The Patrick Mystery

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Patrick born from the Hoo and Guang marriage. Hoo and Guang had another baby named Andrew. ‘We so proud had 2 sons!’ Patrick and Andrew grew together in a different way. Patrick had another view of life. ‘The life’s so flat when you don’t have critical stubborn. Are you think another best and kind to us? There’s no person cared of Tse.’                 Andrew worked as a mechanical engineer for Kim company. Andrew was a great and diligent worker. Andrew didn’t forget to give thanks to Ms.Kim after receiving wage. ‘Thank you, Madam!’ Ms.Kim kissed Andrew, ‘I accept you as my workers because you work so hard along here. How about your wage, just secret for your brother? He would be so jealous if knowing you accepted more. Now, he work for Zhou! Zhou’s owned a computational company for project.’                 Patrick asked Andrew. ‘How much your wage?’ Andrew answered, ‘Just only 4000 dollars! I don’t accept more. I just work similar as yours.’                 Patrick worked with a corporation through Yan. He decided to create a new program of the finance. He asked for Donnie a help. ‘Help me with Excel!’ Donnie sent the tutorial of Excel through e-mail. Donnie called Patrick, ‘I’ve sent the e-mail to you. Learn it through immediately! You can ask me the unknown feature.’ Patrick thanked to Donnie, ‘Thank you, bro!’                 Ms.Kim asked Andrew. ‘Look at the report! How come our project out of goal?’ Andrew saw through the report, ‘It’s impossible! All the estimate based on the Excel. Where do you got it?’ Ms.Kim answered, ‘Who wronged the report?’                 Patrick hid from their conversation. ‘I’ve manipulated all the report. It’s all based on Mr.Zhou order.’ Mr.Zhou asked Patrick, ‘How about Kim’s goal project? It isn’t successful. I hope they’ll be queued for the next period project. Your job so well done, tackled of Kim. Good job, boy!’ Flower saw from faraway, ‘There’s a chance for me to develop my generation again. Your children would have similar face to me. Look at the last page!’                 The next day, Patrick stopped Andrew. ‘Follow to work on me!’ Andrew refused, ‘Why I must work for and on you?’ Patrick answered, ‘Your company cut off the wage because of the goal failure. You should understand, you need money for life. You should find another job to reduce lack of need. How would you earn money when Kim started to bankrupt?’ Andrew walked around, ‘I’ve to go now, we can talk it later on.’                 Mr.Zhou had a mission for Patrick. Patrick asked. ‘What would you pay me? I need half of your wealth.’ Mr.Zhou didn’t agree, ‘I’ll give you additional wage. You’ve stabbed back me. I could be poorer than before. It’s still in the crisis.’                 The mission was Patrick had to hack the Kim company profile. Patrick decided to take profit. ‘I just see at the bank account, I gonna take some.’ Andrew knew all, ‘You gonna have another wealth only for your profit. Give me half!’ Patrick offered. ‘You must work for me first!’ Andrew changed his mind, ‘I gonna help you, but not for getting out through my job. We can be a hacker together!’                 They hacked the bank account. Patrick asked Andrew, ‘You should change the pass. Then, we can transfer half through Yan.’ Andrew asked, ‘What’s your relate with them? They such a drug dealer family. You should be careful of them.’                 Patrick dragged Andrew to the meeting room. Patrick asked Andrew about Yan, ‘Why they named Yan?’ Andrew answered, ‘They named themselves as Yan because they’re so wick in business.’ Patrick mocked Andrew about his humble, ‘You’re too humble!’ Andrew defended himself, ‘I say right just now.’ Patrick asked, ‘What do you get from Yan? Why don’t you try to trust them?’ Andrew explained about the real motivation of Yan, ‘I just trust for a while. How do you know about the money use? We’re similar to help them in modals for dealer.’ Patrick refused Andrew, ‘They only sell m*******a for medicine.’                 Andrew found out about Yan. ‘They sell m*******a for halucinogen.’ Andrew texted Patrick. Patrick replied, ‘The hallucinogen used for surgery. It’s all legalled by country. The country used the hallucinogen for pharmacist too.’                 Nicholas asks Jonathan about the backside of Patrick. ‘Why Dad must cooperate with Yan? How don’t you tell me when you were still with me? Why I should know when you’re gone?’ Jonathan answers, ‘Dad’s happy now in Heaven. Everything about his fault, we should forgive for his peace in There. He worked to cooperate with Yan for our prosperity. He didn’t want his children live in poverty lika him in the past. His struggle made us success now.’ Flower explains. ‘Your Dad’s a kind person. Actually, only his path of life, so wrongs God.’                 Flower lets them through his home. Flower makes them cookies. Jonathan confuses, ‘Dad confessed to kill me. You tried to vanish me by crashing car. Why I didn’t remember?’ Nicholas reacts, ‘Stop to remind me that! Don’t you know, I feel so traumatic?’ Flower advices to them, ‘Don’t remember someone sin, you’re not perfect at all!’ Orchid stops them, ‘Go away from here! You all just disturb me and my peaceful at all. You’re my enemy!’ Flower stops Orchid back, ‘Don’t shoo them! Why don’t you welcome them? I invite them here! Are you gonna to hurt me?’ Orchid goes inside, ‘Bigful mouth! I gonna fight with you all one day. You never can defeat Floral Palace! Forever and ever, just my enemy!’                 Flower cooks them meals. ‘Let’s have the noodle!’ Jonathan remembers not to receive meals from ghosts, ‘I’ve full! Can you wrap it? How can I eat so full?’ Flower wraps the noodles, ‘You’ll have it at home. The noodle made from my own product. The product sold out to some restaurants in the world. The world reachest the top customer of this products.’ Nicholas reminds Jonathan. ‘You should be careful from meals in this place. You would become a ghost then.’ Jonathan agrees, ‘You say right. We must trash it. Find the save place!’
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