Chapter Fifteen: Mantra

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“Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men. It does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a tan, and it does not mean you are a b***h or a dyke, it means you believe in equality.” – Kate Nash ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Captin Morrison! Glad to see you again. Do you have any news about my daughter?" Mr. Theel asked as soon as he opened the door and saw that it was Jack. He then looked at the figure standing beside him. A beautiful woman who couldn't be much older than his Veda. For a moment he wondered how his daughter's life would've been if he was there for her all the way and not have missed any milestone in her life. "Mr. Theel" Jack started " Unfortunately, there is still no news about Mrs. Miller's whereabouts." He gave him an apologetic smile then proceeded " This is detective Sam Starling from Breshser City's police department. She is the main investigator in your daughter's missing case" Sam nodded once then Mr. Theel opened the door wide and invited them in.   It was a beautiful home from the inside just as expected. Although it was homey, it also felt lonely. There were pictures of a young Mr. Theel in a tux holding a woman in a wedding dress. They were both laughing, holding sparkle sticks away from their faces. The happiness imitating from the picture made sam feel like she wanted to smile, but she did not. As she looked at the other pictures, it was like they were telling a story. A story of a couple who were in love and happy. The brightest smiles were in the pictures where the woman's belly was swollen to the size of a watermelon. The story continued showing a picture of a baby bundled up in a pink wrap. Then there was a picture of the three of them but the woman had lost her hair and looked really tired though her smile was shining just as bright as in the previous pictures. The last photo was of a teenaged Veda, must've been from a school's yearbook. Sam gazed at the picture, it looked nothing like the woman she saw in the Women's Center weeks ago. This girl looked strong and happy even, which made her wonder how did her life come to Veda marrying a guy like Zack.                     After talking to Veda's father, Mr. Theel, and hearing many stories of his daughter. They came to know that he did not know his daughter after the age of fourteen. All his stories were of her at a young age. He did mention she had a friend named Layla but did not know her last name nor how close or how long did their friendship last. After thanking Mr. Theel, both Sam and Jack thanked him and were on their way out of the Theel residence. Mr. Theel walked them to the door and after pleading with them to find his daughter and return her to safety. Opening the front door they came face to face to non-other than Zack Miller, who looked just as surprised as they were. Zack who's eyes were widened and his body stiff, masked his shock quickly, so fast that if it was anyone else besides the detective and Captin, they might have missed it. "Detective" Zack smiled greeting Sam. "Mr. Miller" She nodded. "Have you found anything?" Zack faked a concerned and hopeful look. "Nothing yet Mr. Miller, We just came to have a chat with Mr. Theel" Jack answered before Sam. Zack gave his father-in-law a questioning look but Mr. Theel just nodded agreeing with Jack.   "This is Captain Jack Morrison. And he is helping us with the investigation" Sam Chipped. "Well, I hope you find something soon. I'm going insane without knowing where my Veda is" Zack walked by them and stood behind them next to his father-in-law. "I'm sure you are Mr. Miller. But don't worry I assure you, we will find her" Sam emphasized, both she and Zack understood exactly what her words meant. The threat they held.   "My son-in-law has always been there for my Veda, even when I wasn't. He might be the best thing that ever happened to her." Mr. Theel said while wrapping his arm around Zack's shoulder like they were best buddies. Sam wondered if Veda's life would have turned out differently if her father wasn't an ignorant bastard. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Jen, dear. Could you please help me with these boxes?" Ms. Reed's sweet voice boomed through the house. "Of course Ms. Reed. You returned early" The young woman said while helping Ms. Reed with getting the boxes from the trunk of the old Ford Ranger truck.   "Sweetheart. I've told you a million times already, Call me Jane. I might have a few wrinkles and my hair is as white as snow but I'd like not to be reminded of how long I've been living on this earth."   "Ms. Reed... I mean Jane, my mother taught me to respect people who are older than me. Even if they look as gorgeous as you do." Jane blushed at the compliment. Even though it was true, the older woman did look great. Even after losing its natural color, her hair still looked healthy and long. Her skin is smooth other than the few wrinkles and her eyes shine just like a teenager would after their crush asked them to be their prom date. She was as beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. "Thanks for the help, dear" Jane handed her a glass of her refreshing iced tea. Ms. Reed was famous for a lot of things; living out in the county side far away from anyone else. Having a dog that could scare the toughest man. Not taking bullshit from anyone. But the one thing she was proud of the most was her iced tea that could freshen up the driest soul. "Please don't thank me. You have done so much for me, it's the least I could do." "Is today going to be the day you finally tell me your story, dear?" Jane asked the young woman as she held her hand from across the kitchen island. "I... I'm sorry... " "I understand sweetheart. You take all the time you need, I'll be here when you are ready." The young woman, who Ms. Reed decided to cal Jen, smiled gratefully. "We've already come so far. I remember when I first found you. You didn't say a word to me after arriving here, for days." Jane chuckled. She wasn't angry nor complaining. She wanted to prove her point. " Now you even start the conversation sometimes and I've seen you smile a few times to know how beautiful you look while doing it. Maybe you could come with me to the farmers market next time. I know you'd charm a few people."   The shy smile that was formed on Jen's face faded suddenly and horror-filled her dull eyes. She shook her head negatively, repeatedly. "Hey, hey... I'm sorry. We will not do anything you are not comfortable with, sweetie. My stupid old brain can't seem to think straight sometimes" Jen visibly relaxed and took another sip of her beverage. Excusing herself, she returned to her tiny room which Jane was kind enough to offer her on her first week of staying with this little farm. Entering the bathroom, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The bruises were gone, and even though the handprint on her throat was gone now she could still feel it and almost see it. The only physical evidence of the worst night of her life was the scar on her lip. She really had come a long way since that night. Remembring how she first met Ms. Reed and how scared she was that she almost didn't accept her help but when she thought about it, even in the state she was in, she knew she had nowhere else to go. And it seemed that she made the right choice that night. It's been weeks since then, she was still recovering not only physically but also emotionally and that was the most challenging. She knew she wasn't ready to face the demon yet. She knew if she returned before she was ready then he would win. But she had made a promise to herself that she will make him pay. She was not going to break that promise. And so she enounced the words she had been repeating to herself like a mantra; "You are stronger than he is..." "You are stronger than he is...." "You are strong, Veda. You are strong!"

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