Chapter 4

1046 Words
Jumping out if the car, I race up the driveway past the other two foreign cars that I know belong to Christian's family. "Oh s**t!" Turning on my heel, I run back to the car and unlock it, throwing my keys on the seat. "Where are you?!" I whisper yell in frustration. It's 6:52 and Christian is going to be so dissapointed in me. Finally finding my purse, I grab it and stand quickly before a sharp pain stings my skull. "Ow!" I rub the back of my head where I smacked it on the low frame of my vehicle and slam the door in frustration. "Take that you stu- No!" I gasp and bang my hand on the window, letting out a frustrated sob. My keys. I left them on the seat and my stupid automatic doors lock after you close them. Giving up and restraining the urge to throw my purse Into the pool, I take a deep breath and accept my fate. His family is going to hate me. What kind of girlfriend shows up twenty-two minutes late? I walk up to the door with an apology on my face and open it quietly. Immediatley, Christian calls out with a lighter voice than I thought he'd have considering the predicament. "Lisa? Is that you?" Before I can even respond, he comes from around the corner and smiles brightly, pulling me into a warm hug. "I'm so sorry," I say hesitant as to why he isn't upset. Looking over his shoulder, I see a man that looks somewhat like him come around the corner with his hands in his pockets. "Don't be," he whispers. "Dinner is at seven, but you've heard about my family. Always a half hour early." My face drops and I look at my boyfriend in shock. "I knew you'd be late," he explains like it's nothing before turning to the stranger. "This is my brother, Tanner." "Big brother," the man adds with a mocking smile. I laugh lightly and shake his hand. "Little if we're going to by height," corrects Christian. "Are you two arguing again?" A female voice rings rounding the corner. A beautiful blonde woman in a tight yellow dress comes over with a little girl bundled in her arms. A smile is inevitable upon sight of the tiny person. I love children. "This is my wife Halley and my daughter Ocean," Tanner says laying an arm around his wife as she smiles brightly at me. "It's a pleasure to be of your aquaintanceship," she greets. I nearly make a face at her choice of words, but nod nonetheless. "You too." There's a small silence before she fills it quickly in an attempt to keep things from being awkward. "Would you like to hold her?" I nod quickly and hold my arms out to take my soon to be niece... In law? Probably just niece. "How old is she?" I ask rocking her lightly since it looks like she's sleeping. "Six months," Tanner states proudly. I smile up at Christian who has a strange look in his eyes. "How long before she can watch Once Upon a Time with me?" The look disappears as my boyfriend groans and puts the bridge on his nose between his calloused fingers. "Please no. No more of that forsaken show, Vasilisa." "I'm just teasing," I assure. I wasn't though. "Kids! It's 6:56!" Christian sighs and puts a hand on my back as I hand Ocean back to Halley. Walking to the kitchen, I try to hide behind the crowd of people, but this doesn't stop Christian's parents from noticing me the moment I walk in. His father is an older version of him with grey peppered in his short hair. He aged well, and though it looks like Mrs. Monochero tried to do the same, it clearly wasn't without medical help. How much botox is too much? Halley turns around from in front of me and widens her eyes in suprise and Christian clears his throat and elbows me. Oh God! Did I say that out loud? My cheeks redden in embarrassment and I avert my eyes. Even though it looks like his parents didn't hear me from the other side of the dining room, my boyfriend and his sister in law certainly did. "You must be Vasilisa," Mr. Monochero says in a what is a light tone and a deep voice. Definitely Christian's dad. "Yes," I smile as kindly as possible. "But you can call me Lisa." I receive a frown from the woman next to the head of the dining table. "Why would you butcher your name dear? It seems to be the most proper thing about you," she says scanning my clothing skeptically. I have on an appropriate dress. It's burgundy, reaches my knees, and has cute cutouts on the top. Why do I feel so judged? "Thank you?" "Mother," Christian chides repremandingly. His mother looks away and smiles fondly at Tanner as we all get seated. "Do tell us, will Ocean be attending the school for well mannered children this time next year?" I notice Halley's gaze zero in on Tanner's slightly nervous one. "Uhm, well-" "Don't stutter dear," his mother corrects. I frown. Won't Ocean only be one and a half by then? "Halley and I were thinking we would just take Ocean to the Trinity Heritance Private Schooling when she's two. They offer pre school through twelfth grade and all have very respectful and intelligent students. It's the best school on this half of the country." His mother purses her lips, but his father nods as dinner is brought out by a nervous looking Sierra. "That sound like an excellent plan son." Everyone is quiet then until the food is in place and we get the go ahead to dig in. "Oh this is delightful Christian," Mrs. Monochero compliments her... Green pasty soup like dish. I can't bring myself to try it, so I sip on my water as a stalling tactic. "Vasilisa, can you cook dishes like this? I certainly hope you're taking care of my son? Is she Christian?" I exchange a look with my boyfriend embarrassingly. He knows I can't cook. Not safely at least. This is going to be an uncomfortable dinner.
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