Chapter 9:*Fast One*

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Amelia heard a knock at the door. "Who could that be at the door at this time," she thought. Amelia hesitated to attend to whoever is at the door, just to make sure her Mom is fine. She handed over to her Mom the water patting her on the back softly. "Sorry, Mom, do you still need more water" "No, Amelia, I think I am fine now" "Did someone knock on the door, I thought I heard it a sound at the door?" Her Mom said. "Yes, Mom, I will get to the door now" Amelia opened to see her Dad. " Welcome Dad, Mom said you were on the way when she came in and here you are!" Her Dad gave a disgusting look to her for a second before he went into the sitting room to have his seat, staring at the Television screen and sighed. " Dad did anyone offend you on your way to this place, you don't seem happy to me at all hope all is well" " Amelia, everything is wrong" "How do you mean everything is wrong, Dad" " How many men are you going to chase away from marrying you, maybe you don't know you are the only child of your mother in a polygamous home, all your sibling have been married long ago and you are their elders, perhaps you want to kill your Mom with the sleepless night" " Tell her, she doesn't know" Amelia Mom, replying from the dining table. " But, Dad what is all this talk about now?" "A good and wealthy man loves you, wants you to marry you, what you always did is and him away. Enough is enough! How long are you going to wait for that you're away soldier of yours? Your mother cries all night, What is your problem, Amelia?" "But, Dad.., He cuts her talking short. " The men are coming but you are sending them away, Let me tell you this one that has taken pains to come to us you will marry him…, He said nodding, and it is obvious he loves you so much. You need to come and see what he sent to us just as a sign of all he will do if you agree to marry him" " Dad whoever you are talking about, I don't know and I don't love him" "But both of you have been doing big business projects and together currently said you both are getting along so well.., You don't know your Alexander, again?" Ooh! Please, Dad, he is not my Alexander. We are just a business partner" "Ooh, wonderful! Then add marriage to it and make him your, Alexander simple" " Please, Dad, come take a warm bath, let me get you some nice meal to eat" "I have said all I came to say and I am leaving immediately with your Mom. We will never set our foot into your house or even allow you to step your foot into our home until you bring a husband to us" Amelia stared bewildered, as she watched her Dad and Mom packed their bags and left her house. Alexender had found a way to get to her parents, just to convince them about marrying Amelia. She thought, why would Alexander had to go to that length of luring her parents into liking him with his money. She got more furious about him and wanted to vent her anger. Amelia couldn't hold herself back for second but ranted and crying alone in her living room as she thought about Alexander terrible attitude. He is her business partner, who has been all he could to convince her to marry him for months now. He got on her nerve the first time he spoke his intention towards her and has done the same thing today by going to see her parents with even without her prior notice. He is the biggest jerks she has ever met and was constantly banging out and flirting with other ladies. Right in front of her in his office, he had a lady caress his body and kissed his lips. This has been his life, talk more of when she is not with him. It doesn't take him anything touching a lady inappropriately or getting too close. Who would help Amelia get out of the hands of Alexander, she feels so much to confront him because this is becoming for her to handle. Jayden has been her best friend since they were ten years old. They have been through everything together despite he leaving the time he left for abroad without let her know. They went through mere slight breakups, fights, high school. The most thing she loves about Jayden is how he helped her when her hot involved in a fatal car accident, leaving only her Mom as survival. She had just turned twelve, when her Dad and only brother got involved in that fatal car accident didn't survive it. It broke her heart so much and Jayden was kind to enough to take care of her. His family seem to be like hers, she got so closer to them through Jayden. With the kind of friends that jer and Jayden are, he always brought her into his family home so when they got angry with him because they thought she had overstayed my welcome. Jayden left his family home with Amelia rented a small apartment they lived together while still teenagers. They went to every nice place in the town together, her love for him kept increasing. Amelia and Jayden live together over a long, she couldn't pretend to love him. She really did love him, still do and will forever love Jayden. Alexander will have to quit trying to play this whole game on her, it not going to work. It is getting her so furious by the day about him. Despite Jayden not being around now, Amelia has a pretty good relationship with him, apart from the fact that Jayden got angry with her and left for abroad without letting her know because she refused to let him take her virginity before they got married..,
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