Chapter 8 Donation

1352 Words
"That's very impressive." "f**k the pain away? Haha!" "Great, man." "I cracked up." "Mia, don't worry, I promise I won't laugh." "Come on, it’s not Mia’s style." "Ho-ho. I like it." "New arrivals, our anchor is singing f**k the pain away!” Mia was amused by the continuous chats and excited at the increasing number of viewers and subscriptions, though the song the viewer requested muddled her wits. But now that she had promised to sing for those who cheered for her, she had to sing the funny song. Mia cleared her throat before she started to sing. She still sang very well, but the viewers were all teasing her. "Cool, Mia’s always the best." "Mia’s voices typified different feelings when she sang such a song as her own rendition." "I’m new here. I’m your fan now." "Sexy voice. I subscribed." "For the sake of this song, I subscribed." “Love you! Love you!” Ryan laughed out loud. It was interesting to listen to a gentle girl sing such a funny song. Thinking of the spending money task, he bought 500,000 bits directly and donated all the bits to Mia. “Cheer 500000 Nice work girl!” This message shocked all the viewers. Many rich people were coming to the platform for fun, but it was very rare to see someone spend a lot of money for a lesser-known anchor. After his donation, the popularity of the chat room increased sharply. Many new viewers came to gawp at the spender and wondered who was the anchor who got ten thousand dollars bits from one viewer. "f**k it, either you were crazy or it’s a typo." "We don't understand the world of rich people." "I earned less than 10000 dollars a year. I need donation too!" "Mia, you made a fortune! You won't have to sell your handmade snacks anymore." "Marry him, Mia!" Gaped with joy and surprise, Mia called her young sister to check the donation. After she was finally confirmed that it was true, she hugged her little sister with emotion. The tuition could finally be paid off. "Thank you so much, Mr. Melton! " Mia expressed her gratitude, bowing to the camera together with her sister. The viewers got excited too. "I’ve never seen this kind of scene in a live room." "You f*****g moved me." "What a polite anchor." Ryan smiled at Mia’s excitement and gratitude. "Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished." Mia remembered this sentence firmly and insisted on doing so in the days to come. "I will try my best." Mia blushed and said firmly. Then she checked the time and said to her viewers, "Okay, that'll do for today. I'm going to work with my dad. See you all tomorrow." With that, she quit the live room, leaving a group of new viewers dumbed, wondering what happened. "Did I miss any exciting show?" "Why did the anchorwoman leave? Has she been blocked?" Ryan shook his head with a soft chuckle and left the live room. After a short break, he decided to review his lesson. After all, he was about to take the exam in one month. During the revising, Ryan found that he seemed to have a powerful think piece now. His mind was agile and many questions that were hard for him before could be easily solved. His memory was better. When Ryan forgot himself in books and knowledge, the sudden ringing of his mobile phone interrupted his thought. He put down his book and picked up the phone, surprised to find that it was Rosa calling. “Hi,” he answered the phone. "What’s it, Rosa?" "Why? Can't I just call you?" A low and musical female voice said playfully, sounding pleasing to Ryan’s ear. "Yes, hey, I mean, I'm happy to get a call from you." Ryan touched his nose and smiled awkwardly. He really didn't expect that Rosa would contact him. "Are you available tonight? Our department has a performance in the school hall at seven. I would like to invite you to come to watch a play." Rosa said, a bit nervous. She never asked a member of the opposite s*x out on her own. Ryan considered for a second. He seldom partook in the activities of the school. Since it was Rosa who invited him, he shouldn’t disappoint her. Besides, he didn’t have any plan tonight. "Sure, I won’t miss your performance." Then he teased, "Thanks for your special invitation, Rosa. I dare say it’s your first time asking someone out." "I... I didn’t invite you alone,” Rosa stammered, “the other three in your dormitory have also been invited." But it was Gloria who called them. "It’s also the first time for me to receive an invitation from a girl," Ryan said softly, making Rosa blush. He was happy that Rosa took him as a friend. "I’ll see you later. Bye." "Okay. Bye." After the call, Ryan continued to review his lessons. He didn’t look up from his books until six o'clock in the evening when he felt empty. After washing up, he changed his clothes and went out for dinner. His roommates hadn’t returned since they went out in the morning, so Ryan had no choice but to walk to the auditorium alone. When he arrived, hundreds of students were squeezed up against each other at the entrance. The play was homework for the Acting department assigned by their teachers, so everyone could come free of charge. Students liked every kind of activity, especially when the activity was involved with their school babe. There would surely be fun tonight. Ryan was looking around for an empty seat when he found Perry waving at him and shouting, "Ryan, here!" Ryan squeezed his way through the crowd and sat down with his roommates. "You guys came so early." "Yeah, Gloria asked us to come early to occupy the best places." Perry leaned back in his chair, whistling at Gloria who was in the seat of the Acting Department. "You didn't even call me." Ryan patted Perry’s shoulder, pretending to be angry. "We didn't call you, because we know someone had called you." Perry winked at Ryan with a wicked grin. Ryan rolled his eyes, knowing he’d better stop here. At that moment, the stage was lit by several spotlights. The presenter was already on the stage in a white dress. He was a senior in the Broadcasting Department, handsome and humorous, and was experienced in running a variety of shows and events. He waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he began with a smile. "Hi, everyone. Welcome! Let's talk about the theme of tonight first." "Our theme tonight is about love. Tell me loudly, do you like the love story in Romeo and Juliet? Do you want to find the one for you?" After speaking, he pointed the microphone at the audience. "Yes!" The students in the audience shouted almost wildly. "Very good. We’re all touched by the sentimental love of storybook heroines. And I do, as most of you do, want to find the love of my life.” The presenter said with a smile. "I know some of you come here with your girlfriends or boyfriends. Now, young lovers, raise your hands!” As soon as the presenter said this, the crowd began to hoot. Two couples who sat in the first row raised their hands bravely first, followed by some bashful boys and girls in the backseats. Then, more and more students waved their hands to the stage in the friendly laugher from others. Seeing this scene, Ryan placed his hand flat across his face. Come on, showing affection in public is pretty inconsiderate! He couldn't help shouting in his heart. Think about the single people!
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