3 . Regrets and reminiscences

1098 Words
Zayden's Pov : Shit. s**t. s**t. This can't be happening right now. My one chance of happiness and fate had to f**k it up. Walking away from her was one of the hardest decisions I've ever taken in my life. Her face when I stepped away from her was something which would haunt me forever. The pain and hurt in her expression when I made a face of disgust on hearing her surname was heart-wrenching. But that disgust wasn't directed at her. I could never be disgusted by her. The disgust was towards her family and her parents , two of the filthiest people in the supernatural world. I couldn't help but clench my fist , remembering the night the Zendales ruined my life and the lives of thousands of innocent wolves all for power and show of strength. I was only a kid then but I still remember the strong smell of death in the air , people mourning for their loved ones and the cries of kids calling out for their parents. Kids like me whose parents would never get a chance to kiss them goodbye. Shaking my head , trying to push back the painful memories , I mind-link my beta Jarred , the only person I trusted with my life with the exception of my sister Zyrah. Jarred , office. Now! Yes Alpha. Ryder , my wolf was unusually quiet. He was initially over the moon to have found his mate but all that excitement and happiness was wiped away when he learnt her real identity. I knew he was as hurt and confused as I was , maybe more that me and was trying to make sense of the situation. So I let him be. He would talk when he was ready. "Alpha. You called for me?" Jarred asks , entering my office. Jarred and I have known each other for pretty much our entire lives. He was like a brother to me. But I would never admit that out loud. "Yes. Take a seat." He sits down and gives me a look which said "I want to ask you something but I'm not sure if you would rip my face off. " "You can go ahead and ask me." Jarred hesitates but asks nevertheless , "Is she your mate?" I sigh , not wanting to talk about our bit I knew that I could trust him with matters like these. Besides the dude gave awesome advice. "She is." "Then why do you look like you just got kneed in the balls. Wait..... Did you get kneed in the balls? " he asked to which I replied with the deadliest glare I could muster. "No?......okay then....what's wrong? Just give her one of your smouldering squint eyed looks and she would beg you to mark her then and there." I roll my eyes. Typical Jarred. "There is just one tiny problem...... No wait. .....It's a huge f*****g problem." "Umm...... She's much hotter than you and you are insecure about your looks? " he had the audacity to smirk. I take the nearest thing I could find which happens to be a snow globe and aim it at his face. He ducks to avoid it but too bad I have perfect aim. Well , too bad for him. It smacks him right on his face and the satisfying 'Ow' heard right after brought a smirk to my face. "You are just jealous that I get more girls on a daily basis than you do your entire life." "You sure they are in it for the looks and not the power? " Jarred asks , still rubbing the part where the snow globe hit him. "Nah , the power is just a bonus." "Yeah. Okay. Whatever floats your boat. But seriously , what's the problem?" He asks , taking a sip of MY tea. "She's a Zendale." He spits out the tea and starts choking on it. After calming down he says "What? You're joking right?" "I wish I was" I say dejectedly. "By the way , you are cleaning that up" I tell him , pointing to the tea spilt all over my desk. Jarred brushes off the tea comment and I know he has mind linked the maid to clean it up later. "Damn......you got it bad. So are you going to accept her or......?" He trails off , looking pained to even say the word 'reject'. "I don't know man. I don't f*****g know" I sigh , frustrated. "There is a chance she is innocent and doesn't know about her parents dirty ways. If she did then I don't think she would have readily told you her full name. So don't take any hasty decisions until you talk it out with her okay? And if she does know about her parents then give her a chance to prove that she is nothing like them. Remember that you both were meant to be and the goddess bought you together for a reason." "Smartass." "I try. So I'll be leaving you to it then , Alpha. Looks like you have some thinking to do. But don't fry your brain out okay? You may need it". His laughter echoes in the corridor as he closes the door and leaves. Asshole. Well.....looks like I have some thinking and researching to do on my beautiful mate. Did I just call her beautiful? You can't deny that she's gorgeous. Her dark brown hair cascading down to her waist. Curves in the right places. Beautiful deep amber eyes and those plump lips. Just imagine kissing those beauties. Imagine kissing down her neck and marki- Okay..... that's enough Ryder. We have a decision to make and you are seriously not helping. What decision? There is only one choice. To accept her. Don't even think of rejecting her Zayden. Are you forgetting that she's a Zendale? She might have Zendale as her surname but she is nothing like them. Liane , her wolf is calling out to me and I think we have hurt mate enough. We need to go to her. She's still waiting. Ryder whimpers at the thought of his mate standing all alone in the jungle with no one to protect her. The thought of her in danger angers me and I decide that I need to go see her and bring her here , where she would be safe , right by my side. Looks like I have made my decision. I am going to give her a chance to prove that she's not heartless like her parents.
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