Chapter 3

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(Avalena's POV) *Six Months Later* Today is my eighteenth birthday, a whole year since the last time I had seen my family or my ex – husband, mate. I have watched over them as much as I could. About three months ago, I started sauntering around their lands, trying to make sure they were alright. My brother seemed more pissed off than I remember him being, always training it seemed. My mother and father seemed exhausted and stressed. I didn’t understand why they were like this, but I did the only thing I was good at. Killed all the rogues and loose stray vampires that tried to come near their lands. They seemed to need a break and I knew this was the only way I could help. I always wondered if they heard the news, if they found out what I had done and were disappointed in me. I was petrified to go home, knowing I would rather take on the vicious blood thirsty rogues than face their disappointment. Rogues were any sifter who defied their alpha or lost their mate, only searching to fill their blood lust. Strays were vampires who didn’t obey their king, ones who tasted the wrong blood and went thirst crazy. They were the same, just different species. We were more alike than people thought. I found out I wasn’t just a mere human, not weak in the slightest. I have a wolf, named Sea. A direct decent of the Moon Goddess herself. I was a Lycaon, true blood, the last of my kind. I shifted into a silver furred beauty who stood seven and a half feet tall, on two legs. I have never seen something like it before. Our eyes were still a clear blue, they glowed brighter than the moon, making her eyes almost look white. My long blonde hair developed silver tips after our first transformation. Sea and I moved as one, never thinking twice about what we would do next. We always leaned on each other, and she helped me through the process of all the pain we underwent from our mate’s betrayal. ‘We are worth more than an unfaithful mate.’ Sea always commented during the darkest times of our days. Millenium seemed to be sleeping with someone every day, sometimes even more. My heart slowly wrapped itself with stone, blocking out any more feelings that were deemed worthless. *Flashback* I fell to my knees, feeling alone and helpless. I couldn’t find the fight inside of me to keep going on. ‘You will be alright, Ava. You might bend till your break, but you will pull yourself back together after your emotions hit rock bottom.’ Sea told me softly, trying to make me see the light at the end of this tunnel I felt I was drowning in. I just couldn’t see what she was talking about anymore. On my knees, I look up, staring at the stary night with the full moon shining down at me. I decided I have had enough. The feeling of rejection, the pain of betrayal and the loneliness overwhelming me. What Sea doesn’t see is that our life is like a novel, one where the ending is missing. Do we die alone? Do we feel betrayal forever? Will we ever be happy? A sharp electrifying pain shoots through me, telling me Millenium is enjoying himself while I’m on my knees suffering, wishing to end it all. ‘Take the faith we are given, pull it out from deep inside and start holding on. The Goddess always has a plan. I’ll push you till your back, stronger than before. Taste what you are made of and show everyone we are worthy of this life. Goddess gifted us, so stand up and fight back. A small piece of you will fall into place every time you realize our worth.’ Sea says in encouragement, trying to pull me out of my negative thoughts. Pushing me with every word of hers. I’m mad at myself for letting my mind wonder this far, I am stronger than this. I rein in my thoughts, trying to pull out my strength. I wipe my trembling hands on my slick silver pants, I pull myself up. Standing up before shaking off the lingering group of thoughts. ‘Yes, we can do this. We will stand together through all of us.’ Sea said in excitement, happy I wasn’t down any longer. I don’t know how much more of this pain or loneliness I can take. I thought to myself before walking through the woods until the pain Millenium was causing me decided to stop. Please Goddess put me out of this misery. Every inch of my body ached as exhaustion was taking over. I climbed into my tree house, passing out immediately. *End of Flashback* I slashed through the last rogue with my sword, sighing as I knew I needed to clean these eight rogues up and burn them. I never burned them near my home, not wanting anyone to find where I lived. Life was alright, though I did miss my family. ‘What is up with you today?’ I asked Sea, while huffing with every rogue I lifted. Their smell always got to my sensitive nose, even when I wore a mask. Sea seemed preoccupied, not in a good way either. ‘Something is wrong, I feel it. A threat seems to be approaching our family.’ Sea huffed in annoyance, not understanding her own feelings. I threw another rogue into the pile, two more to go. ‘How is that possible? We cleared the vicinity out yesterday.’ I was confused by her concerns. We made sure a fifty-mile radius was clear of any threat just yesterday. Who dared to travel there? People around the world seemed to know about me, or at least who they thought I was. They called me the silver slayer, I always wore a long sleeve, tight sliver pant suit, black combat boots and a silver hood with a mask attached to it. The only thing you could see was my eyes. We went to a witch a few months back, tired of our ripped clothes, requesting an amulet so we could shift without ripping our clothes. All we had to do was take care of a little problem she was having, it was easy. See, we receive many requests left on trees around the woods asking for help, requesting me to come join their packs and much more. I never went to a pack, though if they needed help, I always took care of it at night before returning home. ‘The threat seems to be welcomed on their lands; it doesn’t make sense.’ Sea shook out her head, trying to make sense of the feelings she was receiving. As the last of our kind, we had to figure out what we were capable of. We were considered an empath, usually we only felt people when we were around them, but we could make connections with people as well, letting us always be able to tap into their emotions. We had the ability to control the elements, though we were still trying to get the hang of them. Fire was easy, the rest, not so much. I flung the last rogue into my pile, sighing with relief that I was done. I flicked my wrist, setting our makeshift bomb fire ablaze. I watched with a satisfied smirk as the rogues burned down to ashes. ‘As soon as the fire is out, we will go observe our family.’ I spoke to Sea, trying to ease her mind. She calmed down slightly, but I knew the feelings had to be bad if she was still antsy. She always took the whole load when we killed, making sure I didn’t feel the rogue's anger or despair, she was afraid I would feed off it. I couldn’t blame her, at first, I went slightly crazy every time I felt someone else's emotions. I shudder at the thought, deciding not to go there. ‘Alright, the fire is out. Let’s go.’ I spoke to Sea before jumping into the trees. It was easier to move through the trees when I wanted to avoid anyone seeing me. It took me almost an hour to get outside my parent’s pack grounds. I heightened my eyes, as the sun was going down and I wanted to see further onto the lands. ‘There is our brother, training, nothing new there. Mother and father are on the porch of the pack house... Mm, pacing back and forth. Well, that seems a little bit off.’ ‘They are worried, so is our brother.’ Sea whined, wanting to comfort them. She took the emotions differently than me. Where the emotions made me feel what they felt but a hundred times worse, Sea always wanted to find ways to satisfy the other’s emotions. Make them feel better. ‘Wait.’ I sensed someone near the border, turning my sights towards them. No, why are they here? The King of vampires and his house of guards were waiting for access to my parent’s pack. I pushed myself further into the tree as one of them glanced over here. ‘Put a block on our thoughts.’ Vampires were different than us, but so much the same too. Red meat satisfied our wolves, they satisfied vampires blood craving as well unless they felt they needed more. Most vampires drank animal blood, unless they went stray, then only humans and wolves satisfied their needs. Wooden stakes are a myth, they won’t kill them. A silver sword will kill both vampire and werewolf a like. It's one of the many poisons that affect our kind, but only if it beheads us or goes through the heart. Vernan hurts vampires, much like aconitum, also known as wolfbane, hurts wolves. Both are poisonous flowers that affect our abilities. I drink both every day. A little bit of wolfsbane to build up my tolerance and vervain so my blood is unappealing to strays. I wasn’t stupid and after the first few attacks, we needed ways to prevent our deaths if one of the rogues or strays got close to us. ‘I did. Why are they here?’ Sea questioned, not understanding. Our parents never made an alliance with the Vampire King when other packs chose too. They always felt it was a way for the strays to overpower them. In the alliance terms it states you may not kill a stray, some bull crap about capturing and allowing the king to pick them up. Do you see us telling him not to defend his Kingdom from rogues, I think not. Mother or father must have linked the guards to let them through. I wonder if they finally decided to agree with the alliance terms. No, I don’t think anything would have changed my father’s mind about that. Why were they here? My mind couldn’t focus as I tried to figure it out. ‘They are about to get to our parents, focus.’ Sea commanded, wanting our full focus on their protection. I shook the thoughts out of my head, turning all my senses on my parents. My brother walked over towards them, a blank face covering his features. Oh Goddess, please don’t let my brother do anything stupid. I tapped into their conversation, needing to know if my parents were in danger. “Hello King Ambrogio, welcome to the Snow Mountain Pack. Thank you for accepting our invitation.” Father spoke in a monotone voice. We could feel how worried he was, nervous and frustrated. Why did they invite him here? “Am I here to sign the alliance?” The King said in a deep masculine voice. My knees felt weak when I heard his smoky voice reach my ears. s**t. ‘Mate,’ Sea whispered in complete amazement as if she was in a trance. Holy Moon Goddess, how is this possible? I thought we only got one mate; we didn’t even rejected Millenium. ‘We are special, we have more than one mate.’ Sea hummed. She always says that, though the second part was new. “Not exactly,” Mother spoke breaking me from my thoughts. “Our daughter has been missing for six months now, we need help finding her.” The desperation in her voice made my heart ache, they were still looking for me? The King’s laugh sent a shiver down my spine. Could he be any more perfect? “Why would I help a wolf pack who has not signed the alliance with my kingdom? Why would I even care about your daughter?” A sharp pain hit my heart, as I tried to remind myself, he didn’t know the person he was speaking about was his mate, us. Father growled, his anger showing surface as mother tried to calm him down. “Don’t help us, just remember if I find her dead you will have to worry about much more than an unsigned alliance.” Dante spoke with certainty; he didn’t show an ounce of fear. It almost seemed like he would want to die if I was dead. None of them seemed to hold any resentment or disappointment towards me. “Was that a threat pup?” The King, our mate, hissed in a warning. His fangs were in full display as his guards tensed near him. “You may want to place your pup on a leash, maybe a muzzle as well.” Father tried to pull my brother back, but he wasn’t budging. Dante crouched down, growling threateningly at the King. Mother looked like she would faint at any minute, probably thinking she lost one of her kids already and now another would be killed by the Vampire King. Dante and Ambrogio were circling each other, sizing each other up. ‘We have to do something.’ Sea said worriedly. I knew that I was just trying to think up a plan and preparing my heart and mind for a possible rejection, again. I guess this was a perfect time to practice the air element. Goddess watch over us, I wasn’t honestly sure I could handle another rejection, or worse just unwanted as I got to feel every ounce of his infidelity. I took a deep breath, clearing my mind as I focused all my energy. I moved my hands in a swaying motion in front of me, feeling the wind moving in sync with my movements. I smiled as I knew I finally had the wind listening. I jumped off the tree, pushing my hands down as I made the wind guide me towards my brother and mate. I seriously looked like I was walking on air right now, how freaking cool is that? I shook my head, deciding I could celebrate later. Right this minute I needed to be serious. I moved my hand in a conductor's sway as I willed the wind to slowly place me down. I landed perfectly between my mate and brother, yes. I screamed excitedly in my mind, keeping my eyes neutral though. Ambrogio stood straight up, all aggression vanishing. “My Beloved.” He whispered, his face lighting up with a smile, as his eyes shined with love. Mm, best response I could have asked for. Vampire mates were called beloved, I found it cute. “Great you find your mate and my sister is still missing.” My brother scuffed in aggravation. “Is that the Silver Slayer? She is famous for keeping the woods safe.” My mate’s guard, to his left side, stated in shock. I honestly don’t think his eyes could widen any further. Ambrogio tried to walk towards me, but I backed right into my brother. He growled lightly before relaxing, his arms spinning me around as he lifted me into the air. He spun around laughing, I couldn’t help but giggle as well. King Ambrogio snarled, making us both turn towards him. ‘He’s jealous.’ Sea purred in enjoyment; she liked teasing our mate. I honestly couldn’t disagree with her. His possessiveness turned me on. “Where have you been?” Dante whispered as I turned my focus back to him. I tapped into the empathy wanting to know what Sea was getting from him. Happiness, relief, adoration, sadness. I didn’t see any disappointment in his eyes. “When did you get your wolf, well I guess Lycaon if the stories are right about you.” “You are not disappointed in me?” I asked in a little voice, worried he was just hiding that emotion from me. No one knew about my empathy or for my other powers for that matter. Though I am sure they were all going to have questions after I used the wind to guide me down here. “Of course not.” Dante said as he pulled me into him. I relaxed into his hug, missing the feeling of my family. “Dante, give the King his mate. He looks like he is going to kill our whole pack if you don’t take your hands away from her.” Father spoke slowly and carefully with each of his words. Dante looked at mother and father, realizing they didn’t know who I was. You couldn’t blame them; I was completely covered. Dante reluctantly let go of me as I backed away from him. I turned towards my mate as I slowly took my hood and mask off. Mother and father gasped. “Don’t threaten my family mate.” I growled, warning him to watch his step. Ambrogio smirked, seeming satisfied with my attitude and was he checking me out? ‘Yes, yes he is.’ Sea purred. “Seems finding your missing daughter wasn’t too difficult. Bonus, I found my mate as well.” The King smirked in satisfaction. “Shall we sign an alliance now?”
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