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254 Words
"That's wired this soup is normally on the middle shelf and it's the most popular so why is it on the bottom this time?" As Cory bent over to grab the soup his shirt came up with him and reviled his pink diaper just like if a toddler were to have bent down. That's when it happened as soon as he came back up with the can a hand came down on his shoulder making him look up at a brown hair gorgeous looking man the only problem he had crimson blood colored eyes. He was a vampire. Horror shot through Cory right now all he could do was sweat. And that's when the vampire spoke. "Sir if I could ask you to follow me." He said in a husky but soothing voice that held just a tip of menace. Cory immediately grabbed his cart and started to follow but that's when the man started to speak again. "You can just leave that you're not going to need it." He said with what you could imagine as a smile in his voice. So Cory left his cart and followed the man to a door that what looked like to be the owner standing by it. "You needed access to our cameras the feed is right inside this door if I may ask did this man steal something because if he did I could just call the cops and not waste your." The owner said before the vampire held up his hand to interrupt him.
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