You are my toy

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          When she came out from the washroom, Jennifer was astonished to see her changed appearance. She was looking so beautiful in those short clothes. When she came to the college she was in sportswear which made her look so simple and typical county girl but now she was looking adorable and stylish. She was hesitating because she never wore such exposing cloths on her body so she was continuously pulling it down towards her knees. She thought she would be embarrassed if she came in front of everyone in such cloth. She had not bought school uniform yet at it cost about thousand dollars. The uniform of St Xavier’s high school was handmade and most over priced one. "Wow, this is how you turn from naive to sexy one. If I were a boy, you would have already come to you with the proposal. Gracia, I liked this cloth on you. I want to make whistle." Jennifer kept her finger in her mouth to whistle. She was nice looking person who always feel cheerful. "Jenny, don’t you think these are inappropriate cloth for the high school. I am feeling so embarrassed. I am regretting for not buying school uniform yet. At least they give us pair of it." Gracia said while getting the shoulders up of that trouser. She was already in the bad mood as her food was thrown on her cloths. She was afraid to face the students of the school. It was true that surviving here is more difficult; she started hating rich people for their discrimination. At the same time she was worried about the next days in the school. "Let it be darling, Rena wears even smaller clothes than these. Don’t you worry about it? You looked so beautiful in this attire. Let’s go otherwise we will late for class. Only few minutes were left for recess." Jennifer grabbed her hand and they both came to canteen.         When Gracia arrived there she saw everyone was having plum cake. Some people having one or some people having two or more. She understood that Elite group has brought it with her card. She was just standing and looking at other students. It was her almost a month expenses. She believed in saving so she doesn’t spend money so recklessly. Saving money was not only her habit but also her necessity. In the matter of saving money, she used to kill so many of her wishes.          She also wanted to have beautiful cloths and food for herself but when she look at her parents who are earning money with many difficulties, the beautiful cloths and tasty food seems less important to her. Only she knows how much her family troubled since these years. She remained standing at the gate of canteen and kept watching how people were wasting their hard earned money. She clenched her fist in anger as if she was going to kill that boy who did this but again she calmed herself by thinking she was just a fly in the milk which could be easily thrown out of the glass. "Ohh look she has come. Look at her clothes, trying to attract men. Trying to be queen bee of St. Xavier’s" Lucy said to her group members. Everybody else started looking at her. Evan's gaze went on her. Her legs and shoulder were exposing. As they saw her, she became bit uncomfortable. He stared at her bumpy expressions. He laughed hard and stood up from its place. "Do you think she can stand nearby me? Even if she roam n***d nobody will noticed her." Rena made a drastic comment on her and that too little loudly so can Gracia listen it. Gracia pulled her clothes downwards and that was noticed by Evan. He came with his group member towards her and took her card out if his pocket. Gracia was shocked to see him close to her again. She started thinking what he would be going to do now. It was her third meeting with him since today and all it went so wrong. “Ohh miss Fish smell, where are your smelly sport wear? I think you have begged this cloth from Jenny?” Lucy teased her in a mocking tone. She act to smell her and picked her nose again. Lucy’s voice was quite irritating for everybody. She was so harsh and annoying but everybody praised her just because she was the daughter of board members. “What do you think of yourself? It’s your first day of high school still you dared to lure the boys? DO you know about boys of St. Xavier’s? They could buy a girl like you from their one day pocket money. Your body is not worth for such cloths” Rena said while giving a bad smile to her. Gracia wanted to punch on their faces. They were so ridiculous to her. She was about to say something to them, all of a sudden Evan came closer to her. He took her hand and smashed her card onto it. Gracia looked at it with her wider eyes. She didn’t expect to get it back. She thought she had wronged this person. Evan smiled evilly and said while pointing at her card, "Take this cheap card of yours. I have left three dollars for you in it. You should also enjoy this plum cake. I heard it’s very tasty. How could you eat only bun and curry in such classy canteen?" Saying this he came closer to her. He took his mouth near her ears and whispered in it. "If you are so uncomfortable then you should not have wear it. I don’t want my toy hanging out like this and stared by everyone." Saying this he stepped back. He showed his two fingers towards his eyes and then on Gracia. Bell rang and he left with his entire group. Gracia sighed heavily. If the bell hasn’t ringed he would again do something drastic to her. She was already worried about it. She was feeling safe when she was in her lectures. She immediately ran towards her bench.       On the very first day of high school this boy has declared her as his toy. He even showed her that he would keep eye on her. For the first time, she had anxiety apart from her financial crisis. This boy was even worried some than her life’s entire problems. "Am I bumped into a wrong person? Did I mess with a boy whom I shouldn’t? If such thing going on than how could I concentrate on my studies." many question rose in her mind. She was just making some circles on her paper with the pen but her mind was somewhere else. She was distracted in the entire class; suddenly a tiny ball of paper was bumped onto her head. It was enough big to make her head ache. "Ouch." She picked that ball of paper and looked back. Evan was smirking at her. It was him who has hit her with that paper ball. She thought he must have thrown it for teasing her. He had already irritated her to an extent. Gracia saw that tiny ball of paper. She thought about throwing it at his direction again. Suddenly she was interrupted by teacher. "Hey you newcomer, what are you doing. What are you throwing it towards Evan?" Teacher came close to her. She was startle to see that teacher has caught her while she was about to throw it. She thought she could make a good impression of herself on the teachers but she failed again.  
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