Chapter 4:*Dont pity me!

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Amelia began nodding her head displeasing of Alexander attitudes towards women, but that is fine she thought moreover they are just business partner and she doesn't have to interfere in his relationship issue. She was always thinking of advising him over who is best for him though she hadn't seen all the ladies in Alexander's life. she just felt he is a dog in a human form. How would a man feel so comfortable to have numerous girlfriends and still want to throw his shot at every pretty lady that comes unto his circle notwithstanding who she is or what her life perception that influences her love decision looks like. "See I am sorry Amelia, I am sorry about the little distraction. Where were we?" He asked Amelia smiling " you were going through the project paperwork" she replied with a surprising look that Alexander called what had just happened, a little distraction! that is just ridiculous. "Yea, thank you, Amalia, we just made a fortune over this project and I am just amazed," he said. "I am happy too, that my bosses company will be able to pay its debt as a result" she replied. It was approach evening Alexander had to choose between having a date with Maggie, Joyce or Amelia that evening. He had earlier told Joyce that he won't be able to make it with her that evening, but Maggie and Amelia how would he make it work? He called Maggie to tell her he just had another impromptu meeting he won't be able to make it to the dinner, they will have to postpone their dinner, while he went ahead to have it with Amelia. Alexander chooses the finest restaurant in the city to have a nice time with Amelia. A place that represents his wealth and elegance. Their meal had the best aroma and wine taste great. Its environment is graced with tranquillity and their staff are dressed as a royal maid. It was going to be the first night they would be meeting not as the boss and his staff but as friends. Alexander had found a jewel in Amelia but his flirty attitude would be a great turn off for any lady who wants to have a lovely home with a billionaire. "You know the first time I saw you. I was thinking you were going to mess up the project we had to do together but I was just wrong" he said. "I had to get down to my job. I have spent years just to be a project expert. My boss allowed me to prove myself over the years and I am glad for myself that I did" Amelia. I am overwhelmed, I don't think I could choose another perfect business project partner. I know your boss will give me a fight but what are friends for we could share" Alexander said and smiled at Amelia. "Please, Alexander, I don't want to have such an issue with my boss, we will be fine being able to carry out projects when the need arises" she replied. "Yea I know will be fine, but I would just like to be your friend. I know you were not just happy with the scene that went on today in my office but I know if you will let me I can make things work between us" Alexander said. "Can we just talk of some other topics Alexender and not go into we being friends, perhaps we are already. I think you just know we are friends already" she said. "Yea Amelia, I know we are friends I mean I want to be your date," he said. "That is just not possible Alexander, what do you take me for you have over 3 ladies in your life and you want to make me the fouth. Will I say you are wicked or even heartless? Do you care about how I will feel about your proposal asking me to date you"? She asked. "I know I may be asking at the wrong time or too early but I am hidden my shame and doing this because I feel lost in your beauty and intelligence you are the kind of lady I want to be with" he replied "Oh really, that sounds interested should I call you a sapiosexual. A sapiosexual is someone that is sexually and mentally turned on by smart people. Sapiosexuals are aroused by intelligence. ... no, for some, it is not about what resides on the outside, but rather, they find those they want to settle down with, and spend time with, based on their intelligence, and their mind. Sorry for the little lecture but I had to do that what happened to the other ladies in your life, you never found them to be smart and intelligence but you continued to have an affair with them all" she said. "Come on Amalia why are you been so hard to c***k," he said. "Alexander, I don't have time for flirty things if that is what want," she said. "No Amelia, why you talking in such this way. What happened to you? I have never spoken to any lady to date her and they turn me down", he replied. "What happened to me is non of your business," she said. "I care to know Amelia," he said. "Alexander, I am sorry but even if I tell you that will not help at all," she said. "But at least I can try Amelia, right? give me a chance" he pleaded. "I was heartbroken by the love of my life, Jayden, as a teenager. I loved him so much and he confessed to loving me too. We had a great time dating and preparing to end up as couples in the future. Then he asked me that he would want to take away my virginity but I said no-till we get married. He never agreed to that, he forced me, by all means, to have my virginity buy I stood my ground. It got to a day Jayden could no longer take it he said to me it either now or never. Yet I couldn't concede, I cry and beg him to wait till we are married but he never accepted my pleas. Jayden knew what he wanted and men will naturally go for what they wanted and when they can't get it things get.terrible. He called me an iceberg, abandoned me to leave for Europe. He left without looking back and since then I have blamed myself" she said. "No, you shouldn't Amelia, you shouldn't blame yourself for any reason. He never loved you, you should stay true to who you are at all times" Alexander said. "You are not in the right position to tell me if he loves me or not Alexander," she said. "But that man insulted your dignity," he said. "And where did my so-called dignity take me too" she replied. "He never loved you," he said. "He did love me, Alexander, I insulted his pride" he replied. "He did you wrong in my opinion Amelia," he said "Love counts no wrong, and I am not seeking your opinion," she said. "I am falling deeply in love with your Amelia and I want to marry you," Alexander said "Don't pity me, Alexander, .dont," she said with a teary eyes "This is not pity Amelia, I love you and want to marry you," he said. "I was heartbroken Alexander by Jayden but I still love, I do and I can't go into any relationship you. My heart is still with Jayden" she replied. "Let just don't talk about this again. I don't want to lose our business relationship, I am imploring you" she said. Alexander couldn't believe Amelia still loves a guy who did that degree of wrong to her because he couldn't take her virginity. "Amelia please think about it, even if it would take me to lose all I have to get you I will fight to have you," he said.
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