Dress Shopping

3923 Words

    When we got to the Celica, Zach put the top down right away.  It was a beautiful, sunny day, so I had no complaints about riding with the top down.  He drove for about ten minutes before he pulled into a parking lot with a strip mall.  We walked through the various stores, saving the dress shop for last.       While we were in one of the souvenir shops, Zach bought be a beautiful necklace with matching earrings.  The necklace had pretty light blue stones that formed a 'W' over my chest, and the earrings dangled with the same light blue stones that hung in three different lengths.  They were made from silver and were absolutely beautiful.  After Zach paid for them, he beamed a smile as he cheerfully said, "Now you have something new and something blue."     "They are beautiful.  Thank

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