Visit to the Doctor

3942 Words

    We spent the rest of the day hanging out in my momma's living room, watching music videos, playing board games, and cracking jokes.  Dexter was a well of good jokes, always making the people around him laugh.  It was one of many things that I admired about him.       We had formed a close friendship over the past few months, and I looked up to him, kind of like a brother.  I'm pretty sure he felt the same way about me, because as soon as Zach and I went back downstairs, he glared at Zach as he asked, "Did you apologize?"     "Of course, I did," Zach instantly replied.  After that, they were back to being buddies again.       Once it got later in the evening, Skylar and her group went back to her house.  Zach and I stayed up until the early morning hours, hanging out with my momma an

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