Chapter 3: Best Friend Movie Night

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It was her first day back at Shore Adventures for the summer. She never really took days off after coming back home. It had only been a week since she arrived back on the shore. It was the longest she had gone but she wanted to spend a few days with Oakley before her boyfriend finally came down to stay for the summer. Today was the last day before he drove down. After she was done work, they were going to head to the beach and just hang out for the day. It was a slow day at the shop so far. Only two people had come in looking for kayak tours. It was annoying. No one had come in to ask for surfing lessons. Lochlyn couldn’t wait till it was June and July and she had more tourists coming through. It was such a double-edged sword. You loved the tourists for the money they spent but hated them for invading your town. Time dragged by slowly. A few more customers trickled in and made appointments for later in the week, but no one really needed her right now. Lochlyn nearly cried in relief when her mother walked out from the back. “Hey love why don’t you head out. I’m all caught up.” She smiled and pushed her daughter to the door. She knew how ready Lochlyn had been to get out of there. Don’t get her wrong she loved her job, but she hated when it was slow. She sent Oakley a quick text. She had her bathing suite under her clothes. It was mostly because she had to be ready at any moment to go on a tour or take a walk-in lesson. But if you really asked her, she would say it was because she didn’t want to waste time getting to the water. Like most small towns on their part of the shore. The town was divided by a major road. Unlike most shore towns Townsend had two districts, the seaside district and the bayside district. Both had their shares of historical sights and old buildings mixed with some new construction. Over the last few years the town had started to really try and make it a more hospital tourist town. Lochlyn was lucky that the store was on the seaside. This way she could keep everything she needed at the shop and didn’t have to cart it across town. She grabbed her chair and her bag and walked to the beach. It was only a 2 minute walk down the small street. Lochlyn saw the beach street lined with cars and sighed. It wasn’t completely summer but people were still coming out in massive amounts. She walked down the stairs and onto the beach. It wasn’t as crowded as the amount of cars make it seem to be. She found the perfect spot away from most of the tourists and plopped down into her chair. She was just going to close her eyes for a minute. That’s it. Just a minute. Of course she didn’t close them for just a minute. Lochlyn woke up to her name being called. She opened her eyes and yawned. “Oak?” Her best friend was standing in front of her trying very hard not to laugh. “You were snoring.” She giggled winking at her best friend. Lochlyn rolled her eyes. “Whatever” They would also tease each other. Wouldn’t you if you’d known them since you were a toddler? “How was work?” Oakley asked settling into her chair. “Good. Slow.” Lochlyn shrugged looking out at the waves crashing. “You wanna go swim?” Loch asked hopeful. She loved going out in the water but there was something about it that always made her want to have someone with her when she did. “Yeah come on.” Oakley hopped up. Lochlyn hadn’t realized her best friend had already probably been sitting for a bit. “Yessss.” She cheered and sat her hand in her chair. The two girls ran into the water laughing and carrying on like a bunch of elementary school kids. It was their last days to just be the two of them. It seemed kind of sad but at the same time Oakley really wanted her boyfriend around and Lochlyn didn’t blame her for that at all. After they had finished at the beach they walked down to Lochlyn’s house. Her house sat a bit further off the main beach so it took them a good 15 or 20 minutes to walk down the sidewalk. There were two sections of beach. The public beach that had access through town and the private beaches from the houses. There was a little bit of separated so you couldn’t walk directly from one beach to the other. No one was home, her mom must have still been at the store and Lochlyn had no idea where her dad was. The girls took showers and Oakley used the stash of clothes she always kept at Loch’s to change into. They were going to have a movie marathon. Lochlyn set up the pillows and such on her bed and snuggled in waiting for Oakley. “Okay what movie should we watch?” Her best friend asked jumping into the pile of stuffed animals and pillows. “I picked last time. It’s your turn to pick.” Lochlyn laughed handing the remote over. Finally after what seemed like 20 years her best friend picked a classic rom com. Lochlyn placed the bowl of popcorn they had popped before coming upstairs between the tow of them. The movie was a silly rom com just like every other rom com. The girl and guy meet. There’s some conflict. She’s not worthy, he’s not worthy. Somehow, they wind up together. I am very unsure. No matter what the movie was the girls had a very fantastic last hooray. The fell asleep watching their 4th movie. Lochlyn’s mom came in and made sure all the lights were off. “Night mom” Lochlyn mumbled from her pillow. Her mom didn’t respond. She just smiled and shut the door. 
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