Attacking Runda village

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The soldiers were done erecting tents, the soldiers sent for firewood came with firewood and placed in front of the tent Jack Dave and Steve came and brought some locks of soon to at as seats they sat and made a fire place. "Its getting cold night is approaching" Dave said. "Its a very cold place but we have to endure" Steve said. "Prepare more fire places for you to warm yourselves" Steve said. The soldiers prepared the fireplace they all lit the fire to warm themselves Dave Jack and Steve sat in one fire place while the other soldiers distributed themselves to fire paced the night approached Francisco and James were in the chopper sleeping. "Boss made wise decision to sleep in the chopper with Francisco" Steve said. "Also the pilot is in the chopper" Jack said. "I heard boss talking about Charity it seems she is in love with the lost girl" Steve said "I think so and also I guess so he is so attached to the girl" Dave said. "Between us who's girl is she?" Jack asked. "I am afraid that question is valid until we find her" Steve said. "Let's just have a light talk about her if in Case we rescue her" Dave said. "But I am sure we are going to see her tomorrow in the Runda village" Dave said. "I will the one to save her" Jack said. "Do you know where is she? Dave asked. "I guess I will confidently see her tomorrow no matter what I love that girl very much" Jack said. "I am sorry to disappoint you that girl is mine and she is not in Runda village" Dave said. "Are you sure?" Steve asked. "You talk as if you are very sure where she is" Steve added. As they converse there were wild animals standing in the jungle looking at the soldiers in the hacienda it was very lonely Betty and Nelly were there with few workers and many elderly people over forty five years old. "I wish them well also to find Charity I hope she is well" Nelly said. "I am optimistic that they will find her save and sound" Betty said sadly. Steve assembled the soldiers to highlight on the next move tomorrow morning they sat in a semicircular manner holding their guns. "Soldiers Manning the area please come don't worry we are in the jungle no one will attack us at this hour" Steve ordered. They came and sat Steve stood the fire places lite and the fire burned the place became warm. "Tomorrow at three we have to start our journey to the Runda village" Steve said. "Tom come closer its you who is going to lead us to the village since you are conversant with the footpath to the village" Steve said. "I know all the footpath to the village don't worry" Tom said. "But I peg you I want to save my two children and my wife before you invade the village" Tom pegged. "Don't worry you will have four soldiers accompanying you to save your family immediately we reach Runda village" Steve said. "Okay sir I will appreciate" Tom said. "Our aim is not to kill villagers but to arrest Moses for attacking us and find where Charity is to take her to the hacienda" Steve said. "She is boss's favorite worker be sure of what you are doing don't harm her or kill her by accident I promise our boss will kill anyone who dared to harm her" Steve elaborated. "Tom, how many soldiers are Manning the village?" Dave asked. "Approximately fifty before we invaded you it was hundred soldiers" Tom said. "Perfect we are going to ambush them at four o'clock am you go with the soldiers save your family members and also show us where "Moses the leader of the village is" Steve said. How are we going to deal with the soldiers on the watchtower?" Jack asked. "I will show you what to do I have M16 g*n fixed with the night view lenses and also fixed with the sound suppressor l will personally deal with them" Steve said. "Immediately we reach hundred meters to the Runda village we will have to shoot soldiers in the watchtower down" Steve said. "Tom how many watchtower are there in the village?" Steve asked. "There are four watchtower in every corner of the village" Tom responded "We need four sharp shooters I know everyone of us know how to shoot" Steve said. "Yes I shall prepare for you four M16guns its going to be a very easy task" Steve said. "Immediately after shop down the soldiers on the watchtower we shall rush in to the hostage cage and also the to Moses house Tom is going to show us" Steve said. "Tom can you tell us the position of Moses's house?" Steve asked. "Mose's house is at the far end right of the camp from the entrances" Tom responded. "How about the hostage cage where is it found?" Steve asked again. "To the far left end of the village you find a cage where hostages are kept" Tom said. "We need to do it faster at times hostages commit suicide because of worst conditions they hostage are subjected in the cage" Tom said Jack and Dave became sad when they heard about the conditions the hostages are in the hostage gage. They were impatient they would wish they go right away to save Charity. "I hope we are done with the briefing but we need extra three sharp shooters" Steve said. "I Jack and Dave can do we need one more Robert can do it I trained you" Steve said Steve went inside the tent and removed the M16guns and brought and fixed them with the sound suppressor. "You are good to go other soldiers immediately we are done shop follow Tom to arrest Mosses and others go to the hostage gage any armed warrior shoot him down" Steve gave instruction.
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