Charity's twin sister

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Jack Dave and Steve were in the ranch helping the veterinarians to deworm the cattle its was not an easy task to deworm thousands of animals the ranch workers came to assist for the cattle to get their dose. "It will require us to deworm the animals for four months its not an easy task also we have to do it in turns since milk will not be used in seventy two hours after deworming" Betty said. The Lady you brought in that mission you went is not Charity but she is a replica of Charity" Nelly said. "Are you sure she is not Charity?" Dave asked. "Yes she is not Charity" Betty said. "Are you sure?" Steve asked. "She is Charity even her eyes she resemble Charity very much" Jack said. Steve Jack and Dave sat on a bench very surprised and in confusion. "Where is Charity?" Steve asked. They looked at each other in shock. "We don't have any idea" Betty asked. They saw James rushing towards them Jack Steve and Dave stood from the bench James saw the cattle and he was glad to see how work was done. "Charity has recovered she is sitting on the hospital bed" James said Betty and Nelly laughed. "Ladies why are you laughing?" James asked. "The lady is not Charity she is different may be she is her sister" Betty said. "What!" James interjected. "Yes boss she is not Charity" Nelly said. "How do you know that she is not her": James asked "I realized that she is not Charity she has a black spot in her eyes" Nelly said. "Charity's eyes do not have spot also the necklace she is having and also the clothing she put on is not charity's, when Charity got lost she had put on jeans and and a red blouse" Betty said. "That is true charity did not put on the cloths the lady has put on" James said. "Has the lady regained consciousness?" Steve asked. "Yes she is now sited and she can talk?" James responded. "Did you asked her any questions?" Jack asked. "No the doctors were still attending to her" James replied. "Have you dewormed all the animals?" James asked. "No we are doing it in faces today we managed to deworm two hundred cattle" Betty said. "Are you don't with the work of the day?" James asked. "Yes we are done with today's work only the other workers to separate the dewormed animals from the rest" Betty said. "That is good what we want to do is to go to the hospital and question the lady where she is coming from and also her names" James said. "Has she recovered fully?" Jack asked. "The doctor said it was just hunger she was not sick and also at this time is appropriate to talk to her since she has recovered fully" James elaborated. "What we have to do is for all of us to go to the hospital to ask her some questions" James elaborated. "Are you done with your work?" James asked. "If so let's be on our horse back and rush to the hospital right away" James said. "That is true we need to know the truth for us to plan another search party for charity"/Steve said. They rushed to the stable and jumped onto the horseback and James led them to the hacienda hospital. They arrived they saw Dr Martin standing at the door smiling. "Dr Martin you are happy what is going on?" James asked. "Esther has recovered fully it was just hunger nothing else she is happily seated on bed talking with other patients soon I will release her" Dr Martin said. "You mean she is not charity?" James asked. Dr Martin laughed at James. "Sadly she is not her" Dr Martin said. They all looked at one another. "Welcome in say hi to her she is a jovial lady like Charity sadly Charity has lost we wish to know where is she" Dr Martin said. They all entered into the hacienda's hospital they found Esther seated happily charting with her fellow patients Esther saw them she became nervous they sat in a semi circular facing Esther. James smiled at her. "We are happy that you are recovered its us whim we rescue you from the bush men" James said. Esther became secured and smiled. "Thank you so much you came at the right time I was planning to commit suicide for me not to experience the unbearable conditions in the hostage cage" Esther said. "What is your name and where are you coming from?" James asked. "My name is Esther I come from Zulu town" Esther responded. "How did you find yourself in such a mess?" James asked. "Runda village soldiers normally attack our town and abduct our people I was abducted and taken to Runda village by Moses' soldiers" Esther said. "That is so sad but it is now over they will never attack you anymore" James assured. "Please don't take me to Zulu town I won't go to that town anymore I rather work for you as a slave" Esther said. They all looked at each other in sadness after hearing the what Esther passed through. They looked at the Lady she really resembles charity Betty and Nelly were surprised how she talked like Charity. "Do you know a lady known as Charity" Steve asked. Esther jumped of the bed and became emotional. "Where is Charity she is my twin sister she went for months searching for job but she didn't returned!" Esther shouted emotionally. "Where is she I need to see her now!" Esther shouted. "She is working with us here but I send her for a mission" James said. "Is she safe?" Esther asked. They all looked on the ground sadly James tried as much as possible to convinced her that all was well. Dr Martin saw the how all were very sad. "Leave my patient she is now tired come and see her some other time" Dr Martin said. James lead them out of the hospital to his office.
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