1326 Words

I lay in stunned silence, sifting through what he had just revealed. No wonder this man was so brutal—he’d always had to be. For him, brutality was a way, the way, to stay alive. Malegant kissed my stomach, dragging his lower lip up to the cleft between my breasts. I thought he was going to begin his nightly work on me, but he laid his head on my breast instead. “You and I have quite a history, you know,” he drawled, tracing a finger over the muscles in my abdomen. “I was your mother’s pupil. You were too young to remember, only able to wobble on fat baby legs. I remember three of your brothers and a sister. She was a lot like you, you know—same piercing green eyes and haughty attitude. She was already promised to another, but I vowed to myself that when you came of age, you would be min

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