Zach Sleeps Over

4069 Words

    I woke up in the middle of the night to Snowball meowing.  I climbed out of bed, and slowly made my way to the bathroom and flipped on the light switch.  Right away, snowball ran to my feet and meowed at me.  I picked her up, and set her in the litter box.  Right away, she took care of her business, then attempted to climb out of the litter box.       I was half asleep leaning against the door frame, when I heard a thud, as she landed on the floor.  Instantly, my eyes snapped open and looked down at Snowball who was staring up at me looking very confused.  I giggled as I reached down and picked her up.  Instead of turning the bathroom light off, I closed the door to where there was just a sliver of light coming through.  Until I get a bedside lamp, this would probably be best, to avoi

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