Chapter 16 A fight in the Taekwondo club

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Ryan came to the exam room early the next morning. With the power of the intelligent potion, he was confident after a whole day of review yesterday. All students entered the exam room at nine. Two hours of exam time was obviously too long for Ryan, who had been enlightened and already reviewed well. He spent less than sixty minutes finishing the whole test paper. After going over his papers carefully, he handed them in and left the exam room coolly. In the afternoon, he called Rosa and wanted to ask her out to have fun, but it seemed that she was occupied today. "I have something and I have to go home today," said her hurriedly before she hung up. Ryan looked depressed. He wanted to call back and ask if she needed his help when his phone rang. "Ryan, Perry is in trouble! He started fighting with someone in the Taekwondo Club." Victor’s anxious voice cried on the phone. "I'll be right there!" Ryan hung up the phone and hurried to the Taekwondo club. At the same time, the Taekwondo club was crowded with spectators. "Huh, that’s your real stuff? I overestimated your ability." A strong man in the Taekwondo clothes looked contemptuously at a young man who was lying on the ground. Then the strong man raised his hands at the crowd and whistled at the girl who wanted to come up to help the young man but was stopped by someone. He even kicked the young man on the ground in his stomach again, as if he enjoyed the feeling very much. The young man on the ground pulled into a tight ball in pain, holding his stomach, unable to resist. "It's your honor to give your girlfriend to me. Will you mind now?" After that, he kicked the man on the ground again. “Please, stop! Stop that!” The girl begged in tears. But he turned a deaf ear, giving the young man another kick. The man who stood with a look of triumph on the ring was Adair, the vice president of the Taekwondo club. The person who was beaten was Perry, and the crying girl was Perry’s girlfriend, Gloria. After the two finished their exams, they decided to go for a walk on the campus, because they would be taking a long vacation soon, and they couldn’t see each other for a long time. But they didn't expect to meet Adair on the road. Adair was a well-known school bully. He was taller and stronger than others, and he threw his weights around. When he saw that Gloria was beautiful and had a certain elegance, an evil idea came to him and he stopped Gloria. Perry, of course, couldn't bear it when someone molested his girlfriend. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight with Adair. It was just that Adair was more insidious, knowing that he would be punished if he fought on campus, so he provoked Perry to the Taekwondo club. Perry used to have some training in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) club. But he didn’t have the commitment to train hard, and for him, learning martial arts was just one way to attract the attention of girls, so he didn’t learn anything in real fighting. He had learned only showy and not practical skills. He might still have the chance to exchange blows with an ordinary person, but he had little protection against those martial artists. “Give over! Even if he really offended you, it should be paid off now." cried Charles Richardson, the president of the MMA club, who came after learning of the fight. Though he blamed Perry for not learning martial arts well and being bullied, he couldn’t see others beat the member of his club. "Oh...Isn't this the president of the MMA club? Why, you want to intermeddle?" Adair said contemptuously. He had always looked down upon MMA. "He is the member of my club," Charles said quietly. In his words, no one but himself in this school could lay fists on his club members. The Taekwondo club had always been at odds with the MMA club. In Adair’s view, mixed martial arts were only impractical, and none of those in the MMA club could fight, so he didn't put Charles in his eyes at all. "Oh... So you guys in MMA club are all such trashes?" Adair mocked without scruples and didn't give Charles a face at all. As soon as this statement came out, not only Charles and the members from the MMA club were angry, some students who did not join the MMA club but had been interested in MMA were also annoyed. "You..." Charles pointed a finger at Adair, unable to say a word. Now he was full of thoughts of beating the crap out of him. "Why? Are you pissed off? Then come up and fight with me. If you win, you take away your man, but if you lose, I advise you to obediently disband the club." Adair, who had already had this idea, just caught it at this time. "Today, I will let you see what the real martial art is." Charles finished speaking and jumped onto the ring. Then he added, neither to humble himself nor to show disrespect, "If I win, you won’t trouble us again. What’s more, you will apologize to the MMA club." Everyone in the audience nodded and shouted. "Apologize!" "Come on, President." "Richardson is the best!" Seeing that Charles got support from those who yelled for him just now, Adair felt indignation surging up in him. "Talk about it after you win." With that, Adair turned around and walked towards the table by the ring. He took a black belt and tied it around his waist before he walked back to Charles again. "Is that what makes you arrogant?" Charles looked at the black belt around Adair's waist. A black belt in Taekwondo at such a young age, no wonder he was so defiant. Adair didn't answer but bowed to Charles based on the basic Taekwondo etiquette. Immediately afterward, he posed himself and, with a shout, he gave an angry kick at Charles' waist, swiftly and fiercely! Charles ducked the kick. Missing the target, Adair quickly adjusted his pose, giving another turning kick at Charles, who was not so quick to dodge and raised his arm to block. Adair promptly walked into a blazing roundhouse kick that rattled his skull. Charles couldn't block anything while he was still off-balance. He dropped to the ground and felt Adair land on him a second later. He knew if Adair got his full weight on him, he would have a hard time escaping. He squirmed to the side. Adair wrapped an arm around him, trying to choke him, but he writhed his arm under Adair’s, twisting at the elbow to break the choke. Charles could see the unprotected area on Adair’s chest where he would strike. His left foot forwards, he brought his back foot to the front and leaped, propelling himself high into the air. He waited for a split second while gravity took over once more, and then, when he was level, shot his foot out, catching Adair in the chest. Every move happened in a second. Adair was kicked out and thrown to the ground, his lips flecked with blood. 
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