for me to get in.  Usually I just open the door myself, but I guess, since this was a date, he decided to do it for me.  It was a sweet gesture and I appreciated it.  When he got situated in the driver's seat, he turned to me as he said, "I hope you are hungry."     I smiled as I said, "I could go for some dinner."  I wasn't one of those girls who has a problem eating in front of guys.       He backed down the driveway as he said, "Good because I am taking you somewhere nice and I expect you to order whatever looks good."     "You will hear no objections from me when it comes to eating good food," I replied as I winked.     He chuckled before he responded, "That is one of the things I like most about you."     "What's that?" I questioned.     "The fact that you aren't afraid to just be yourself," he said as he flashed me a smile and winked.     I thought about what he had just said as I stared at the houses and trees passing by.  Lost in thought, I didn't even realize Jackson had parked the car until he cleared his throat and asked, "Are you ready to go in?"     I cleared the thoughts out of my head and I unbuckled my seatbelt.  Jackson hopped out of the driver's seat and walked to my side.  He opened my door and helped me out of the car.  Keeping ahold of my hand, we walked into a steak house.  My senses were immediately overwhelmed with the smell of meat being cooked on a grill.  The sizzling sounds could be heard from the kitchen as the cooks added more meat to the grill.  Instantly my mouth started watering in response to the delicious aromas.     Jackson informed the hostess of our reservation and she quickly led us to our table and gave us our menus.  They offered all the usual items you find on the menu of other steak houses and I was excited to try the food here.  This was my first time eating at this particular restaurant but the options all looked delicious.  While we were looking over our menus, our waitress came over and got our drink orders.  By the time she returned, we had decided what we wanted.  We gave her our order and she left us alone while we waited for our food.     As soon as she walked away, Jackson reached across the table and took my hands into his as he said, "I am glad you came out with me tonight.  I have to admit, I didn't think you would say yes."     I stared into his eyes as I replied, "Truth be told, I really like you, Jackson, and not because you look like a s*x God, but because you seem to be a genuinely nice guy."     He chuckled as he asked, "You think I look like a s*x God."     I blushed as I giggled and said, "Don't act like you don't know how sexy you are."     This time he laughed as he said, "Thank you for the compliment."     "Anytime, s*x God," I replied as I smiled and winked.     He smiled back as he said, "I really like you, too."     A little bit later our food arrived and it looked amazing.  We both ordered steak with a loaded baked potato.  For the other side, I got a salad and he got mac-n-cheese.  We ate every last bite as we chatted about the upcoming gig where I would meet the people who could drastically change the course of my life.  He told me what they were like and what expect.  He also gave me some tips on how to negotiate with them if they offer me a contract or anything.  I was appreciative of the advice he gave me and even more excited to meet them.     After we finished eating, he took me to an aquarium.  It was really cool walking around and looking at all of the different creatures that live in and near water.  There were sharks, dolphins, all kinds of fish, some snakes, frogs, and turtles.  I had been to aquariums in zoos, but nothing like this one.       I made sure to get a few pictures of the coolest fish to show Skylar.  I would have to bring her here sometime.  She has always loved fish.  She has had a salt water aquarium in her bedroom as long as I have known her.     We spent a few hours at the aquarium and when we left there, he drove us back to my house.  When we got there, I turned to him and asked, "Would you like to sit on the porch swing with me before you leave?"     He beamed a smile at me before he replied, "I would love to."     We got out of his car and walked to the porch swing.  As soon as we sat down, he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him.  I cuddled into him as he trailed his fingers up and down my arm.  Staring at the starry sky, he quietly said, "This is nice."     "I agree," I said as I continued to snuggle against his warm body.  It had cooled off a little after the sun went down and I was enjoying the warmth he was giving me.     A few minutes later, he timidly asked, "Would you prefer to only date or would you consider being my girlfriend?"     I thought about it for a second, then grabbed his hand as I said, "If anybody else asked me that question right now, it would definitely be a hell no.  However, there is something about you that makes me want you to be around all of time.  I find myself thinking about you a lot when I am not with you.  What would you like?"     "I would be overjoyed to call you my girlfriend and maybe more than that in the future," he admitted as he stared me straight in the eyes.     I smiled as I responded, "You can call me your girlfriend."  As soon as the words left my mouth, he smashed his lips to mine for a sweet, lingering kiss.     When he pulled away, he smiled as he said, "You have just made me so happy."     "As you have made me," I admitted sheepishly.     He chuckled, then replied, "I really should head home.  We both have to work in the morning.  I could pick you up if you want."     "I would like that," I said as we stood up.     We walked over to the front door, where his kissed me again before he said, "Text me when you wake up tomorrow."     "Okay, have a good night, s*x God," I cheerfully said as I winked at him.     He chuckled as he responded, "Good night, cutie."     I walked into the house and locked the door before I headed to my room.  When I got there, I quickly changed into some comfy fleece pajamas.  I was chilly on the porch even with my sweater, so the pajamas were especially nice.       I was still wide awake, so I grabbed my book of songs and debated what other songs I wanted to include in my next gig.  Since there were going to be special people in the audience, I decided to make it a set of eight songs.  I chose four country songs that also included the duet, three rock songs, and the ukulele song that I play at every show.     When I was finished, I went to my bathroom and washed the make-up off of my face.  I left the braid in my hair, but made sure to brush my teeth before I left the bathroom.     When I returned to my room, I set an alarm on my cellphone, then put it on the nightstand.  I crawled under my covers and got myself comfy.  As I laid there trying to fall asleep, I kept thinking about the advice Jackson had given me over dinner.  I wasn't sure that they would even want to offer me a contract, but Jackson seemed pretty confident that they would.  I was nervous and excited about it at the same time.  After a while of tossing and turning, I finally felt myself drift off to sleep.     
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