Chapter 3: The Forest

553 Words
Evelyn I was finally done with countless stairs and corridors and outside. I got out on the right side of the main entrance where I was first brought. Far in front were enormous gates and I started to run wildly. My heart was pounding. All I could see and think about is how to reach that gates. The gate door were heavy but my adrenaline rush helped me to open them. When I got out I kept running until I lost the sight of the castle behind me. It's only then when I realised that the path was slowly getting less visible. Soon I was in deep woods trying to find any way to track. The conifers were large and high up thick branches were covering the sky and making it ever darker down here.  I calmed my breathing from running for a little but felt myself on edge of panicking. I just have to get out of here and get to a clear land. You'll be fine Evie, you're almost out. The fog was making it harder to see and to breathe. I could hear an occasional wind in branches and crickets. It all started to look the same and I started to wonder if I was going into circle. After a while small snow flakes started to flittered in the air. Strange, I didn't even feel the cold anymore. What was that? It's a new sound. I became all ear. There it is again. A muffled growl. No no.. It can't be. I hurry up.I start to panick. My ears are playing with me. There is it again. Louder one. And again. More of them. I start to run. The roots and moss are making me trip and stumble but i keep going. The growling is louder and closer. I don't dare to turn around to see it. At last i slip on some mud and slide down a slope. I end up in a creek, mostly wet. I tryed to crawl out of it but frooze when I saw a few wolves. They were staring at me and growling furiously. Every second there was more of them.  All of a sudden I felt one jump above me. I rose my head in horror and saw a big neck and jaws with fangs sharp as knife. It's loud growl was echoing in my ears. My voice stuck in my throat. I was ready to say goodbye to my life when it jumped from above me onto the closest wolf in front of me. This wolf was different from the other ones. It was larger and more muscular and almost pitch black. It was also human like. They started to brawl. He was fighting them and chasing them down. A few times he jumped over me to get to the ones behind me. They growled  and groaned. It was a mess. When I finally achieved to stand up, the beast was chasing the last ones away. I stood still and  looked at it. He was standing on his back feet, breathing heavily and looking right back at me. It was looking way to anthropoid for an animal. I looked it in the eyes, and it seemed to me that they had something familiar to them. That is when the darkness overcame me.
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