Catching up with Skylar

2841 Words
    My mom was especially quiet at dinner. She kept a scowl on her face as stared at her food like it was the enemy.  It might honestly be the maddest I had ever seen her.  I knew she would be upset, but I didn't expect her to be furious.  Feeling the tension and angry vibe coming from her, Jackson and I both ate quietly as well.  When she was done eating she set her plate in the sink and stomped back up to her room.  I imagined that if I ever have kids, that is what they will sound like when they angrily stomp to their room.     I giggled at the thought making Jackson throw me a questioning look, which just made me laugh more.  He looked so cute with one eyebrow raised and his lips pursed.  After a second he asked, "What is so funny right now?"     "Oh nothing, just the silly thoughts that run through my head sometimes," I said as I giggled some more.     "Care to enlighten me?" he replied curiously.     "No, not at all, but maybe I will let you get to know my secret thoughts one day if I grow to like you enough," I jokingly said.     "I see how it is," he playfully said back as he winked.     I shrugged then nonchalantly replied, "Sorry, but I gotta get to know you better first."     "Okay, fair enough, but the getting to know me better is going to have to wait until another day.  Unfortunately I need to be getting home," he said as he smiled at me.     "That's cool.  Thanks for hanging out with me today," I said as I returned the smile.     He stood up and walked over to me, then gave me a quick hug as he said, "You're welcome.  Call me anytime."     "Um, I don't have your number," I timidly said.     "Oh don't worry about that.  Savannah gave me your number in case I needed it.  I will text you so that you can save my number in your phone," he replied as we walked toward the door.     When we got there, he turned around and kissed my cheek before he said, "bye," and left.     I locked the door and went back to the kitchen to clean up the mess from the dinner.  When I was done, I went to my mom's room and knocked on the door.  After a second, she said, "Come in, honey."  I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.  She was sitting with her back propped against the headboard looking at something on her cellphone.  She looked up and gave me the first smile I had seen on her face since she saw my red cheek earlier.  "Did you need something?" she asked.     I studied her eyes for a second before I responded, "I just wanted to make sure that you know that I am okay.  It was just one slap and I ended things with Evan over it."     "Good, you deserve better than that," she deadpanned, then gave me a hug as she said, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that."     "Oh momma, I promise you, I am fine and I'm not going to dwell on this.  I have better, more important things to put my focus on.  In fact, I made good progress on my dress last night," I excitedly said.     "I was wondering what you were working on to keep you from eating dinner with me," she said as she winked.     "That's what I was doing and you should see it.  I have a lot left to do, but I like how it is starting out," I said as I smiled from ear to ear.     She gently nudged me to move as she said, "I wanna see it."     We walked to my room and I held up the base that I had completed for her to see.  She looked it over then lovingly said, "I love it already."     I smiled at her response as it put it back on it's hanger, then hung it in my closet for safe keeping until I was ready to work on it more.  While I was in there, I grabbed a pair of pajamas and carried them out with me.  After I set them on my bed, I walked back to my mom and gave her a hug as I said, "I love you, momma.  I need to get to bed, since I have an early shift tomorrow."     She hugged me back then said, "Okay sweetie, good night."     "Good night," I replied as she left my room.  I quickly changed my clothes then laid down.  Even though I mostly sat around today, I was feeling extremely tired and quickly fell asleep.     When I woke up the next morning, I had a decent sized bruise on my cheek and it was a little swollen.  Luckily momma had already left for work so she wouldn't see it and get mad right away.  I tried to put some foundation on to cover the bruise, but it was too tender to the touch.  Giving up on the make-up, I went to my closet and picked out a light blue sundress to wear.  After I changed into the dress, I threw on a pair of white flip flops and grabbed my purse.       On my way to the front door, I spotted my cellphone on the coffee table where I had left it yesterday.  I grabbed it and headed to my car, locking the front door on the way.  I quickly got in my car while keeping an eye out for Evan, so that he couldn't sneak up on me like he did yesterday.       I made the short drive to the café and as soon as I walked in the door Skylar ran over to me, then asked, "Why haven't you returned any of my calls or..." she stopped  when she spotted the bruise on my cheek and instantly narrowed her eyes, then changed her question to, "How in the hell did you get that bruise on your face."     I shrugged as I nonchalantly said, "Evan slapped me and then I broke up with him."     "Oh I am going to junk punch that mother fucker," she snarled.     "Get in line, babe, I'm pretty sure my mom has claimed the first spot," I said as I giggled, making her giggle with me.       The rest of the work day went by fast since we had a steady stream of customers.  Jackson had today off so that was kind of a bummer, but it was nice to spend some time with Skylar and Savannah.  Of course, there was a lot of jokes made at Evan's expense, but he deserves it.       Before Skylar left at the end of her shift, she made sure to let me know that she would be stopping by my house later and insisted that I text her when I get home.  I was excited to hang out with her and show her the progress I had made on my dress.  Plus I need to practice the songs I had picked for my gig tomorrow.  I finished the last hour of my shift then headed home.     As soon as I got there, I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of black leggings and a black tank top, before I  pulled my cellphone out of my purse for the first time since I left for work.  Right away I noticed a bunch of messages from Evan, the ones that Skylar had left, and a random number.  I opened up the random number first and realized it was Jackson giving me his number.  There was also another message from him that read: Jackson:    Hey, I hope your cheek is feeling better today.  Let me know if you want to hang out later.     I smiled as I read the message and sent him a text back. Willow:    I will be hanging out with Skylar at my house this evening, but you are welcome to stop by if you want     Almost immediately he texted back: Jackson:    I just might have to do that :) Willow:    If you don't make it by tonight, I will see you at my gig tomorrow Jackson:    LOL I will see you in a little bit Willow:    Okay see you later     I pulled up Skylar's message tab and quickly texted her: Willow:    Hey I'm home, you can come over anytime Skylar:    Sweet see ya soon     I took my phone downstairs with me while I waited for Skylar.  As soon as she got here, I led her to my room right away and showed her the progress on my dress.  Her eyes lit up as she said, "That is going to be beautiful when it's finished."     I smiled at her as I hung the dress back up and grabbed my acoustic guitar.  "I appreciate you saying that.  Now, let's head out to the porch so I can practice my songs for tomorrow."     "Sounds good to me," she said as she followed me out of my room.     When we got outside, we both plopped down on the porch and got ourselves comfortable.  I played through the first song and Skylar clapped when I was finished.  She has also been my biggest supporter when it comes to my music.  Don't get me wrong, my momma is also a big supporter of my music, but Skylar is the one who pushed me to keep writing and creating my own songs.       I scooted closer to her, then gave her a hug as a few tears formed in my eyes.  She hugged me back as she asked, "What's with the tears?"     "Skylar, I love you and I appreciate all of the support you have given me.  I wouldn't have made it this far, if you hadn't believed in me and pushed me to keep working on my music," I admitted sheepishly.     She giggled as she responded, "I love you, too.  Now keep practicing."     I giggled in return as I said, "See this is what I'm talking about.  Always pushing me to keep working on it."     She flashed me a warm smile, then replied, "That's my job as your best friend and your agent."       I chuckled after she winked at me and started playing the next song.  I also played through the rest of the songs that I had chosen for the gig.  When I finished, Skylar cheerfully exclaimed, "The crowd is going to love that set of songs."     I smiled as I said, "I hope so."     "No need to hope, I know they will," she excitedly replied as she hugged me.  We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes after that until she asked, "Hey what do you think about the new guy at work?"     "Who? Jackson?" I asked curiously.     "Well, duh, he's the only new guy, right?" she playfully responded.     "I think he's really sweet.  Why do you ask?" I replied nonchalantly.     She smiled before she said, "He was asking about you yesterday morning, before Savannah sent him home for the day."     I couldn't stop the blush that rose to my cheeks.  I knew Savannah hadn't sent him home yesterday because she sent him to my house to check on me.  She must not have wanted to be one to tell Skylar about Evan slapping me, which would explain why she was surprised when she saw the bruise on my cheek this morning.  After a few seconds, she jokingly said, "Oh I know that look.  What are you not telling me?"     "Truth be told, Savannah didn't send him home yesterday, she sent him to my house when I told her what Evan did," I quickly explained.      "What? And you didn't tell me?" she exclaimed as she stared at me wide eyed.     "Sorry it's been a weird couple of days, but that's why I am telling you now.  Also he gave me a ride home from work the day before, because Evan was waiting for me outside of the café and I didn't want to talk to him," I explained.     "Seriously, I can't believe I am just now hearing about all of this," she complained.     "Don't be bummed, be happy that he was able to help me through this s**t with Evan," I said trying to make her smile again, which worked because she quickly turned her frown into a smile.     "Are you two a thing now?" she excitedly asked.     "No, just friends getting to know each other, but I do like him.  Every time he is around, I get the worst butterflies.  He's been super sweet and he is so damn sexy," I said as the blush on my cheeks got even darker.     "Ah, that's so cute. You're blushing like a school girl with a crush," she said playfully.     "I can't help it, the guy looks like a s*x God," I exclaimed.     "I can't disagree with you on that one, but what are you going to do now?" she asked.     "Nothing for now.  I am going to hang out with him and get to know him a little better and then we will see where things go," I replied nonchalantly.     "Okay, fair enough, now let's do another run through of the songs," she said cheerfully.       I chuckled as I said, "See, this is why I chose you to be my agent."     I heard her chuckle in return as I started playing the set of songs again.  About halfway through the set, Jackson pulled up in his mustang, and I stopped playing my guitar and smiled.  Skylar looked over at the car then asked, "Who's sexy ride is that?"     I giggled then replied, "That is Jackson's car."     She squealed then excitedly said, "Damn girl, I don't know where this guy came from, but that car is bad ass."     We sat there and watched him gracefully hop out of the driver's seat.  As soon as his eyes locked with mine, he grinned from ear to ear as he walked toward us.  When he got in front of me, he kneeled down and gently grabbed my chin and tilted my face to the side as he looked at my cheek.  When he spotted the bruise, he narrowed his eyes then gently placed a kiss above the bruise on my cheek.  He gazed into my eyes as he finally said, "Hello cutie."     There was no stopping the smile that spread across my face and I shyly said, "Hello."     He looked over at Skylar, then said, "Hi, Skylar right?"     She flashed him a smile as she replied, "Yes and your name is Jackson?"     "The one and only," he said as he winked then looked back at me and cheekily said, "Will you play me a song."     I winked at him then immediately started playing the fourth song of my set and didn't stop playing until I had finished the set.  By then, Jackson had sat down on the porch floor in front of me.  He gave me a genuine smile as he said, "I can't wait to see you on the stage tomorrow night."     Skylar leaned over to me and whispered, "Girl, I think he has just as big of a crush on you."     I flashed her a smile, then looked at Jackson as I said, "You will enjoy the show, I am sure."     After we chatted on the porch for about an hour, Skylar had to head home.  She had promised to have dinner with her parents and she didn't want to let them down.       Jackson wasted no time plopping down on the porch swing beside me.  After I turned my face toward him, he smiled at me sweetly as he tucked a loose curl behind me ear.  He gazed into my eyes for a second before he said, "Even with that bruise on your cheek, you face is just as beautiful as your voice."     I smiled in return as I said, "You're too sweet."  We both chuckled then chatted for a while longer before his brother texted, asking him if he could help one of their buddies move his stuff to a new apartment.       Before he left, he gave me kiss on my cheek, then said, "Goodbye cutie, I will see you tomorrow."  After he pulled out of the driveway, I went back to my bedroom and pulled out my notebook.  I started writing down lyrics for a song that I had been thinking about earlier.  I planned for this song to be a duet that I wanted to sing with Skylar in the near future.               
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