The Redemption of The Curse

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Kim and Zhou started the teenager school. ‘We never can stop quarreling. You should be tackled down.’ They stare each other. Mrs.Lian, the teacher stops them. ‘You can go to class now.’ Kim stares sharp at the teacher. ‘I can finish him by myself. Why do Mrs start to made up our quarrel? Get out, please of our business!’ Mrs.Lian calls the parents. She explains to them. ‘How can your children be the same school? Tell me, so annoying hearing them quarreled continuously!’ Their parents answer. ‘Listen, we don’t have enough time to separate them!’                 Kim and Zhou try to fall each other. They compete so seriously. Their parents start to worry about future. Zehra asks her husband. ‘How to stop them, dear?’ Wing Chun confuses. ‘Go to the psychiatrist! The quarrel can destroy their future. Think about the curse isn’t real! We can stop them slowly by time.’                 The parents brought them to psychiatrist. Dr.Li, the psychiatrist, asked. ‘Why do you keep competing so crazy at school? Tell me!’ Kim asks, ‘Why do you wanna know my business?’ Dr.Li assigned that Kim and Zhou influenced peer pressure. Dr.Li gave them tests. ‘What do you think about siblings? Explain clearly!’ Zhou answers, ‘Enough to test us! I decide to be the first front of our school in the rank.’                 Kim and Zhou would enter the university. ‘Separate stay away from us!’ Wing Chun was so dizzy looking them. ‘Get the solution now!’ Zehra gave up. ‘Don’t know!’ Flower laughed from the ceiling. ‘Let’s see the next episode! It’s a punishment for you taken away without permission our wealth.’                 In the university, Kim had taken another faculty than Zhou. Kim asked his friends. ‘How can we get shoo Zhou?’ Zhou faced Kim with the gangs, ‘The student from another faculty couldn’t use the library. Listen, it’s belonged to you too!’ Kim hit Zhou with the broom, ‘You think about the university not belonged to you. Don’t be so arrogant, Zhou!’                 Mr.Shang, the lector, called Kim and Zhou. ‘It’s a shame! How could you hit each other front of the field?’ Zhou asked Kim, ‘Why did you hit me?’ Kim held his breathe away, ‘You’re annoying! You’re not a good sibling! You act as the owner of the university by forbid me to enter your library.’                 Kim and Zhou decided to find the work after graduation. Kim swore out to Zhou. ‘I gonna get the first job as a director!’ Zhou didn’t want to lose position. He mocked at Kim, ‘Look at your limit in Math!’ Kim replied Zhou, ‘You’ve your weaken in Science. How do you want to be an engineer soon? It would be so passover.’                 Flower monitored their activity in work. ‘It’s all your parent redemption to me.’ Orchid agreed, ‘You must make them killed each other. It happened till their reached the generation of the solving peak. The solution’s only finished by true deeply love.’ Flower accepted, ‘The quarrel would be stopped one day. I gonna predicted their greatgrandchildren. They would end the quarrel. However, it needs some struggle.’ Orchid read the spell, ‘You’re gonna having quarreling till your greatgrandchildren stopped. Let the quarrel made you killed each other! Let it happened by flowing time!’                 Kim worked hard until he met someone. ‘You’re a beautiful girl. Your face flows shinning angel. What’s your name?’ The white girl introduced herself, ‘I’m Shafa. Nice to meet you!’ Kim amazed at her, ‘You’ve a good and beautiful name. Shafa, a gorgeous name created by your parents. Nice to meet you too! I wanna sent you the message. We can date to the nearby restaurant.’                 Shafa got married to Kim. Zhou congratulated him. ‘Congrats, bro!’ Zhou brought his girlfriend, Najla. Najla shew her attitude so arrogantly. ‘Our wedding party would be more glamour than you! I gonna pay all the event organizer helped us!’ Shafa pushed her. ‘You think you’d better life than me!’                 The quarrel born through the era changed. The third generation, born Mr.Zhou. ‘Let we see the loss of Kim!’ Ms.Kim decided to destroy Zhou, ‘We gonna find the real owner of the land. Our company would be continued by only from the line of Kim. Are you understand all?’ Jonathan, the fifth generation, refused, ‘We can finish by the peace treaty. Do you think war can solve problem? I only your sucker of pain. Give me a chance to enjoy my young era!’ Ms.Kim doesn’t care about Jonathan fate. ‘I encourage you to work seriously in our company. Don’t even try to defeat me!’                 Flower watched from faraway Jonathan marriage. Flower only laughed. ‘There’s a life called karma. Who done, who picked!’ Orchid agreed, ‘It would be so amazing seeing them killing by political marriage.’ Flower asked for opinion, ‘What do you think, dear?’ Orchid gave her opinion, ‘I’m not so broad minded. I predict they would teach their generation to cop with the war. See, at Nath’s face, so sorrowfully! They never would be one bed together in the romantic first night.’                 Vicky left Jonathan in the forest. ‘I never want to touch you. Are you understand me?’ Flower laughed from faraway, ‘One fault, the redemption would come rather!’ Orchid confused, ‘What’s mean? Are you serious?’ Flower answered, ‘Yes, dear! That’s the answer, the best punishment for them’s quarrel!’ Orchid recorded their problems through the magic ball, ‘I save the moment as my album. In my memory, they never come through prosperity soon. What do you think if they get so poorer than before? I can’t wait for the moment they cried for a piece of rice. I gonna see they crawled through houses by beggar.’                 Flower gives a chance to Jonathan for choosing. ‘What do you choose? Your family or project!’ Jonathan can’t answer his question. ‘Are you trying to trap me?’ Flower asks back, ‘What kinda trap?’ Jonathan shouts to Flower, ‘Let my family gone free, you can capture me as the chance!’ Flower ups his eyebrow, ‘Are you calling yourself as guarantee? Are you crazy, I’m not kidding now?’ Jonathan shows the cross to Flower, ‘How about this cross? Isn’t you afraid of it? Smell the cross, if you dare to vanish to Hell!’                 Ahmed comes through the house. Ahmed reminds Flower, ‘Do you forget to be a good ghost? Are you trying to get the while wealth from the world?’ Flower remembers all, ‘How come I only hearing my lust? Forgive me, my friend!’ Ahmed apologizes him, ‘Do you promise not to repeat your evil done again? Are you wanna be a good ghost?’                 Flower goes with Ahmed near the valley. Ahmed teaches him again about kindness. Flower realizes his fault. ‘How can I be so evil again?’                 Orchid picks up Flower. Orchid asks Flower. ‘How your work, Flo dear?’ Flower asks, ‘What do you get from being evil, dear?’ Orchid confuses. ‘You’ve underinfluence of that man. I gonna kill him for our meals. Lemme give him the last word! I gonna send him through my under feet.’                 Ahmed returns Orchid to the world. Ahmed asks. ‘What do you get now, Syaiton?’ Orchid angers to him, ‘I gonna kill you, you’re the holy man. Remember, never accept holy man for the Floral Palace!’ Flower stops Orchid, ‘You’d better to get wiser than before. We gonna live in simplicity. Wealth’s not endless, it would be vanished when the world ended. Forget about our future crown!’
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