Chapter 2

1779 Words
Trigger warning The next day Hank kept eyeing me hungrily making my spine shiver and I became nauseous. Anytime he came close I would jump and flinch. Having Hank so close by kept me in a state of anxiety. The abuse was almost too much today, It seemed like every chance Beth had she would hit me, and push me, nothing I did was making her happy. I was bruised and bleeding all over. Beth even invited Hank to dish out my punishments for not being adequate in my chores. “Hank! Your little girlfriend is being lazy, teach her a lesson!” Beth spat. She took a few steps back and stood while Hank stepped so close to me I could feel his breath on my face. Before I knew it my face whipped to one side. My cheek burned and my eyes instantly burned. Then he slapped me again and again until my lips split. Grabbing my face he leaned down and licked the blood from my lips, I shoved him, he was disgusting. I became enraged and I spit at him. I hated him so much, hated him and his evil mother. Hank slowly wiped his nose and mouth of my spittle, his black eyes slowly rows to mine and I instantly regretted my actions. Hank turned vicious and started kicking and punching me until I couldn’t breathe and could hear my ribs cracking. “Don’t forget who you belong to slut!” Bellowed Hank. “To the basement with ya!” Snarled Beth. “Please no! I’m sorry! I won’t do that again! Please!!” I pleaded. Hank tossed me down the stairs and I felt every single step on the way down. I lay sprawled on the dirt floor unable to suck in a breath. The two just mocked and laughed at my pain. Beth then dragged me to a small cage and shoved me inside. Everything went dark after that. I spent the night in the basement locked in a small cage that only had room to lay down in a small ball. It was freezing and my hands and feet were blue and numb. As I lay there in the dark I could hear the voices of Beth and Hank through the floor boards, they were eating dinner. “Mother, when Claire turns 18 she will stay here. She is mine.” Hank said with entitlement. I felt nauseous and tears ran down my face, I could practically see the evil gleam in his eyes and his sardonic smile. I couldn’t help let out a sob of despair. Thinking I would never leave this place alive. Death would be my only way out of here. I felt completely hopeless and helpless. “Then you will, you can have whatever you want Hank my dear.” Cooed his mother. “I know how much you enjoy toying with her and I wouldn’t take that from you. Then she will stay even after she is of age. For as long as you want.” Beth continued. I ended up staying in the cage for 5 days, enduring Hank and Beth’s prodding through the cage, them throwing cold water on me to keep me awake. When they finally brought me out I was starving and dehydrated and mentally drained, I couldn’t stand. I was dragged and shoved into my bedroom, and given a slice of stale bread and a cup of water. I ate the bread and drank the water then fell asleep for who knows how long. When I awoke I felt as if every body part was broken. I was completely unable to move. I was only able to look around my space. There wasn’t anything in my room but an old mattress and an extra dress that lay on the old floor when the other was too dirty. And old water bucket for when I needed to Wash myself. I had no windows save one that was so small I could barely see anything out of it. I must have dowsed off when Hank stormed in, slamming the door into the wall with the loud bang. I was jump startled awake. Hank slowing walked towards me undoing his pants. “Happy birthday Claire.” Hank sounded excited knowing what he was about to do. I tried to back up knowing I can’t fight him off but I was in to much pain. Hank got down in front of me and smirked. I put my hands up already tears were steaming down my face. “Please, I beg you! Don’t!” I got out between sobs. Hank grabbed me by my neck and pushed my body further into the mattress and effectively cutting off my air. I barely breathe, I tried to pull his hands away but it was useless. Hank tore off my clothes, they were mostly rags at this point, leaving me completely bare to him. I tried with everything I had to keep my legs closed and tried to push and hit him. Hank back handed me so hard I was pretty sure my nose broke. Blinded by pain Hank freed his large erection, I stoped fighting knowing I couldn’t stop him. He loosened his grip on my neck slightly and I sucked in a breath. “You be a good girl, Claire, your body belongs to me.” He lined himself up and slammed into me. I screamed so loud my throat was sore, searing pain radiating from my whole body. I was sure I was shattering. Hank was relentless, he pounded into me so hard, rough and so fast. I was unable to make any sound. “You are mine forever Claire! This p***y is mine!” Hank shouted angrily as he took me. The assault seemed to last forever when Hank finally reached his climax he pulled out and came on my stomach. He used the torn clothes to wipe it away then roughly flipped me around took me again. I felt like I was dying over and over again. I disassociated myself and just let him finish. Hank stopped realizing I wasn’t crying anymore. “oh no, we can’t have that.” Hank sneered, and took me even harder, I chocked out a gasp one tear slide down my face and that made Hank excited enough to finish again on my back, Hank was a true saddest. “We don’t want a baby now do we?” Hank leaned in close. “I will f**k you when I want from here on out.” He said then grabbed my face harshly and kissed me roughly, shoving his tongue into my mouth. When Hank got up I could see the blood on his c**k it was as if it was mocking me. When he finally left I vomited on the floor. After that I ended up passing out. When I awoke I crawled to the wash bucket and started to clean myself. It hurt everywhere, I was covered in blood, the bed was covered in blood. My face throbbed, my body was truly broken in every way. There was no point in crying anymore, the worst happened already. I felt lost, like a shell of a person. There has to be a better life out there for me, I can’t take this life anymore. I looked up to the Gods and prayed. “Please hear me, I beg you. Get me out of the world. Rid me of these two monsters. I hung my head in despair. Suddenly, I heard the towns bells. That meant only one thing. “Werewolf attack!” I whispered in fear. Almost immediately I heard the snarling and the townsfolk screaming. Noticing how silent the house was I realized that Beth and Hank weren’t home. I slowly dragged my broken body downstairs so that I could glance out the window. I could see dirt covered streets, wagons, horses running in all directions. In the distance I could see people being torn apart, and some people being dragged off. I kept my head down, and tried to slow down my breathing not wanting to be spotted. Then a familiar figure was running for the house. It was Beth running with two wolves hot on her heals. Before I could think better of it I ran to the door and locked it. I stammered backwards hearing the frantic door jiggling of the handle, I knew what I was doing and I contemplated letting her in when a gargled scream coming from the other side of the door. I backed away as blood started to seep through the bottom of the door. “No!!!” Claire heard Hank scream in anger from outside not far away. I hugged myself and slid down the wall with my hands over my ears. There was a big commotion, I huddled in a corner waiting for it to stop. When I heard nothing I slowly peaked outside from a small window. Not seeing anything or anyone besides the mangled body of Beth. It was deathly quiet and fog started to roll in making it seeing difficult. Any movement I made sounded so loud and I wasn’t sure what to do. This would be the time to leave, I should probably run in case Hank comes back. I didn’t know what happened to him, he was just gone. But run where? Hide in the woods? The valley was large but still closed in. It was now or never, I couldn’t stay here. I silently crept for the door. Peaking out I saw nothing, heard nothing but my own movements. It was so unsettling how silent it was. I started walking towards the woods hoping to find a peaceful place to live out my life away from all the pain. As I walked the earth started to shake beneath my feet, I turned to see 3 large wolves chasing me. Before I could run a wolf cut me off, I let out a terrified scream and turned to be face to face with the other two. I watched as one turned into a naked man right before my eyes! “Aren’t you a pretty one, even all bruised up.” The man leered “The vampires will happy with you, and our pack will love sharing you until then. “That body looks ravishing” Another wolf turned human and grabbed me. I began to panic trying to fight back but I had no strength and they were so strong. I started to hyperventilate when my mouth was covered with a cloth and I began to feel hazy and passed out.
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