Wrong shot

1017 Words
      "When I die, put my ashes in a trash bag. I don't care where'er they'd go", one of the captives sang as they worked on the farm. "Is that Oh Lord by NF?", Alex asked. "Yes... You know NF?" "Sure... Nasty C woulda killed him in a freestyle, I bet", Alex said. "Who's Nasty C? you realize NF is the third best rapper in the world?" "Nasty C is number one" "No... Eminem is. The second is Lil Wayne" "That's a wrong placement... " "Shut up and work!", a soldier shouted at them. They looked at him and he was already pointing a gun at them. 'Really?', the other guy thought. "Nasty C is the best in South Africa!", Alex whispered. "You Nigerians have problem with your armed forces", the guy said. "Why do they have to point guns always?" "Come on, I'm not Nigerian", Alex replied him. "I'm South African". "Hmm", the guy smiled. "That's why you can't stop advertising Nasty C" "You're not Nigerian?" "I'm Nigerian and Spanish too", the guy replied. "This is my first time here".       "Ok... Your parents are Nigerians"      "My mum is Nigerian ... My Dad is Spanish... I'm Jerry... Jerry Williams".        "I'm Alex... Alexander Kellerman." None of them was spared from the farm work and they were developing the farm at a fast rate.    "This is what some Nigerians need", Chuma and Idris could hear the soldier discussing.    "That's true... None of these people can work on their farms like this"    "When you tell them to farm and develop the economy, they act like they can't lift cutlasses"     "You know they see it as a dirty job... makes them look poor"      "If it wasn't true, you should be doing it"      "We're already doing it. I mean, overseeing the farm work is something, right?"     They laughed. "Yea, maybe".   Chuma and Idris looked at each other as if they were going to pull one of those stunts that usually happens in movies.      "They're mocking us", Idris said. "I could stand now and break a neck".       Chuma laughed. "I won't stop you, i***t!".      "Did you just pun my name?"   Chuma laughed again. "Wow! I'm a genius! That was unplanned but I'll say it again. Then, the pun will be intended".       ★★★                ★★★               ★★★    The soldiers weren't always officially serious, especially this time. Keeping the captives behind the gate had become their job and they had to work, every day and every minute. It had become their whole life and they had to live.    It was time for the soldiers' lunch. The women were already bringing out the food.   "Be quick!", one of the soldiers rushed them. "Come on!"    "Calm down", Kenny scolded with a low voice. "If they trip and fall, you will blame them for impatience".   "Hey!", the soldier snapped. "I wasn't talking to you. Mind your business".    Kenny smiled. "Ok, I guess I will... but you will find yourself to blame if they make a mistake because of your impatience"    The two exchanged angry looks and Kenny walked away.     "Hey, Tyga! Bring my food", a leading soldier told the soldier who just had a clash with Kenny.     Tyga murmured as his expression changed, rapidly. His mumblings were inaudible but the women could tell that he was insulting. One of them laughed. "What are you laughing at?", Tyga asked, angrily. The woman's laughing face, quickly, transformed to a frown. He grabbed the plate of food and delivered it to the leading soldier. "Ok... Serve me now", Tyga said after giving food to the leading soldier. The woman with the spoon got nauseated. She dropped the spoon and ran to a corner, where she threw up. "Hmm... They have impregnated themselves", the soldiers whispered and mocked. Tyga looked back and no leading soldier was close by. Tyga suspected as the other two women whispered in each other's ears. He took out his gun and walked to the woman, who was still washing her mouth. "Who slept with you? Who impregnated you?" "Uhn?...", she panicked. "Can't you talk?" "I'm not... I'm not pregnant. it's fever" Tyga hissed and shot the woman dead. "What was that for?!", a soldier exclaimed in a low voice but Tyga heard.    "Uhn? What were you saying?", Tyga asked, intimidating with his eyes. "Not- nothing, sir", the soldier replied, nervously. He had a lower rank so he couldn't challenge. Tyga walked into the room where the workers were kept. Some other soldiers followed, including Kenny. "You have been comfortable, uhn?... You are in your dream homes, uhn? Now you sleep with each other?.... Which of you impregnated the cook?" They looked at one another with fear. Too many people were panicking so no one could be picked out. Everyone was looking guilty. "Or how many people have slept with her?" "Stop this", Kenny intervened. "You have this confidence and I believed there was wisdom in it. How do you expect to get the truth when you have killed the woman?" He barely finished the last question when he got a reaction from one of the workers. No one else saw it but he already guessed the culprit. ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ The portal opened and Joe jumped out of it.  "What the f**k!?", Joe exclaimed as the atmosphere seemed strange. He had appeared in an unknown place. The trees were weirdly scarier than the ones he had left behind. "What?", Toby asked. "Where is this place?" "This is Ondo state", Toby replied. "You didn't expect to return to where you left from, did you?" "Come on, where is the wisdom in that? How would you expect me to expect this, uhn? To leave Calabar and appear in Ondo state? I can't even tell how far it is or how to get out of this horrible place. I'm already hallucinating". "We will get out of here. That's why you have me, right?", Toby replied. There were sounds of beating drums. Joe was familiar with the local rhythm. "Where's the beat coming from?" "That's probably why we appeared here. Fate has pulled us and we are not leaving without taking something with us"
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