Bush men invade the ranch and hacienda

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Jack Steve and Dave are on the horseback going around the hacienda and going through the hacienda. "This is a well-captivated hacienda we have coffee and other food crops like potatoes onions and all kinds of vegetables," Dave said They ride on horseback past the workers in the hacienda one of the workers rushed. "We have a broken fence sir and also the farm produce has been stolen from the farm" Jacob the hacienda worker said. "Where is the broken fence?" Dave asked. "Follow me, sir, I show you where the intruders broke the fence," Jacob said. They followed Jacob on their horseback to where the fence was broken. "Here is it sir," Jacob said. "Who are the intruders and where are they from? Jack asked. "They are the bushmen living in the jungle they are very dangerous" Jacob replied. "Can we follow them we can catch up with them since they walking on foot" Steve asked? "Sir is not advisable but you should ask the boss first you need to be well-armed for you to manage to fight them back if they fight you" Jacob responded. "Let's go and tell the boss what has happened," Dave said. "Okay sir please do so explain what has just happened," Jacob said. Dave Jack and Steve went to James' office they met with the farm manager very disappointed wanting to report something to James the owner of the hacienda. "What is going on I see that you are agitated what is going on?" Dave asked. "The Bushmen have broken the fence and taken some of the cattle" Ronnie replied. "You mean they took the cattle too?" Dave asked. "Yes, they took twenty herds of cattle!" Ronnie said angrily "What do you mean does it means that they broke the fence in another area also?" Ronnie asked. "Yes, they broke the fence and took the food crops into the jungle" Dave responded. "The boss s going to be very disappointed we need to employ more security guards to assist to drive away from the bush men," Ronnie said "We can follow them and bring back the cattle that are thousands of money," Jack said. "It's dangerous to follow they are heavily armed they use guns to fight it's not advisable maybe if we get enough reinforcement" Ronnie responded. "We have lost many workers trying to defend the hacienda their families are now suffering a James normally advises us not to fight them back but leave them to go away with what they want to do?" Ronnie said sadly. James the owner of the hacienda arrived with his car he packed the car and came to his office. "Is anything the problem I didn't expect you at this particular time you should be at the ranch or the hacienda" James said "The bushmen they took twenty herds of cattle," Ronnie said "They broke and took the farm crops," Davis said. "Again!" James shouted. "Yes sir" Dave responded. "Can we go after them, sir?" Steve said. "Don't they are well armed!" James interjected. "Are we going to leave them that way, sir?" Jack asked. "Let them be I have lost a lot of my workers I advise them to flee whenever they are on sight," James said. "Just like that?" Jack said. "You want to risk your life?" James asked. "We have to do something we have to train all the workers to use guns and also train them in the martial art," Jack said. "Who can do that yes I have enough guns in the armory who can train them I don't want anyone outside my territory to train my workers I don't trust anyone," James said. "Then who can train my workers please," James asked. James entered his office followed by his workers. "Have a seat' James said. They sat facing one another for them to come up with a lasting solution. Steve stood and looked at James sadly. "Boss I have listened to what you have said, you've lost many workers also your property has been lost I am ready to train your workers," Steve said boldly. "Do you know how to use guns pistols and grenades?" James asked. "Yes I am well trained military commando I lost my job because I fell in love with the general's girlfriend," Steve said. Jack and Dave laughed at him thinking he was joking. James looked at him he shied away he removed his pistol and gave him. "Can you dislocate this pistol and assemble it again" James instructed. Steve dislocated the pistol and assembled it again James was very surprised. "This is a small caliper pistol you need a high caliber pistol for you to effectively fight your enemy" Steve explained. Dave and jack looked at each other in surprise "James was shocked you mean you know all the types of ammunition?" James asked. Only maybe the latest weapons but I know all the types of weapons?" Steve replied. "What is the way forward?" James asked. There was a knock on the door and interrupted the conversation. "Come in the door is open!' James shouted. Charity Nelly and Betty came into the office they were surprised to find there was a meeting going on. "Please have a seat," James said to them. They sat together. "How are the cattle on the ranch? James asked. "We have vaccinated all the cattle in the upper part of the ranch the lower part we are going to do that in the afternoon," Charity said. Dave Jack and Steve looked at the charity she was very beautiful in his hat and her colorful dress. 'Okay, we are discussing a security issue which is a major concern" James said. "We've lost twenty herds of cattle to dangerous bushmen," James said. "What, who are these bushmen?" Betty asked. "They are people in the bush still following their old tradition and they are very dangerous when you see people wearing their traditional attire you ran for your life," James said. Betty Nelly and charity became so fearful. Boss, what are we going to do to deal with the bushmen? Dave asked. "We have to train the workers how to fight even if for self-defense," James said. "That is a good idea we need to do it as soon as possible" Jack responded. James thought hard about what next he stood and walked towards the door. "Follow me," James said. They followed him they didn't know where they were heading to they went past the administration block to a small timber house. He opened the door and entered they followed him they were very shocked to see several pieces of ammunition inside the timber house. "This is my armory I could have mobilized people to fight the bushmen but I don't like ward but this time around we have to train all my workers," James said. Steve moved and removed the guns. "This is good when you are shooting the enemy within a long-range this is an M16 g*n," Steve said. "You mean you have such a wide range of ammunition and yet you don't let us fight the bushmen?" Steve asked. "I don't like war I want peaceful coexistence but they are pushing me too far," James said. "Make a decision once and for all," Jack said. "We have no options but we fight them," James said emotionally "Okay, sir when are we going to train within a day?" Steve asked. "Between four and six am that will be the best time to train," James said. "It's a suitable time before employees go to their places of work they will come to the training bay," James said. "Follow me," James said. They all followed him to a very huge house he opened and inside the house, there was a training bay for shooting skills. "This is amazing a well-equipped training bay," Steve said. "This is what exactly I wanted," Steve said. It's suitable for shooting it does not create noise it's well-sealed and suitable for shooting any ranch of shooting" Steve said. James went back to the armory followed by his employees he entered. 'For those people who know how to shoot choose the pistol you need and the bullets for you to use in case the bushmen ambush our hacienda or the ranch," James said. Steve jack and Dave removed the pistols they require the ladies didn't. "Ladies, you don't know how to use a pistol?" James asked. "Yes, but we are going to learn from tomorrow morning," Charity said. "You can now go to your various work station let's meet tomorrow even though I will be there," James said. Steve saw some military binoculars he removed three of them James smiled at him. "We need to be observing the bushmen from the distant these binoculars can help us monitor them," Steve said.
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