Chapter 2

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"Hi ladies." He greeted them but didn't stop to chat to them. He continued walking towards the register to place an order. That didn't deter his die-hard fans. The girls followed him, draping themselves all over him for photos. I found myself feeling disgusted at the girl's behaviour - desperately wanting his attention. "What are you doing tonight Tom?" They flirt, batting their eyes at him. "Can I just order a black coffee?" He asked my Mum behind the register ignoring the girls entirely. " go actually." He added, indicating to the girls still eyeing him off. Mum smiled in understanding. He shuffled from foot to foot not sure what to do next, he didn't want to sit down and allow the girls the opportunity for more harassment. "Tess!" She called out to me, "Coffee order!" "Got it Mum!" I called in reply as I stepped over to collect the order slip and add it to my now long pile of orders, thanks to my crash a few moments earlier. I could feel his eyes on me as I moved around the coffee machine. Keeping my eyes low to avoid his gaze, I continued making the coffee's nervously. Knowing my coordination today, I will probably spill a bag of beans all over the counter. "Mum? This place family-run?" Ben asked me curiously. I nodded in response, knocking the mugs together as I did. Could I seriously get any more embarrassing? I could feel my wolf roll her eyes at me. Oh, now she decides to join me again - disappeared when I was throwing coffee all over the footpath but re-joins me to remind me of how clumsy I am being. "It's a nice place." he commented, idly gazing around the inside of the café. "We like it." I returned awkwardly. What do you say to a superstar?! I was getting irritated by my wolf's frequent eye rolls and judgemental sighs. Tom seemed amused by my curt responses. "You work here often?" he asks. I was contemplating whether to answer or not - he is a stranger after all - but my Mum beat me to it unknowingly. "Tess, you're locked in for Ian's shift tomorrow, OK?" She called from the office. I rolled my eyes and smiled shyly at Tom. I handed him his coffee, "Sugar?" I asked. Tom shook his head and grabbed his coffee. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Tess." He winked as he walked out of the café. The nerve, I swear he actually thinks he is absolutely irresistible to all women. Infuriates me. I don't know why he bothers me so much, but he most certainly does. Mum walked around to take some of the completed coffee orders to tables. My fingers were tingling where our hands bushed around the coffee cup. "Where is Sasha? She was supposed to start 20 minutes ago..." Mum asked no one in particular. "Tess, what happened to your clothes? They are soaked in coffee?!" Mum stated, suddenly noticing me, looking me up and down. I assess myself and she is exaggerating. My apron is soaked but my clothes are actually still dry. "I'll go change..." I sighed as I walked into the office to get a clean apron. Mum nods happily as she balances the coffee's on the tray. I got into the office and could feel my wolf howling. I had no idea why. I could feel her pacing back and forth. She never acts this way unless we are nervous about something. I knew that she had a sixth sense, so maybe she knew something was coming. I focused on my wolf to identify what was causing her distress. My wolf was warning me that something is coming. That was as much as I could figure out before Sam barged in, almost knocking the lamp off of the table as he did. "Ever heard of knocking?" I snapped as he closed the door behind him quickly. He winked at me with a smirk on his face. "Very important business Tess..." he informed me, "Your brother needs to hide or he may not make it out alive!" adding dramatically. I knew I would regret asking, but I asked anyway, "What have you done?" "Well do you know that new girl, Sasha?" Sam asked. I could already see where this was going. Mum had hired her hoping she might be Sam's mate. She had only been working here for about 2 weeks. "Well.." Sam continued when I nodded, indicating I knew who he was talking about, "We may not have been mates but we definitely participated in the actions of mates. If you know what I mean!" Sam explained, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively at me. I groaned out loud at him, causing a roar of laughter to escape his mouth. It is not secret that when you find your mate you can't keep your hands off each other. You are drawn to them in every way, physically, emotionally and mentally. They are your perfect fit. You cannot live without each other, even being apart for a few hours can be heart-breaking. Being separated for long periods of time can literally break their hearts. It is no wonder that is something our Mum wants for us. Unconditional love and a forever person. Love. "So what is the problem with them? This isn't exactly a unique situation." I dig, hinting not so subtly that he has slept with many girls before. Sam laughed, "Well, she's come into work this afternoon livid that I failed to call her. Even though I never said I would. She is saying that she thought we were mates and that I had broken the mate bond. I let her down not so gently and now she has told Mum that I have broken her heart! You can imagine the look on Mum's face... I'm surprised I didn't turn to stone right then and there!" Sam slumped down onto the office chair by the desk and sighed exasperated. "Was she your mate?" I asked the obvious question. I'm surprised Mum didn't ask it to be honest. "Of course not!" Sam snapped, offended. "I'm sorry, I had to ask." I defended. "I can't go back out there." Sam sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Would you like me to go out and diffuse the situation?" I offered, this might be the only way I could get him out of his hiding spot in the office and back into the kitchen. Sam simply nodded in response and cheekily crossed his legs on top of the desk with his hands behind his head. Tess to the rescue again. I have to admit, I was quite relieved for the distraction from my embarrassment of a morning. Maybe this was the trouble my wolf was warning me about. She sure has a flare for the dramatic - I would hardly consider this a serious problem. Maybe for Sam, but not for me. I head out into the café and can see Mum consoling Sasha behind the coffee machine. I can quickly gauge the angle I will need to approach this situation. Mum looks up to me as I get closer. "What does he have to say for himself?" Mum demanded from over Sasha's back. She clearly knew where Sam was hiding. Sasha continued weeping on Mum's shoulder . "He said that he is very sorry for hurting Sasha but she is not his mate." I notice Sasha go stiff and begin to turn around in defence, so I continue "He said you had a wonderful night together and he wishes it could have been more but our Mother taught us to respect and cherish the mate bond so he cannot see you anymore." I look at Mum to notice her smirk. She knew it was a load of crap but silently hoped it might be true. Sasha wiped her nose on her sleeve and sat up straight. "I really thought we had a bond though. He made me feel special." She sniffed, wiping the tears away between words. My Mum rubbed the top of her arm caringly, "Sasha, my dear, what you felt was just attraction and attention. That is sadly not the mate bond. I'm sure your mate is coming and you will be so in love. Unfortunately, he is not my son." Mum continued softly. "Would you like to go home?" Sasha shook her head and stood up, straightening her apron. I turned to begin catching up on the coffee orders while Sasha collected herself and got up to take them to the tables. "You can't fight all his battles, Tess." Mum whispered as she walked back to the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders before texting Sam: Me: You're officially saved. You can thank me later. I cleaned up the coffee machine and got ready to finish my shift. My phone beeped; Sam: My saviour! I am in your debt forever! I quickly replied: Me: I'm saving that for later... Sam re-entered the café and headed for the kitchen. He knew Mum was waiting in there but he could easily calm her down. He was wise enough to give Sasha some room. My phone beeped again. Georgia: You going to meet us at the pub soon? We have just bagged a booth! Me: Just finishing up and I'll be there! I replied quickly before shoving my phone in my back pocket and taking the empty milk bottles out the back to the recycling bin.
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