Bab 01 - English Version

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"Huh ~" Emilia sighed, sitting on the grand bed with a sullen face, she was confused. "I can't believe a time like this will come." He said with a stiff face. Emilia is a girl who has black hair like a royal princess from the east, her narrow eyes and tiny lips make her look even more attractive. There were lots of soldiers who often confessed their feelings to Emilia, but the answer that the girl always gave was uncertainty, leaving the soldiers not knowing whether she was rejected or accepted. However, despite her friendly figure, Emilia was not that different from her four sisters. She also often feels angry, disappointed, scared, and disgusted, but she always hides those negative expressions from people with her friendly smile. Because of that, Emilia is often nicknamed the 'Smiling Princess' or 'The Friendly Slug'. "Prospective husband, huh?" Emilia pondered for a moment, she took off her high heels and then got up to lie down on her luxurious bed. Accompanied by several pillows on the surface of the bed, Emilia smiled after finding something interesting in her mind. "Maybe I should go for a consultation." *** Emilia tiptoed out of her room, and walked slowly down the palace hallways. He continued to give a friendly smile to the people who passed him, whether it was the maids busy cleaning, soldiers on patrol, or the nobles who visited his house. And finally, Emilia arrived at her destination. Who would have thought that Emilia wanted to consult Agnes, her own sister. *** "Agnes, as usual, you're always busy doing scary rituals in your room, huh?" Emilia asked after Agnes led the slender girl into her room. "Shut your mouth, Brother," said Agnes with a growl. "Now, you can sit there, and I'll listen to your complaints." Then Emilia sat on the chair opposite Agnes, they were only blocked by a table full of creepy knick-knacks on it. Emilia also tried to hide her disgust by smiling at Agnes who was in front of her. "Given that you like to deal with mystical things, I wanted to ask, what should I do to find a future husband? Maybe you can research it with your magic, Agnes." Hearing that, made Agnes glare in surprise. It turned out that it was not only he himself who was hit by such a problem, his brother had the same thing. Then, because Agnes himself couldn't research such things in black magic, he was forced to lie to Emilia. "It's a very sad complaint, I don't think I can do much, but there is one way you can get a future husband quickly, Brother," Agnes smiled with her sharp teeth showing. "You have to eat jengkol fruit." "Jengkol fruit? What is it?" Emilia furrowed her brows in surprise. *** After finishing consulting with Agnes, Emilia said goodbye to her sister to return to her room, but on the way, she ended up running into Laila, her sister who had an aura that was more friendly than her. "Oh, Brother Emilia?" Laila walked over to her black-haired sister. The red-haired girl smiled sincerely at Emilia, making her sister shake slightly with her sincerity. "What a coincidence we meet here, are you also going to Agnes's room, Laila?" asked Emilia stiffly. To be honest, Emilia couldn't match Laila in everything, that is to say, even though that slender girl had a pretty good nature, but still, she couldn't beat Laila's kindness which was completely sincere from the heart. Because most of the hospitality that Emilia does is just a mask to hide her true appearance, whereas Laila, is not like that. Laila never hid anything from anyone, and she was always nice to everyone, and that made Emilia as her big sister jealous. "To Agnes' room? No, really. I'm now going to the garden to water the flowers, if you are alone, where have you been?" Emilia was dumbfounded at the question, because she couldn't possibly answer to Laila that she had visited Agnes' room, as that would make her reputation fall. Emilia who was known by everyone was someone who didn't like to have anything to do with the unseen, so she had to lie. "Yes, as you know, I just cooked a delicious meal from the kitchen." Emilia lied to Laila with a stiff smile. Hearing that, Laila nodded in understanding. "I really want to taste Emilia's cooking, but I'm in a hurry now, so, see you later, Brother." said Laila with a smile at Emilia. And Laila accidentally bumped her shoulder against Emilia's shoulder then whispered, "That's a lie, right?" And Laila left Emilia's face, leaving a look of surprise on her sister. "Sh-s**t! He finds out." Emilia closed her mouth in disbelief. *** "Hihihihi ~ I feel like I almost threw up seeing my brother visit without giving me a dime, but it's okay, the lies I told him he would definitely do. How stupid." Agnes laughed in her room remembering Emilia obeying her orders to eat jengkol fruit. Jengkol itself is a fruit that has a bitter taste and rotten aroma, Agnes can't imagine how Emilia will react when eating the fruit. Maybe he should immortalize it if that happened, Agnes thought. "Now, forget about that first. I am also still annoyed by my father who arbitrarily told me to have a girlfriend and I also do not believe that my sister, Emilia, is also experiencing the same thing as me," growled Agnes, clenching her fists. "I wonder who the fortune teller made my father immediately believe in his predictions that were not true! I will curse him to a carcass!" *** "Hm ~ hm ~ hm ~" Victoria hummed alone in her room, tidying up a few messy objects while combing her dangling blonde hair. "Okay! Everything is perfect!" Victoria smiled warmly looking at the contents of her room which was neatly shiny. "It's all thanks to my hard work! I'm proud of myself! I wish you had seen this. Ah, speaking of Dad, it makes me remember what he said last night." Victoria pursed her lips, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes twitched, these were the signs that she was upset right now. "What the hell! Sigh! I never knew you wanted me to get married so quickly. I thought you didn't really care about my relationship, but now, he suddenly said that, it really made me ... Huaaaaaaah ~ " Victoria was crying loudly in her room, she threw her beloved comb carelessly and ran around like a child. "But, even so, I also do not want to make your heart hurt, because ... Dad is very kind to me. He always strokes the top of my head, hugs me when I'm hurt, and gives everything to me. I want to repay all his kindness, whether in return I have to. obey his orders last night? Sob! But I hate men! I hate men! Hearing his name alone, I'm sick. " *** In the garden, Laila was seen watering the roses that grew near the fence, her face when she was watering was really charming, her beautiful aura was so extraordinary that the maids who were also watering nearby were enchanted. "Look, Princess Laila is very beautiful, huh." "You're right, she's so beautiful, I want to marry her. "I think I fell in love with him." "Ah, if only she were my wife." Several of the maids who were looking at her gave Laila words of praise and hope, making the red-haired girl blush. "Sorry, actually, I'm not that pretty, really. You guys are too much, ladies and gentlemen." Hearing Laila's response made the maids smile brightly. "He's humble too." "I think he's fit to be our next leader." "You're right, by his good nature, he can guide us all." "I think I want to faint seeing the figure of Princess Laila." And apparently, they were praising Laila even more and more, making the girl a little awkward in the garden. *** "Excuse me, Your Majesty," Suddenly a soldier came staggering into William's area of ​​honor. "There is a man who wishes to see you, Your Majesty." His red brows twitched, William wondered who else would want to chat with him. "Get him in." said William to his Soldiers. Then then, came a dashing man who had blonde hair and two black horns, he was dressed in luxurious aristocratic clothing. "Sorry if my arrival interferes with your busy life, Your Majesty, but I just wanted to offer you something here." William sighed. "Before that, what was your name?" The blond man with horns began to bow to William. "My name is Arga Gelisto, Your Majesty." "Where are you from, Arga?" "Sorry, Your Majesty, for the time being, I can't tell you where I came from. But, believe me, I'm not a bad person, Your Majesty." William was a little surprised at Arga's answer which kept the origin secret. "Then, what offer do you want to give me, Arga?" Arga smiled. "I heard that you want to pet the grandchildren of your five daughters, don't you? I am ready to give happiness to your five daughters, Your Majesty." William gasped at this, it felt like the world was shaking in his mind. And from behind the entrance, Charlotte, William's youngest daughter, heard everything and now, the girl was also shocked to hear Arga's shocking statement. "Wh-Is he crazy !?" Exclaimed Charlotte, grinding her teeth in surprise. "I'll make him regret his actions today." ☆☆☆ TO BE CONTINUED ... Yohoo! How is everyone? Thank you for stopping by again at my new story. I can't believe there are still humans who are willing to take this story seriously. I thank you very much! And what about this story? Is it getting more interesting? Oh, maybe anyone is curious? Okay, if you guys are curious, I'll write the sequel as fast as I can. I hope you will be entertained by this story. ^^ And yes, as usual, give your review in the comments column so that I am excited to write. ^^ It's also okay, really. Hehehe. See you next chapter!
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