C O D E 3 C O O R D I N A T O R

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Jimmy Valentine, an eighteen-year-old university student and a part-time model. He was the heir to the Valentine group of cinematography—One of the biggest names in the industry. He wasn't interested in studying, but his parents wanted him to have a proper education before handing him the company. "Jimmy, get up dear, you'll get late for university," Mrs Valentine said as she entered a room "Don't tell me he's still in the game room playing video games?" She went to another huge room through a well-lit hallway. She entered a room saying 'Game room 1' on a plate hung near it. "Jim, where are you?" He had been there since last night, with few night snacks kept beside him. "Oh my God. You're going to be so fat if you continue eating midnight snacks like that." "I've good metabolism, mom. I don't gain weight—Ah, s**t man. I lost. Fuck." He removed the virtual kit from his body and threw it aside. "Why didn't you sleep last night? You have an exam today." "I couldn't care less." He yawned and walked towards the huge dining room. "Who is the girl that you brought home last night?" "Oh, her? She's a senior at my University. She has the same major as me. She was clingy so I decided to do it once and for all." Jimmy replied. "Are you going to date her?" "She's cute, but not my type," Jimmy said "It's nothing serious and I don't plan to make it serious with any girl for now at least. I'll see that later." "Okay, so what's your type then?" "I like fierce and mature women who are respectable, not hoes and sluts—They are only good for one night stands." "Oh my! You're just eighteen!" "You and dad hooked up when you were seventeen. Who are you preaching?" "But still, we didn't play around like you! Find someone and get serious. Don't waste your time!" "Well, yeah. I'll think about it" Jimmy got up from the dining table and went to the bathroom. He washed up and dried his hair. After that, he threw some books in his bag and left for university in his Ferrari. While he was driving on the highway, a car stopped right before him. He applied the brakes and almost prevented a probable accident. "What the—" He got down and walked towards that car "Come out you punk!" Asselyum pulled down the window. Jimmy looked at her with a blank expression and she looked back at him "Hey..." He was blown away by a blonde robot's beauty. "Jimmy Valentine?" She looked into his eyes. "That's me. You know me?" She grabbed his collar and pulled him inside the car. Everyone on the streets stared at them as she drove back. Jimmy's legs were still hanging outside the car's window. He quickly pulled them inside and looked at her. "What is the meaning of this?!" "I want you," "That might be the worst confession I've got in a while. But it is the most fierce one, I like it." "You've got few screws loose," She realised they were being chased by the police. But she had a plan. "Are you scared of heights?" She asked. "Heh. I'm not scared of anything!" "Perfect." She pressed the race paddle and broke through the bridge. He shrieked as she grabbed him and jumped out of the falling car. The car fell into the water while her boots gave out fuel and soon resembled a jet. She flew with him into the sky while the police stared at the sinking vehicle from the bridge. Jimmy had fainted. When he opened his eyes he was inside a dark and empty room. He tried to move but his hands were tied to a chair. "This can't be happening to me. I got kidnapped?" He looked around "I'm definitely kidnapped! Someone's there? Please help me!" The door opened and Asselyum came in. "Good evening, Jimmy Valentine." She stood before him and looked into his eyes. "Why are you doing this? If you want money--" "I don't need your money, I need your body," She poked her finger on his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. "What? Are you serious?" She pressed his chest and dug her nails into his flesh. He groaned "B-Blood!" "I know." She took out the piece of metal from her nails and inserted it inside the open wound she had made with her nails. "What are you doing?" "Exchanging data, you'll need it later." Jimmy's skin engulfed the metal piece and soon the piece disappeared into his flesh. Asselyum's eyes glistened for a moment. Her computer screen reflected a lot of numbers and codes and finally, she said: "Data transfer completed." Her eyes stopped glowing and then she got up. "You are a robot?" Jimmy asked. "My name is Asselyum CodeX777. I am an AI from the year 2420" A hologram screen projected out of her eyes. "Manufactured in Imperial Mechapolis." "This is so cool!" After she bandaged his wound, the bleeding stopped. Jimmy stared at her with surprise the entire time. "You really look like a human." "Yeah, I'm made to camouflage among humans." "I wanted my dad to give me a robot like you as a gift on my ninth birthday. So, why are you here in the past?" "You believed me?" "That's because it's not humanly possible to fly neither can humans project out holograms from their eyes." "I'm glad at least someone is smart here" "You mean there are others here too?" "Yeah, besides you and me, there are three more people I need." "Why?" "I need four people to function—a controller, a coordinator, a technician and a mechanic. Together we make a team of five and fight." "Fight what?" "It's a pain in the a*s to explain again and again, so I'll tell you about it when I gathered everyone." "Okay, so except me, who else have you gathered?" "Our controller" "Controller?" "A gaming genius." "A gaming genius?! Can I see him?" "How do you know he's good?" "Well, he's a member of our team and he'll be working with future tech so I guess he must be a good catch," "You really have human intellect." She untied him and they both walked past another dark hallway "By the way, where are we?" Jimmy asked as he looked around. "It's a gaming parlour come bar. This is the basement area." "Cool." "Jimmy Valentine, you are a good gamer and you have played a lot of PS4 games so you must have the basic idea of general combats," "Yes, I do! I am specialized in hologram gaming. But mom is like—Go do modelling, you won't earn a living by gaming and s**t like that." She stopped in front of the room and opened the door. Slaine was tied to a chair and as their eyes met, he gave her a hateful look. "So, that's the gaming genius?" Jimmy asked. "Who is this now?" Slaine asked. "Hello, I'm the coordinator—Jimmy Valentine. Nice to meet you, Mr Controller—" "I hate blondes." "Racist!" "He's smarter than you though." "Shut up!" "Why are you so pissed off?" Asselyum asked. "Why am I so pissed off? Why will I not be so pissed off? What would you do if you're literally tied in a room for an entire day? I'm hungry!" "...So, you're just hungry." "Go fetch me some food!" "You're like a whimpering dog, just less cute." "You know what, there is just one thing that keeps me from breaking you in half. I just don't want two of you around," Slaine said. She closed the door and left. "Wait—Come back!" "You said you will never work with me, he who doesn't work shall not eat" Asselyum peeped inside. "Oh, you're a Christian now?! f**k you, gay b***h! There's no way I'll ever work with a girl as flat as you, even if you're a robot. You remind me of a surfboard." Slaine grinned. "So, that was the problem all along. If that's the case," Asselyum closed her eyes. The metal around her chest inflated and now she had a bigger breast. She pressed her left hand at the back of her neck as if she was giving a pose like a model "What do you think? I modified myself to match your taste. Is there something else you want to change? Do not hesitate to ask. I just kept it flat so that it does not get in my way while fighting, that's it. I have no personal enmity from breasts." "Robots have no shame." Slaine looked away. "Wow, sexy! Can you make your a*s bigger too?" Jimmy asked. "I can if that's what you want." "What the hell is wrong with this blonde bastard?! Don't tell me your d**k is reacting to a piece of metal?" "You can change your body according to your wish?" Jimmy asked as he ignored Slaine. "Yes, precisely" Asselyum said as Slaine shouted in the background. "Till what extent?" "Well, I can even replace my v****a with a d**k, no problem." Everyone turned quiet. "This is a problem! This is a huge problem!" Slaine yelled. "One last question," Jimmy said. "Go ahead." "Are you a girl or a guy?" "I'm neither a guy nor a girl, I am an android and androids don't have a sex." "Basically, she's pan! Hey, untie me! I hate pansexuals!" "That's homophobic." "You shut up!" 'Goddammit! I need to handle both of these blondes now. Dumb fucks.' -To be continued
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