City of Salt

3077 Words

City of SaltI’m on the floor of someplace I’ve never seen, looking at a boot worn by a man I don’t know. The carpet is plush and full, decorated with blue and yellow in swirling patterns. Head aches. Blood in my mouth from when the boot on the man I don’t know kicked me, or where I fell. I don’t know. I can’t remember. I lose time. Try not to let the blood drip on the carpet. It’s a nice carpet, and I don’t want to ruin it, but the blood drips onto it anyway. Last thing I remember is the house on the edge of town. Looted. Porch stooped and leaned like a dirty old man. Black windows like black widows. Spider web in the corner of the porch blew in the breeze and I remember thinking “This is good.” I stared at the web for a while. It was caught in the full cracked moon, and then I felt it c

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