Chapter 6:'Your stupidity comes at a cost. A cost higher than you have ever had to pay'

1937 Words

Chapter 6:'Your stupidity comes at a cost. A cost higher than you have ever had to pay'         Diaphanous(adj): characterized by such fineness of texture so as to permit seeing through.         Those with uncanny deeds, written on paper and signed, and sacrificial prices to pay to save their souls get minimal rest. It is not just physical rest they miss out on, but it is also peace of mind for their rotten hearts. That, they shall never have. Beating himself up about the event that was to unfold in four days was seemingly not enough torment for his brain. Life had to keep throwing nasty surprise after nasty surprise at William.   If he was to put one leg over the other and slouch on a soft, expensive couch in a warm, luxurious lounge after signing a contact with the devil, t

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