Chapter 5

2030 Words
"Here" I looked up to see Dimitri holding out a steaming mug of hot chocolate in front of me. The aroma of the drink instantly made me feel a hundred times better than I already was. I gingerly took the mug from him, "Thanks" I smiled up at him gratefully and looked down at the drink, feeling the warmth that was radiating off the mug. Dimitri let out a sigh and took a seat next to me. We were now currently in our bedroom, on the bed to be specific. Dimitri made sure we get home as fast as we could to avoid any more attacks for the day. Once we get home, the first thing he made me do was to take a calming bath. And it did calm me down. I brought the mug up to my face and took a deep breath before putting it against my lips to take a sip. Dimitri made sure it was at the perfect temperature so I didn't flinch away from it. I took one long gulp before bringing the mug down again. I could feel his eyes on me, studying my face. He probably expected me to shake like a leaf, "How do you feel?" He asked, clearing his throat softly, "Are you okay?" He leaned towards me, tucking in my loose strand behind my ears so it wouldn't hide my face from him. I didn't say anything to that right away. Instead, I took my own sweet time to finish off the drink he made for me before it turns cold. His question made me ponder harder than usual. I angled myself to face him and smiled reassuringly, "Surprisingly not bad for someone who dodged hundreds of bullets," I said, keeping my tone light. The last thing I wanted was for him to blame himself for what happened today. His eyes hardened and regret flickered in them, "Rayna" He started, his voice had an edge to it. He hesitated as if he was struggling to find the right words to say, "I feel like the biggest wimp in the world for what happened today. I am sorry" He apologized sincerely, there was shame in his eyes as he finished his speech. I shook my head at him and inched closer to him. With my free hand, I tugged his arm and put it around my shoulders. Dimitri immediately pulled me closer to him, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Dimitri" I started quietly, "It wasn't your fault that we got shot at suddenly. I knew the risks that I have to go through be with you and it is me who decided that. So don't feel bad" He watched me as I talked and I noticed how the emotions in his eyes changed. From shame, it went to regret again and then it gleamed with profound affection, "You rather be with me even though it is dangerous for you?" He asked me, one his hand went up to my cheek, cupping it. I nodded my head, "You were there for me when no one else was. When I had nothing, you were there" I said, my tone growing thick with emotion, "You were the on my darkest nights, holding onto me. I think it is safe to say that at this point, I feel like I do not deserve to be with you at all and yet, I don't think I will live another day if it is not with you" His lips parted and no noise came through it for a few seconds and he exhaled a chuckle, "I love you" He said, leaning in and placing his lips against mine for a quick peck and pulling away before I could respond to it, "Thank you, Rayna. For choosing to be with me. You might wonder if you are worthy for me but the truth is, I am the one who is not worthy of you" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I don't understand" I said. Why would he say that? He had everything in his life. Money, fame and most importantly he had family and yet he chose to be with someone like him. Who had nothing compared to him? Dimitri threw his legs off the bed and took the empty mug from me, "I don't think you know how much you make my life better, Rayna" He said, walking out of the room. Seconds later, he reappeared with a tall glass of water and my medication that I have to take every day. I made face at the yellow pill, "I miss the days when I didn't have to rely on some pills to feel fine" I muttered under my breath, taking the pill from his palm and popping it into my mouth before taking the glass of water and gulping it down. Dimitri took the glass from me and placed it away from the bed, "It is all because of me" He said quietly, "If we didn't fight that day-" "Nothing is going to change if we talk about it now, right?" I interrupted him abruptly. He shook his head at me in the answer so I changed the subject quickly, "Come on, hold me while I take a nap" I said, opening my arms wide open. Dimitri chuckled at my behaviour, "Gladly" He said, climbing to the bed again and pulling me into his arms, "Oh, I almost forgot" He said, stopping me from snuggling up against his chest. "What?" I asked, annoyed now. "My mother invited you to a family dinner next week. She said you must attend it or she would come here and drag you to the mansion by herself" I knew this day would come. I refused to attend any of the dinners for quite some time now and I wondered how Elena was fine with it. I even hoped that she wouldn't ask Dimitri to take me there anymore but it seemed like she isn't someone who backs down without trying everything she can. "Is there any excuse that I can make to dodge this?" Dimitri shook his head. He knew nothing can stop his mother from doing something if she set her mind on it, "I am afraid nope. My sister would be joining the dinner as well. You haven't met her yet, right?" He asked putting me in a tough spot. I knew Dimitri has a brother and a sister and I really wanted to meet them. It must be fun to have siblings while growing up isn't it? "Yeah, but what if she hates me?" I bit my lower lip, feeling my stomach churning in anxiety. What will do if she turned out to be exactly like her father? Dimitri grinned at me, "Trust me, it takes the coldest and hardest heart to hate you" He responded, "My sister loves me so she would love you as well" He smiled reassuringly, "Will you attend the dinner then?" "Will your father attend as well?" I questioned him stupidly. Of course, he is going to be there. It was a family dinner after all. "I assure you, he wouldn't live another day if he bothers you in any way" He promised and it looked like he meant every word he said. "Dimitri!" I chided, "He is your father. Please don't forget that" "Well he didn't act like that" Dimitri rolled his eyes, "Enough of that useless man. Tell me if you will consider attending the dinner or not, please" Dimitri looked at me with pleading eyes and it was next to impossible to say no to such a face. I slumped my shoulders in defeat and nodded my head, "I will attend the dinner but not because of your mother. I am coming to meet your Nonno and your sister, alright?" I said everything in one breath, "But under one condition" I held up my index finger in front of him. "I feel like I wouldn't like what I am about to hear" "But go on. Let's hear it" "You won't hurt your father in any way. Not verbally or physically if he hurts me in any way" I said, putting my condition forward. Dimitri was already shaking his head while I talked, "Rayna, you know I can't do that" He glared at me as if I had lost my mind, "Your dignity matters to me. I won't let that scumbag walk all over you just because you're the nicest person on this planet, alright?" His nostrils flared in anger. A part of me was happy that Dimitri cared for me more than myself but I would never let him choose me over his family, "It is that or I won't attend that dinner" I said, raising my shoulders a little to shrug. Dimitri stared at me incredulously, "Why are you doing this to me?" He asked, almost sounding tortured. I smiled sadly at him, "Because I don't have anyone. I wish I had a family so I can be mad at them at times as well" I said, my voice barely above a whisper, "I don't want you to lose something so special while defending me, Dimitri. I don't want you to lose something that I don't have when it is something that I long for more than anything else in my life" He seemed to be processing everything I said and slumped his shoulders in defeat, "Fine. I won't hurt him" He said begrudgingly. "Good. It wasn't that hard, right?" I grinned at him. "But we would leave if he bothers you" He announced, leaving no space for arguments. I didn't particularly like this but I agreed anyway, "Fine with me" I agreed, extending my hand in front of him so we could shake our hands for the deal we just made. Dimitri glanced down at my hand and the corners of his lips curved into a breathtaking smile before he took my hand in his and gave it a firm shake, "Deal then" He said. I smiled and tried to pry my hands from his hold but that only made him squeeze my hand gently, "I love you" He said those lovely words for the second time tonight. I watched him as he brought my hand to his lips and pressed my hand against his soft lips, his eyes never leaving mine even for a second. I felt a flicker of joy within me and something tugged in my heart, making my cheeks flame. I was the first one to break the eye contact. The intensity of his emotions in his eyes was too much for me to handle, "I love you too" I mumbled under my breath, shyly. It was too low that I doubt if he heard me at all. "I love it when you're shy. The blush on your cheeks is lovely" He said, letting go of my hand and pulling me to him. I let out a squeak as I crashed against his hard chest but before I could fathom anything, he pressed his lips against my cheeks this time, "You are adorable" He said, pinching my cheek now. I playfully swatted his hand away from my face, "Yeah right" I grinned, "Now hold me in your arms" I said, wrapping my arms around him and pushing us both on the bed so we could lay down on our backs. I fluttered my eyelids close with a smile on my face and concentrated on my breathing to fall asleep but my eyes flew open when I felt his phone buzzing in his jean pocket. I forced my heavy lids open to glare at him as I felt him wiggle a little to get the phone. He smiled down at me apologetically and I expected him to leave me like he always does whenever he received a call but Dimitri simply turned off his phone and chucked it away from us, "Go to sleep" He said, tightening his hold around me and fluttering his eyes close. I smiled and relaxed my posture as well. Allowing myself to get excited again, I closed my eyelids shut and snuggled up against his chest.
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