3. A life is a life

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MEL POV He hated me even before he knew that I was the very thing he hunted. We didn’t even know each other’s names and we were glaring at one another as if we were lifelong enemies. All because I didn’t want him to kill someone or, according to his snarky ass, a filthy beast. If he had been trying to kill a human, I would have reacted the same way. A life is a life. “I’m here because someone is playing a very cruel joke on me.” Thanks for that, Moon Goddess. I averted my eyes from his. I couldn’t look at him anymore. He was full of so much hate towards werewolves and anyone who stood in his way of snuffing them out. “I know your mad that I didn’t let you kill a living being that was minding its own business having a late-night snack, but you can’t blame me for what happened or her for defending herself.” I snapped at him. Even if I did blame myself, I wasn’t going to allow him to make me feel worse than I already did. I needed to forget the fact that he’s my mate for now. It clouded my judgement and I couldn't think straight. I was hesitating and that led me to the situation I’m in now. Anger is my best bet right now. “A living being? You obviously know what she is. How can you defend that… that thing!” He pointed weakly at the Rogue. She hissed at him and held her side. I smacked my lips in annoyance, he was like a broken record. “Was she attacking you?” I asked while searching for something to put pressure on his wound. He narrowed his eyes at me but didn’t respond. “Was I hiding in a tree like a coward, pointing a weapon at you!” She snarled at him. “I was hunting a wild animal. That’s how it’s done.” He gave her an evil grin. Did he really need to keep giving me reasons to stop helping him? The shewolf needed my help and actually deserved it. She may not be bleeding as profusely as he was, but she was still hurt. The last thing she needed was his disrespectful bullshit. “Hunters.” She scoffed with a chuckle. “That’s what you call yourselves, so you don’t have to fight us face to face. Pathetic.” She spat at him. He tried to get up, reaching out for her, groaning in pain in the process. “If you’re going to dish it out, take it.” I pushed him back down and ripped a part of his shirt off and pressed it against his wound. He groaned and grabbed my wrist. It was hard to ignore the sparks, how good they felt. “You know… what those beasts… are capable of and… you’re okay with that? You’re just as bad as they are.” He managed to sneer at me. He obviously wasn’t concerned about his life. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been insulting the character of the only person who was trying to help him. That and taking turns glaring from me to the other shewolf who was kind enough not to out me as a wolf to him. “You do realize that I’m the only one here that doesn’t want you dead. That can easily change if you don’t stop talking out of your ass.” I warned him. He rolled his eyes but sealed his lips. “That’s right, save your energy. Insulting us might satisfy your hatred, but it won’t help you right now.” Putting pressure was slowing down the bleeding but it wasn’t enough. “You wouldn’t really let him die. Right?” Keyla asked worriedly. “Not now Kiki.” I sushed her. She had to know there was no way I could do that. He needed a hospital, but how would we explain all of this? He would probably end up in jail for shooting the shewolf. Still, that was better than him dying. Or was it? I know the nearby packs have at least one wolf working in each of the local police stations, hospitals and other civil buildings. If they found out about him, he might not even make it to the hospital. My other option was to call Alpha Hendrix from White Fang, the pack who was supposed to look out for me… but just because he was supposed to see to my safety didn't mean he would care about him. They might just finish him off. He might deserve it, the jerk, but I can’t let that happen. If I explained things to the Alpha, maybe he would help him. Even though he probably wouldn’t want his help, the stubborn jackass. His eyes were drooping, and his breathing was becoming shallow. “What’s your name?” I asked, and his eyes lifted open. Good, that got his attention and stopped him from passing out. He was hesitant to answer, probably because deep down he knew what he was doing was wrong. I hoped. “Roman.” He rasped out. “Roman.” I tasted his name on my lips. It should have tasted like a delicacy, but instead it was bittersweet. I heard a loud snort and some mumbled curses. “I’m Diana.” The shewolf behind me snarked. “Ha!” Cough. Cough. “The monster… has… a… name.” Roman chuckled humorlessly. “The only monster here is you!” She barked at him. “Enough!” I didn’t know asking his name would open the door to more arguing. I just wanted him to stay awake. “And you? What’s your name?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Making introductions wasn’t my intention, but it was better than hearing them bicker. “Melanie.” I whispered. Taking out the satellite phone, I tried to convince myself that Alpha Hendrix would help Roman. That he wouldn’t discard him because he was a Hunter. Then again, would he even get here on time? It didn’t look like Roman had much time to give. The grouchy lines on his face were gone and he was staring out into the distance. It was not a good sign that he wasn’t trying to reach for his weapon or glower at us. I know it’s what I wanted all this time, but it screamed defeat. He was giving up. Looking down, I caught the reflection of the full Moon on my phone and wanted to slap myself for the ridiculous idea that popped into my head. “It’s the only way.” Keyla whispered. “He will hate me even more if I do it.” I looked down at his face and panicked when I saw his eyes closed. “Roman. Wake up!” I could still hear a faint heartbeat, but he was out cold. If I did this… there would be no going back. He would become the very thing he hated, and he would resent me forever. Not that our pairing stood much of a chance against his judgmental idiocy. “On the positive side, maybe he will learn that he’s wrong about us.” Keyla said hopefully. “Or he will be upset that he wasn’t given a choice in the matter. Maybe he would rather die.” I argued. “The victim would like your help now.” She said with irritation. “I hear you dirty Diana, just give me a second.” I said with exasperation. The poor shewolf didn’t deserve my tude but this wasn’t exactly an easy situation for me. I let out a shaky breath and allowed a few tears to drop before wiping them roughly away. “You don’t have much time, Mel. It needs to be now.” Keyla urged me. Pulling the neck of his shirt down, I leaned down and took in his scent. “What are you doing?” Diana asked in confusion. “The only thing that will keep him alive at this point.” I answered and leaned down, my lips made contact with his skin, and it felt amazing. “If he knew what you are. He wouldn’t hesitate to shoot you. Are you sure he’s worth saving?” She had to ruin this very intimate moment with truths. I wanted to find a little pleasure in something that was supposed to be a very memorable event in my life. Saying our first encounter was a nightmare is an understatement. “Doing that will tie you to him forever.” She warned me and I flipped her off, as I searched for my spot. She snorted but finally shut up. Using my tongue, I liked and massaged the spot, making it tender. A little moan escaped his lips. My canines sank into his flesh, and he let out a small gasp, but his eyes remained closed. My teeth went deeper, going from marking him to giving him a gift he didn’t deserve or want. The full moon washed over us, shining brightly at its peak. “He’s ours now.” Keyla said happily. I couldn’t hold back the small whimper as her words sunk in. I retracted my canines and licked my mark. Looking down at his face, I enjoyed how peaceful he looked. For once, he wasn’t talking s**t or glaring at me. He wasn’t trying to kill anyone. His heartbeat was still weak and there was sweat covering his forehead. I removed the cloth to check his wound and hissed when I noticed his wound was still bleeding. “Did it not work? Why isn’t he healing Kiki?” I asked and she whined. I needed her right now, but she wasn’t answering me. “He needs to turn before he can heal.” Diana spoke, gaining my attention. “Maybe the Moon Goddess doesn’t think he deserves her gift. Only time will tell.” She shrugged. I wanted to smack her for saying that, but she was already hurt and that seemed like a b***h move. Nothing was happening though. What if she was right and it didn’t work? Is it too late to call Alpha Hendrix and hope he’s willing to help him? “Arrggg.” I growled in frustration. I keep making stupid choices and making things worse. I picked up the satellite phone and did what I should have done to begin with. My anxiety was at an all-time high as I heard the phone ring once before it was answered. “Daddy.” I sounded like a helpless little girl as I called the only person I knew wouldn’t let me down.
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