CH.2 Strangers

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Chapter 2 Strangers Its Saturday and all four of us finished installing a grand wedding at one of the major hotels in the city. Another design that I know will make it into Seattle’s bridal magazine. We decide to get ready at my place and take an uber to this high-end club in downtown. I am wearing this midthigh silver glittery spaghetti top dress that hugged my curves pairing it with silver heeled sandals further elongating my legs. I leave my hair loose in its think natural curls, and do a think winged black eyeliner and nude lip for my makeup. Trina is wearing a black strapless cocktail dress and black stilettos, Nina is wearing a emerald green halter midthigh dress, and john is wearing his white slack and blue silk button up short sleeve shirt. We exit our uber and make our way into the club We decide to start drinking at the bar claiming a middle section for ourselves. A couple drinks in, we finally get out to the dance floor. I rock my hips from side to side feeling the music move through my body. I sway this way and that way closing my eyes and raising my hand to every beat. I am in my own little world when suddenly I feel someone behind me. We begin to move in sync as he places his hands on my waist keeping me close to him. I feel tingles along my side as he slides his hands up and down the side of my body. It felt natural dancing with him. I turn around to finally look at him still enjoying our dance, and I see the sexiest man I have ever seem in my life. He must have been a full foot taller than me as I slowly observe his appearance. He had on Dark denim jeans that showed a shadow of a bulge, and a black t shirt that was tight enough to see his eight pack and strong chest. I look up to his face. He had a square jaw, plump full lips and straight nose that lead up to the most gorgeous pair of hazel eyes. I bring my arms up to wrap around his neck and feel the velvety softness of his black buzzed cut hair. We stare into each other’s eyes as we continue to dance. It felt like we were the only two people in the room. I do not know how long we had been dancing before he leans in and asks if he could buy me a drink. His voice was so deep and husky that it immediately made my body shiver and I just nod in response. We bother turn making our way to the bar with his hand at my lower back guiding me. We get to two empty seat and sit. We order our drinks and wait. “My name is Drake, what’s yours?” He asks “Gabriella” I say back. He gives me a soft smile. “That is a beautiful name for just a beautiful woman.” I blush at his comment. “Tell me about yourself?” “Why don’t you tell me about yourself and then I may decide If I want to tell you about myself.” I wink at him. I may have never had a boyfriend before and am a novice at the dating game but I know how to play hard to get. “Fair enough, I am 26 and a business entrepreneur. U?” “23 and a florist.” “That’s cool, do you just work at a local little mom/pap shop or do you do big event?” “Both… Business entrepreneur? That’s pretty vague?” I ask “I have my hands in several ventures. Its just easier to say to people who get confused at what I do.” “Hobbies?” I ask “I am a workaholic most of the time. U?” “I’m the same, unless you count helping out at a mechanic’s shop a hobby.” “What?” He askes confused and motions for me to explain. “My father is a mechanic and I like helping him out especially when it’s a restoration on a classic.” “You into cars!” He asks full of surprise. “Yes, you can say that. I prefer a good 60’s muscle care versus a new sports car any day!” “Really, well you should check out my 69’ Camaro.” “What! That is awesome, yea I have a 65’ Mustang GT.” “That’s sick!” He says excitedly. We continue talking about cars and order more drinks. We finally get comfortable with each other to find out that we have so much in common. We both lost our mother at a young age, Both grew up in Washington, and both big fans of the Seahawks. “Do you want to go back and Dance.” I ask a little shy. “Let’s go.” He says taking my hand into his. When we get to the dance floor, we pull each other so close that our bodies are flushed together. We feel like one body as we both sway and rock with the rhythm in perfect sync. He leans his forehead to mine. I breath in his bold manly cologne giving me an overwhelming sense of pleasure. I do not what is happening to me. I have this craving for him. I am burning with his touch as he roams his hands all along my body. I lean my head back still swaying to the music and I feel soft butterfly kisses trailing up my neck along my jaw. I slowly bring my head up as he kisses me closer and closer to my lips. He stops to look at me, his eyes asking for permission. I lean in closer and next thing I knew I feel his soft lips on mine. He is slow and gentle as if knowing that this is my first time. Then he licks my lower lip begging for an entrance, and I let him. He moves his long tongue all round my mouth tasting me. I do the same and battle him out for dominance. We break apart just when we could not breath anymore. “Wow.” We say in unison. We look stare at each other very still not paying attention to our surroundings. It was as if time stood still and we were the only two people in the club. I feel a hand on me should breaking me out of my trance. I turn to look and see Trina and my friends. “We are calling it a night. You coming?” She yells in my ear. I nod and motion her to give me a minute. “I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you.” I say into Drake’s ear. “Wait give me your number, I would very much like to see you again.” He says back into my ear. I kiss him softly and lean back into his ear and say only one word, “Destiny” I push him off and take Trina’s hand as we rush to the exit leaving him dumbfounded in the middle of the dance floor. We had our Uber waiting in front of the club already, as we drive back to my place to crash for the night. They all look at me. “What was that?” Trina spoke up first. “What?” I just ask holding back my blushing smile. “What do you mean what?” Nina Chimed in. “We all saw you dancing and flirting with Mr. Hot and Sexy. He definitely fired up my loins.” John said fanning himself with his hand.   “That’s exactly what we did, what’s the big deal.” I say still smiling to myself. “OMG Gaby! You finally took your first step to enjoying your young adult life!” John exclaimed. “So how was that kiss?” Trina asked with a raised eyebrow. I start blush hard. “Wait what Kiss!... OMG Gaby you didn’t?” John asked shocked. I just nod and smile from ear to ear.   “It was… I don’t know… indescribable.” I sigh tilting my head as I briefly flashback to that powerful kiss. A huge smile still plastered on my face. “but I didn’t give him my number.” I come back to reality and look at me friends. “I think your crazy for not giving him your number. He was sexy and fine as hell.” John says “And practically a stranger… you have heard of stranger danger.” I say rolling my eyes. “She is right, aster all she does live at home alone.” Nina defends me. “Plus, why does she have to settle right away, she is enjoying her youth and she is allowed to play the market.” Trina says in agreement. “Fine I guess I lose. But your right, there are more fish out there in the sea. But he was a shark… worth catching. And when are you going to have another chance at catching another shark…HHMM?” He says raises his eyebrow. “Fine next time John, I promise.” I smirk at him. I do hope his is amused for now. We get back to the shop and I lead my friends upstairs and into my flat. They all crash on my section as I make my way to my room and take a shower. As I am rinsing off, images of that night flashed in my mind, and I relished in them knowing that I am beautiful and worth catching. Maybe someday I might see myself in a relationship. Maybe I might bump into Drake again. Who knows?   Drake P.O.V. I enter the club that I recently acquired with a few of my men. We just wanted to have a good time and savor this period of peace before another war begins. We get to your VIP booth in the corner facing the dance floor and start drinking. Miles and Jacob are sitting right next to me, they are my righthand men. Both help me run my empire. I Go to take a sip of my drink when I see a sliver of silver right in the middle of the dance floor. I focus in on a woman that has the most gorgeous features I have ever seen. Her silver dress hugged all her lush curves, Long tan legs I just want wrapped around me, and dark red hear. She was a rare beauty. “Are you doing to hold your drink like that all night or are you going to go to her?” Miles says as he smirks at me. I did not realize that I was still holding my glass to my lips. I shake me head and face him. “Shut up man.” I say with a small chuckle knowing that I probably made a fool of myself. I get up and make my way to her. I get close to her and start to follow her moves. I breath in her floral smell and cannot help to want to touch her. I place my hands on her hips bring me closer to her. I was surprised she let me. She leans back and shakes her round perfect ass against me. I immediately get hard and want to grind her hard. She then turns around looking down and up at me. She was breathtaking. Her lips were plump red and juicy enough to suck on all night and day. But her eyes were the best of her features. They were dark green and hypnotic. We just starred at each other. I feel her hands grab the back of my neck and I bring her closer her body completely against mine. We keep dancing and staring, never once breaking eye contact. “Do you want to get a drink?” I finally ask her. She nods. I escort her to two available seats at the bar and begin to ask her questions. You could tell she wanted to be reserved and vague, keeping her guard up. But I am determined to get to know her. After two drinks we talk about Cars, sports, business concepts, there was so much we had in common. After a while we go back to dance. This woman is not like no other woman I have ever met. She was beautiful, smart, hardworking, confident, and just radiated femininity. Yet she has a tomboyish streak that makes her so fun to talk to. The women I normally hook up with are desperate sluts flaunting their good only good for one thing. But Gabriella is a rare beauty and is worth pursuing. I see her tilt her neck back and I cannot help but kiss her softly along her neck. I move my way up giving her butterfly kisses feeling my skin burn as I touch her. As if gravity was pulling us closer together I finally feel her soft lips on mine. I kiss her softly licking her bottom lip for an entrance. She opens and like fireworks we are battling for dominance as I taste her sweet mouth. This woman is driving me crazy, I want her, I need her, I want her to be all mine. We break apert gasping for air. “Wow” we both said in unison. We stare again into each other’s eye and I feel the pull again to claim her lips. But she breaks away to look over her shoulder. I guess is was her friend say she is going to leave. Gabriella turns back to me leans up to my ear and says that she has to go. “Wait give me your number, I would very much like to see you again.” I say into her ear. All I hear after that is one word “Destiny” and she disappears. I stand there completely surprised. This has never happened to me before; I have never had a woman just walk away from me especially like that. “Well Destiny thy name is Gabriella. And I will make sure we see each other again.”    
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