Under the Rocks-3

2879 Words

The beast reared up to deliver what I was sure would be my deathblow; its arms, chest, and head were etched inky black against the white moon. I drew up all my strength and blindly swung the machete out in front of me. The monster’s weight shifted. Its arms were falling, falling swiftly for me, for my head, and that was it, I was dead, my head’d be cut off only not by the Hook ‘n Eye killer but by some ugly, disgusting Thing, some horrible beast from my worst, most terrible nightmare. Then I felt the blade connect with something hard. Wetness splattered my face, my torso. A horrible squeal filled the air. Then the weight was off my body and I heard a huge splash. I opened my eyes. Mitch was standing over me. “Jason! Oh my God.” I tried to sit up but the pain in my neck was too much.

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