Chapter 4: Mystery in Mountain

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Mia’s POV The real orientation starts once those jerks leave the hall. The professors come in along with the dean. After putting a heartwarming welcome, they leave us there to introduce ourselves. To my wonder, the majority are from this town and they already know each other. Luckily, Nugget, Sam, and I are in the same department. Apparently, we will be taking the same courses as well. “Mianette! A lovely name for a lovely lady,” Jackson speaks in a flirtatious tone. “Thank you, your highness,” I respond playfully. “So, you are new in the city?” Jackson asks. “Yes.” I smile. “Are you staying in the dorms?” Nugget enquires. “Yes,” I respond. “WOW! That’s so cool. Your mom is not there to nag you all day long!” Nugget comments again. Mom! It’s been years since I have seen my mom. She was the only one in my life. My life changed the day she left me. I ended up in an orphanage. I was only ten by then. Seven years have passed. Despite that, I can’t forget the night. One accident and it took away my everything. “True! You’re one lucky duck,” Sam supports her. I don’t know what to say. I try to smile but really can’t. They are opening the deepest wound of my heart. “Mia, are you okay?” Jackson asks. “Y… yes, of course,” I mumble. “I guess she is sad as her mom isn’t here. She is probably missing her,” Nugget whispers in Sam’s ears. Too bad I can hear them. Come on, Nugget, I'm standing right here. She is really silly. “We can hear you, Nugget,” Jackson replies. Sam nods her head as she speaks, “Mia, why don’t you call your mom?” I wish I could, Sam! I can hardly hold back my tears. I look toward them once. “Sam, I’m an orphan. I don’t have any family.” I murmur. They fall in silence. Their eyes are blank. The air becomes heavy. “I’m… I’m really sorry, Mia,” Nugget apologize, breaking the awkward silence. I don’t like it. I don’t need their sympathy. I know I am alone, and I have already learned to live my way. “Nugget, that’s okay!” I stop her from saying anything further. “Enough of all this drama. How about we take Mia on a tour? She’s new here.” Sam suggests, trying to change the topic. I really don’t want to go anywhere anymore. I am just tired and want to go back to my room as soon as I can. I still need to unpack. Also, I know nothing about my roommates. I better go back and check on her once. “No, Sam, not today. I have a lot to do.” I reject politely. “Come on, Mia,” Sam pursues me. “Yes, Mia, come with us,” Nugget also forces. “Not today, please,” I push them away. “Alright!” Sam gives up. I bid goodbye and rush towards the residence. There’s a lot to do. As I enter my room, a smile welcomes me. “Hi! You must be new here,” the girl sitting on the other bed speaks. “Yeah! Just got here yesterday.” I reply. She looks friendly. Her clear eyes and wide smile touch my heart. I step towards the wardrobe and open my suitcase. “Let me help you with unpacking,” she stands up for help. “Thank you so much!” I thank her. I can really use some help. She takes out my clothes and looks at me, “where should I put this…. I’m sorry, I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Scarlett. You can call me Scar. Everyone does that.” That’s true. How foolish of me. “Mia,” I giggle. Scarlett and I unpack everything in no time. Thanks to her. She is really good at arranging. “Well, we still have two hours before supper. How about I take you for a stroll and show you around?” Scar suggests. “Sure! Thanks,” I reply. We change into sweatpants and hoodies. After crossing the long corridor, Scarlett leads me towards the woods, leaving the college campus behind. The sun is about to set. Will it be a good idea to go into the woods? “Where are we going?” I ask Scarlett. “These mountains are really beautiful, Mia. You’ll love them,” she responds in excitement, dragging me into the forest. She is not wrong. These woods are really beautiful. They are not just trees. They all look so alive. Even the wind here whispers. The bus driver wasn’t lying. I can hear their voices. Like they are trying to connect with me, they are trying to touch my soul. Why do I feel so comfortable here? Like nothing can touch me. I’m safe, though I’m in the middle of the woods. Is it just me? “Mia,” a light push brings me back to reality. “Earth to Mia! Are you zoning out?” Scarlett banters. “Scarlett… I was just… These woods… they just appear so alive!” I mumble. “These woods? Alive? Are you getting a fever?” she jokes again. Is that only me who can sense all these? Suddenly the wind touches my skin again. I can sense that same warmth in that cold touch. What is this? Why is it bothering me so much? It’s just the wind and nothing else! You must be tired, Mia, and that’s why you’re just seeing things. I assure myself. “Come this way. I’ll show you something.” Scarlett walks me through the woods. We stop near a ridge. The area is so peaceful. The tall mountains are standing there in front of us, proudly. The golden sky is declaring the end of the day. A path is made from the side to go down. There’s a lake not far, but not the same one I have seen in the morning. “You know Mia, these woods are famous for the lakes. God knows how many are hidden there. This area is so peaceful.” Scarlett remarks. “Are we going to the lake?” I ask. “Not today. It looks closer, but in reality, it’s quite a bit of a hike. And you look tired.” Scarlett exclaims. She is not wrong. I have traveled all the way to Camelot and then I bumped into a rude guy, almost losing all my documents. In orientation, I met a mean hulk who is kind of scary. I really had a long day! Suddenly my eyes fall on a narrow road. It is really weird. “Scar! Is that a road? Aren’t we in the forest?” I question again curiously. “Yes. See Mia, the beauty of the city is, the forest is the heart of it. You will find several paths like this which can take you anywhere and everywhere.” Scarlett explains. “Come. Let’s sit here,” Scarlett takes me to an edge. She sits on the ground, without caring about her outfit. I keep standing. The view of the lake is clear from here, but we can hardly see anything else. It seems like the lake is surrounded by heavy forest.   “Come on! What are you waiting for?” She asks again, gesturing me to sit down. “Okay,” I smile as I take a step. As careless as me, I slip. There are gravels everywhere. I’ve spent all my life by the seashore. I don’t have the faintest idea what these little round rocks can do. Before I can realize it, I fall off the ridge. “MIA!” She screams, making me understand what actually has just happened. I am falling from the ridge. I grip whatever I can. Scarlett rushes towards me and grabs my hand as well. I look down once. She was right! I hardly can see anything. “Scar…. Scarlett….” My voice trembles. My mind becomes cloudy. “Mia! Don’t look down, Mia. Look at me, Mia!” Scarlett shouts again. “Don’t be scared! I won’t let you go,” she tries to pull me up. Among all these, my hands start to bleed. I’m terrified. I can hardly hold on any longer. Suddenly I hear a motorcycle and with that Sam yells, “what’s happening there?” “HELP! PLEASE HELP HER!” Scarlett shouts out for help. Sam comes near the ridge, running, “OH MY GOD! MIA!” She tries to grab my other hand, but it is getting really hard for me. I am losing all my judgments. I’m bleeding. The only thing I can feel pain. “MIA! Hold on!” Sam yells. That is the last thing I hear clearly. I don’t know what exactly happens. My hands slip. Scarlett and Sam are yelling and screaming. I am hearing voices, but my mind can’t process them. I am falling down from the mountain. I am startled for a moment, but then the wired wind around me touches my cheeks. My body relaxes with the touch. I am not scared anymore. Rather, I feel safe! Like nothing can touch me in these woods. I close my eyes. I feel someone embracing my waist and then he pulls me to his chest. I hold on to him. I smell a masculine scent. So different, so soothing! And after a moment, I feel a jerk. I open my eyes instantly. My eyes meet a pair of grey hypnotic eyes. His dark hair is a mess. He is holding me in his arms. What is happening around? I know I was falling down. How has he saved me? How on earth is it possible? Am I seeing things? Is it even real? I touch his face once to see even he is real! I swear a spark runs through my vein as I touch his skin! He puts me down instantly and disappears into the woods. I feel like I have lost my words. My body gradually gives up and I fall to the ground. I close my eyes. The only thing I still can see is a pair of hypnotic grey eyes. The mystery man who has saved me. Sam’s POV The first day isn’t that bad! After college, we go to the café! Our usual place. After spending hours, we decide to go back. I give Nugget a ride to her home and then take the road through the woods. It’s a shortcut to my home. And I really don’t want to be late and getting scolded by mom. MOM! We always complain about her. And here comes Mia, who doesn’t even have anyone to call Mom! Poor girl. I actually like her. She is strong and kind at the same time. My bike is running through the woods. Suddenly I hear screams. What the hell! It’s almost dark. I take a detour and end up by the lower lake hiking point. My eyes fall on a girl, leaning on the ground and screaming. What’s wrong with her? I stop my bike as I walk closer, “what’s happening there?” The girl shouts out, asking for help! Then my gaze finds Mia hanging from the ridge! S.H.I.T! I scream her name as I sprint towards them. I try to hold her hand to pull her up. Her hands are bleeding. She looks exhausted. Please, NO! MIA, DON'T GIVE UP! I mentally yell at her. The other girl is also trying heart and soul, but all ends in vain when our hands slip and Mia falls down. “MIA!” I shout. “Oh god! Oh god! NO! NO! NO! This is all my fault!” The other girl starts lamenting. “I shouldn’t have brought her here! This is all my fault! Oh, GOD!” She keeps ranting. “Just SHUT UP, okay? She is not gonna die!” I gasp. My mind stops working for a moment. Mia has fallen from the ridge. The elevation is around six hundred meters. We need to go down and look for her. But we can’t do it alone, especially not in the dark. I call dad. He is the only one who can help. “Hello! Dad!” He asks me silly questions, like when I will come back and all. “I don’t have time for this. Dad, Mia! She fell off the ridge near the lower hike point! Please come fast,” I plead before hanging up the phone. I know he will be here in no time. “Listen, what’s your name?” I ask that girl, still laying on the dirt. “Sc… Scarlett,” she replies. “Scarlett, we need to go down and check for Mia. Okay? Be strong,” I help her to get up. We follow the trail. It’s around two miles. We all have been here many times, but not in dark. These woods are not safe in dark. They have their own stories, though I don’t believe them. The path becomes difficult as the daylight goes off. I try my best not to stumble. I don’t know for how long we walked. Finally, we reached the lake. To our wonder, Mia is laying just at the trailhead! How can it be? We both have seen her falling down on the other side. “M… Mia?” Scarlett mumbles in confusion. I rush towards her. She looks perfectly safe, only her hands are bleeding, and a slight cut on her forehead. How can it be? How can she be perfectly fine only with some minor wounds? “Mia?” I call her name, checking on her breathing. Yes, she is fine, just unconscious. I know I should be happy. But my mind is in a mess so is Scarlett’s. How on earth has she survive? 
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