Ron’s Revenge

2512 Words

Ron staggered towards his car. He tried putting in his keys, but they kept on crashing to the floor. He bent down to pick up his keys and then mistakenly dropped his bottle of vodka. “Fuck.” He mumbled to himself. He could not even see the keys anymore. Now he had no keys and no drink. He could not even enter his car. He put his head in the glass of his car and hung there for a while. What was the time again? Maybe it was eleven or after twelve. He really didn’t care. He leaned away from his car and staggered down the lonely road.  The only thing in his head was Denver. He wanted her. Like he never had wanted anyone in his entire life. She was perfect, was that egg he wanted to protect.  And that bastard called Jack Brook thought he could take her from him. He had come from absolute

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