Horse race in the jungle

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James was very happy to see that his workers were cooperative he looked at Charity she was very beautiful on his Jean trousers and a hat on her head he recall when Charity were on horseback the horse raced and the hat fell on her back held by the straps as the horse hoped she looked absolutely amazing. "Boss you are quiet what is going on?" Charity asked. "Don't worry about me it's memories of the past" James responded. "I also want to thank you particular you leaders I employed recently you've made my empire to be the most efficient in all the haciendas in the region" James said. "I can supervise my ranch and the hacienda using a remote management thanks to the CCTV and the radio call you introduced" James said emotionally. "This is going to be an exceptional horse racing in the region and also we are going to use the chopper to monitor the entire race" James said. "Are we going to involve other haciendas since we have other ten haciendas in our region?" Dave asked. "That is a good question and it has brought another idea" James said. "This horse racing is going to be only for us in this hacienda I hope your horses are in good health and you are feeding them well" James said. "Yes all our horses are in good health but we only need our veterinarian to confirm their health status of all the horses are able to run in the hilly jungle" Francisco said. "Don't worry all your horses I have been monitoring their health status and they are all in my records you can access them in your computers I have posted in the haciendas' health website" Charity said. "The horse under treatment is Francisco's but he is responding to treatment well I have organized for another horse for you" Charity said. Francisco stood and removed his hat and thanked charity. "I though my horse is going to die thank you very much, but despite all that I will win the race" Francisco said confidently. They all laughed at him. "You are not going to win that is my race" Jack said boldly. "Stop it we shall know when the race is done but the winner will get a special gift from the bottom of my heart" James reiterated. The all clapped their hands. "I want you to inform all the workers about the race we need hundred participants" James said. James watched on the screen through the CCTV how workers are going on with their work. "Recently workers are working with minimum supervision what is going on?" James asked. "Remuneration is good in this hacienda that us why they are working without being supervised if they will lose job from this hacienda they are going to be underpaid in other haciendas" Francisco said. "How did you know that" James asked. "Before you came I was working in Wilson's hacienda I was underpaid" Francisco said. "Not only that at my age I have experience in working in different haciendas that is why I have all the information" Francisco reiterated. The drinks were brought and served Jack Dave and Jack sat in between the veterinarians jack wanted to sit with charity but Dave took the position he felt bad, Steve realized he went and sat with Nelly. "Why are you men after one lady Charity are we not beautiful too you men you are pleased with the outward appearance that is why you are get married to the wrong woman" Nelly said. Steve looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry that is the nature of men how they were created" Nelly said. Drinks were served she passed to Dave. "No ladies first!" Dave said. Nelly laughed at him. "Are you sure of what you are saying?" Nelly asked. "Yes you should be served first then me later" Dave said. More drinks was brought and served James went to the smoking zone to smoke as charity sat with jack and Betty sat with Steve. "Where on earth are you coming from" Betty asked. I am coming for far east towards the ocean the shores of Indian ocean" Steve said. James was done smoking he came and picked his drink and switched on the television. There was an advertisement about the disappeared commandos in the army Steve realized that he was amongst those commandos required to to report to the army headquarters after running away from the army because he fell in love with the girlfriend of the general. He looked around people were busy taking their drink he was glad that no one was having attention to watch the advertisements James watched Steve photo was bought on the screen but the picture that was on the screen is the one he took when he was recruited it was hard for anyone to recognise him he looked at James closely he discovered that he didn't have any slightest idea of what it was going on. "Why are the general looking after me?" Steve asked himself. "I have left the army I don't know much about Edith we've never had any communication with her, I know they want to assassinate me" Steve said to himself. "Why are you worried am I giving you enough company or I am boring to you" Betty asked. Steve kept quiet in great fear Betty realized that Steve was so fearful. "I am thinking about home I am homesick from here its two thousand kilometres away I don't know when I will be going?" Steve said. "Don't worry we can plan after the horse race we visit the your family" Betty said. Betty expected him to be Happy but he was still fearful. The meeting ended the hacienda and the ranch leaders went to their place of work to inform all the workers about the horse race scheduled on Monday the coming week veterinarians we had a busy weekend checking on the horses health, everything was done on Monday all the workers assembled in the assembly all the competitors were already on the horse back the commentator introduced the participants
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