Guild and A Duel

1042 Words
After walking for a while we are already arrive here at the adventurer's guild. "Albus this is we part ways me and Shin will meet the client while Shayla will bring Garen to the hospital to treat his injuries" (Gladius) "Yes thank you very much for guiding me" I replied bowing to them "That's good to hear then.... I hoped we meet again next time" (Gladius) After that parting I enter the guild and look around with my surroundings. Its look like it is same as I imagine in the visual novels I've played that's what I thought after I observed my surroundings and then I approach the receptionist area and saw a long line on one receptionist lady while the other lady is deserted. "Looks like due to her looks that people don't approach her" I whispered as I look to that lady she long black hair tied into a ponytail, fair skinned beauty and added to her charm that circular glasses she wears but that downside is here glare that is on the level or maybe greater than Shin's in simple terms that's what we called a cold beauty "Better to go there and ask about to how to register rather than wait in long line" I muttered As I approach to that cold lady I hear some muttering in my surroundings "Oi..that kid approach Rin's area!"(Adventurer 1) "That kid must have guts to approach Miss Rin when she is her bad mood" (Adventurer 2) " Maybe he is masochist" (Adventurer 3) Hey who you are calling masochist! shouted at them in mind... a-anyways look like she really in her bad mood today her glare is intensifying as I approach to her gotta use my experience when meeting this kind of people "Um....excuse me" (Albus) " What?!" then the temperature suddenly drop in the whole guild as she spoke She really scary but I don't want give up here and run away endure Albus endure.... "I just want to register as an adventurer"(Albus) "Okay just fill up these forms and wait for your assesment" said while giving me the forms " Thank you very much" (Albus) After filling up the forms under the frigid cold gaze of hers, I handed to her the forms "Hmm...Albus Sommerfield...job....a these is true and correct right?" she asked "Yes that right" I replied as I adapted to her chilling gaze "Okay just wait here and I will assess your skills" she said while leaving her post "Yes" I said while breathing out relief but my surroundings looks like they are worried to me. "Hey kid don't let down your guard now" an adventurer spoke to me "Why is it" (Albus) " It is because Miss Rin you talked right now is gonna fight you" (Adventurer 1) "Eh!?....Why" I asked " Because she is on bad mood today and she gonna vent out here frustrations to you" (Adventurer) Just of that is she gonna fight me I thought that when a menacing man appears from the second floor of the building. He has a towering figure with a scar on his left eye he looks like a veteran mercenary. "Are you Albus Sommerfield?" the man asked me as approached to me "Y-yesh" I bit my tongue when replying to him "  Young man... just remember never lose hope and whole guild will assist you until your recovery " the man puts his trembling hands on my shoulders " I hoped you survive" "Keep calm and be proud yourself" "Fighto" Why they giving me looks I'm gonna go on a war I can not survive, how the heck is cold receptionist lady strong is that all adventurers fear her thinking that the I hear a bell sound from the back of the guild. "Looks like its time young man let's assess your skills, follow me " the menacing man tells me "Okay" As I follow the man, adventurers, staff and even healers follow us to the back of the guild and as door opens I saw scene like a frozen field standing there is the receptionist lady donned in a leather armor holding training daggers smeared with blood smiling at me "Looks like you didn't chicken out" she said to me " I will not run away to fulfill my wish I must become an adventurer" while approaching her "Hou... I cannot tell if you are an i***t  or a brave but--" she said assuming a battle stance "I'm gonna beat out a piece of you!!!!" shouting at me "Bring it on ice lady! " I shouted back preparing for battle "Looks like participants are ready okay as the judge of this battle I will assess Albus abilities thru this battle" the menacing man said while inhaling " Let the duel.....BEGIN!" After the signal the lady suddenly vanish and-- "CLANG" A pair of daggers and my staff clashed together "KUHH" " blocked my swift attack" the lady smiled as she steps backs at me Damn... luckily my detection skills  and my martial prowess made me blocked her attack "Looks like you have a detection skill to notice me but can you keep up my speed" she said and vanish again But this time a flurry of slashes coming from all directons assaulted me "CLANGCLANGCLANG" "Damn I can barely blocked some attacks, If this continues, I will be at a disadvantage" Sounds of clashing wood echoed the field as thinking  finding a gap as well my next move During those flurry of slashes I saw a gap then as I step in into that gap my detection rang out "Gotcha" she smiled as the daggers approached my back of my neck but " Static Field " a burst of electricity surrounds me zapping those around me Static Field is intermediate form of wind magic which is lighting magic that creates an electrical field around me causing a light paralysis for those who in 1 meter radius "Kggh" taking full hit of my blow she is  paralyzed a for short time and without missing any opportunity I lashed out a sweep attack  between her legs making out of her balance and then I enchant my staff with wind element magic and fire a thrust "Weapon Enchant Wind", Gale Thrust!" I shouted as my staff hit her abodomen a gale of wind erupts causing her to blast off to the wall "KABOOOM!!!!" All spectators watching became silent as their mouths open in shock as the smoke dissipates leaving the receptionist lady lying beside the cracked wall "Oopps... looks like I overdid it ..ehe" I said while smiling wryly "EHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" all spectators screamed that day.
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