Chapter Thirty-Seven

735 Words
I dumped a whole bottle of water on the book, but it was no good. It was completely burnt. “Jesus, what was that? What are we going to do now?” Leah asked frantically. “I have no idea, that book would have told us all we needed to know about their society” I shook my head as I picked up the book. I looked at it again, “guess this is all we have left of the book” I waved the paper I wrote the address on. “Hopefully, whatever is at this address has something that can help us know more about this society”. I searched for the address on my laptop and it was a huge building, like a castle. Recent pictures of the place showed it was abandoned. “Come look at this” I called Carrie and Leah and showed them the building. I saw a news article and opened it, it said the building was closed and abandoned after a series of weird sightings and occurrences happened at the place. A few residents around the place said they saw demons when passing the castle, one claimed he was taken by one and they returned him a month later. “This place will definitely have answers,” Leah said as she scrolled down to read the article completely. “BUT It's creepy. Surely you guys know this isn't safe, I mean you don't need anyone to tell you that” Carrie interrupted. “We don't have a choice, do you have any other ideas. If you do, I'll listen to them” I checked other articles before closing my laptop. “Fine, when should we go?” She conceded as she got up. It's still early in the day, we could go there now or just drive through and see the place. “Um well, I mean we're not exactly doing anything now so I was thinking we could go there today, just drive through and check the place out. If you guys agree”. “Fine” they both agreed to go and we decided to go in the evening. I wasn't planning on going in until we were confident enough and had enough information on the place. They were worried, I was too. We can't just go to that sort of place with a past like that, I've been worried since we went to the second storage room. We went over some other books and after some snacks, we drove down to the castle. We parked across the street and looked at the building from the car, it had trees growing around the building and the gate. We observed the people passing and the building for about five minutes. Leah noticed something minutes in, “look at the side of the wall. By the gate there” She pointed at a big hole in the wall beside the gate. “You're right. That looks big enough to fit a person, what do you guys think?”. “It definitely can. That means the person wanted to avoid being seen at the building so he didn't use the gate,” Carrie said as she took pictures. We took a lot of pictures so we could examine them properly when we get home. After checking it out for a few more minutes, we decided it was time to go home. I started the car and was about to turn the car around when Carrie noticed someone standing beside the gate. “Look Look” she whispered and I turned off the engine. At first, it looked like he was just looking at the building. A second later, he disappeared into the hole and entered the castle. “I guess we know who made that hold there now,” I said as we waited for him to come out. Minutes passed, it was getting late and the man wasn't out yet. “We have to go, doesn't look like he's coming out anytime soon. We also have to be more careful when we come to check out this place” Carrie added. “Right, it's getting dark so it's not like we can go in there or see him properly when he comes out anyway” , “tomorrow it is” I started the car and turned around as we drove back home.
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