Chapter X

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Jennie stood there with clamped hands, she was internally sweating with anticipation and nervousness. Lisa was yet to show herself, and Jennie was getting dizzy finding the younger girl on this crowd. Her friends were there, but those four idiots were still nowhere to be found. Jennie is getting irritated by the second, “Where are they?” She asks Irene who was standing beside her, next to her is Chaeng and Krystal was on her other side. “They’re on their way.” “Let’s get inside now.” Chaeng ushered them inside, they followed. Heads turn as they walk their way inside. They were aware of the stares they’re receiving; they saw admirations in those eyes. People who look at them as if they were goddesses who were sent to reign, and they reigned. As obvious as the stares are, the ignored them. They were used to the stares and attention, they appreciated it but they don’t like it. They were humans too, so they don’t understand the hype. --- “Yah! Lalisa!” Lisa groaned when she hears the shout, “Jennie is getting furious!” “Shut it, Bear!” She hissed, “This should’ve been over when you just let me go shower first!” They laughed at Lisa but there was no time to laugh, they should be already there. They were going to be late! Lisa’s friends were acting weird today, they were all giddy and edgy. It’s as if they were excited about something but nervous at the same time. Lisa didn’t mind them tho. They were idiots, so she shrugged. Lisa decided to just wear comfortable clothes. It was just a party, it’s no big deal. “Ohh the swag!” Amber cooed. She was teasing Lisa but she was not lying. Lisa was oozing with swag, she could pull off everything she wears. “Come on, let’s go!” Jisoo yelled and they hurried up to their van. ---- “Babe. You made it.” Kai was smiling from ear to ear. He kissed Jennie’s cheek. I’d be kissing those lips soon, and more. Kai smirked. Jennie faked a smile, she let Kai’s arm on her waist. She was uncomfortable, but she put up a front. Her friends were watching the two. Krystal busied herself talking to Irene. Irene knew Krystal was nervous and she was worried about Jennie, so she tried her best to calm the girl. Everything was set. Kai was just waiting for the go signal. He looked around for his friends, they were at the side of the mini stage made at the top center. People were dancing at the music, they were having fun. Kai liked Jennie, it was genuine admiration. He really does like her, and his money. Kai thought it was a win-win situation, he gets Jennie and his money. And his reputation. Kai liked to play games, aside from basketball. He liked to play games using his charisma. He liked to feed his ego. Women are the food to his ego. The more untouchable they were, the more challenging it became. Kai received a thumbs up from Sehun. Kai smiled, Showtime! “I have a surprise for you.” Kai whispered to Jennie’s ear. Jennie fought a shiver on her spine, it was not a good shiver. It was cringe. Jennie looked around trying to have a glimpse of a blonde-haired i***t. Jennie was getting nervous. She should be here! Chaeng noticed Jennie’s uneasiness. She nudged the older girl. “They were here already.” Jennie looked at Chaeng, silently asking. “Making their way here. On Krystal’s side. Go now.” Jennie nodded, she felt relieved. She looked at Kai and nodded at him. They walked at the center, at the stage. Jennie doesn’t like the attention and this would be the last one. Kai grabbed a mic from Sehun who was smirking at the two. Kai nodded his head to him. There was a mic noise, the music stopped. The crowd grunted, they were having a blast. They looked at the DJ but their eyes was caught at the scene up front. Kai and Jennie were standing there. Jennie’s face was stoic, Kai’s was smiling. Lisa looked at the stage, confused and jealous. Her friends grabbed her and made their way to the side of the stage. Sehun was there, they politely bow, acknowledging his presence. He smiled. “What are they doing?” Lisa whispered; she was getting uneasy. She does not like this at all, she knows what was bound to happen. She knows this kind of set up. Was Kai a fan of dramas? “Just stay and f*cking no leaving, got it?” Jisoo answered her. What the f*ck is wrong with them? They want me to break my own heart here?! But Lisa could only nod. “Good evening! Please bear with me tonight!” Kai started talking, he was smiling. The crowd cheered. “You may have an idea what’s going on and yes, you’re right. I am not a person who likes to confess in front of everybody for the fear of being humiliated if ever I get to be rejected but,” He trailed off. Lisa and her friends couldn’t help but scoff. What a drama king. Kai looked at Jennie, the crowd let out another cheer. Jennie smiled, “But I have to do it and be brave because Jennie deserves it. Jennie…” Kai got on one knee, holding Jennie’s hand. He looked up. Well, this is it. Lisa thought, she was hurting. Jennie was smiling all throughout. Does Jennie wanted me to see this? Is this her way of saying no? Of rejecting me? She chose this way to hurt me? She could’ve told me that she loves Kai. D*mn it! Lisa, for the first time, her face was void of emotions. She turned cold, she was hurting but she can’t show it. She wanted to feel numb right at this moment. Why did I even bother coming? Seul put her arm around Lisa’s shoulder. She knows what the latter was thinking and she couldn’t let her leave just yet. Lisa smiled at her friend, but the smile didn’t reach her ears. It was an empty smile. “Will you be my girl?” Kai finally asked. He wasn’t nervous, he was excited. Jennie’s smile never faltered; he knows she’s going to answer. Jennie’s eyes roamed around, she saw the crowd waiting for an answer, some were smiling, some were frowning. Jennie’s eyes landed on Lisa, this time her smile was genuine. There she is! Jennie thought. Lisa’s eyes caught her. Jennie was stunned, they were lifeless. They were cold, but Lisa was still staring. Jennie opened her mouth, they were still staring at each other. Kai was oblivious. “Yes.” Flashback! Jennie was walking hurriedly at the hallway, she was pissed. Jisoo told her that Lisa was sleeping at the student council office. With Krystal. Jennie does not want Lisa with Krystal, she was getting really annoyed. When she reached the office, she immediately opened the door and her eyes landed on the figures who were deliberately hugging each other. Jennie saw red, she was angry. The doe eyed met hers. “What the f*ck are you doing?” She gritted her teeth to suppress the anger inside her. “Relax, she just helped me with something.” Krystal said. And the audacity of this b*tch to talk to me? Krystal went out after she kissed Lisa. Jennie’s going to pop any second now. (Please refer to Chapter II) After exchanging some words with Lisa, Jennie walked out of the room. She knows Lisa wouldn’t follow her. She shut the door behind her, Krystal was leaning against the wall beside the door. Jennie heaved a sigh, she grabbed Krystal’s hand and dragged her in the nearest toilet. She locked the door when they finally entered. Krystal was standing there, waiting for Jennie to calm down. Krystal was happy and scared. She was happy that Jennie wanted to talk to her after a week of pursuing her, of trying to reason out with her. “About what you said,” Jennie started, Krystal nodded, “Was it true?” Again, she nodded. Jennie sighed, she walked towards her. She grabbed her hand once again and lifted her sleeves. She inspected the bruises, her forehead creases, “There’s a new one?” She asked, confused and angry. Krystal doesn’t want to talk, she was fascinated at the Queen. It was the first time seeing her worried face. She nodded. “When?” “His friends saw me talking to you the other day. They knew I was going to tell, good thing you were gone in an instant.” Jennie scrunched her nose in disgust and anger. She should’ve believed her in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t happen. “Do you believe me now?” Jennie nodded, she rolled the sleeves back. She looked at Krystal then remembered what happened earlier. Krystal chuckled at the brunette’s expression. Does anyone know that their Queen have these emotions? “Why the f*ck did you kiss her?” Now Jennie is back at her b*tchy face. She shook her head. “I had to. Glad I did tho, now I’m certain that you like Lisa.” Jennie blushed, she didn’t bother denying. “Wrong,” Krystal was going to argue but Jennie beat her to it, “I love her.” Jennie’s face turned deep shade of red. Krystal was shocked at the younger girl’s boldness but smiled nonetheless. “That lead me to my question.” Jennie waited, “So why did you entertain Kai?” Jennie smiled, it was kind of a smile that shows stupidity. She smiled at the fact that she nearly made a mistake. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, you know the typical friends falling in love problem. And I wasn’t sure if I was ready to take a huge step with her.” Jennie confesses, she never told this to anyone yet. “So when Kai told me he likes me, I grabbed the opportunity. And I have to pretend that I liked him in front of Lisa.” Jennie chuckled. “But you have to pretend still.” Krystal butted in. Jennie knew that. She decided to help Krystal and the other girl who Kai impregnated. Yes, Kai impregnated a woman. She told Kai about it but he was stupid, he told her to get rid of the baby. He was furious. But the woman continued her pregnancy. And Krystal was the one helping the woman. “I will put an end to this.” Jennie sighed, she just wanted to go to Lisa and tell her everything but she can’t. Lisa is a bit dramatic, she can’t work properly if Lisa knew, she would go straight to Kai and punched him straight to his face. And she can’t let that happen. She doesn’t want Lisa’s hand to get dirty. She wanted to play Kai’s feelings first. She’d go with Krystal’s plan. To avenge those girls Kai played. Jennie was going to play Kai’s game against the game master himself. ---- “Jennie, it’s about Kai.” Jennie became serious at the mention of his name. “Jennie please avoid him!” Bambam was desperate, he doesn’t want his friend to get hurt. Jennie smiled at Bambam, she knows what he was talking about. Bambam furrowed his eyebrows, confused at Jennie. She must think I’m lying! “Jennie listen---” “I know what you’re talking about, Bam.” Bambam was taken aback. He didn’t expect that to Jennie. “You knew?” “Of course. I got it under control and don’t tell Lisa about this.” Bambam was still silent. “I will be the one to tell her.” Bam blinked his eyes. He was still shocked, he couldn’t form any word. Jennie stood there, smiling at her friend. She was touched that Bambam cares about her. Bambam was brought back from his trance when Jennie chuckled. “There’s more!” He was worried again. Jennie furrowed her eyebrows, “He’s still on drugs.” “What?!” Jennie whispered; she did not know this. She wasn’t aware that Kai was on drugs. She never saw him. Did Krystal forget to mention this to me? “I thought he stopped when he started courting you until I saw him talking with Sehun earlier, again. I was certain.” Jennie shook her head at the information. “I want you to do this for me, Bam.” “What?” “Find evidences, please and meet me at the party tomorrow.” Jennie then proceeds to talk with Bam about their plan. Bambam listened, he was going to help his friends. They were the one who saved him without them knowing. Bam was broken, he came from a broken family. His dad would beat her mom in front of him until his mom had enough and left the house. She left without Bambam, she left her in his father’s house. Her father was cruel, everyday there would be a woman. He reeked of alcohol, Bambam witnessed all that. But his father didn’t lay a hand on him. Then he met them. They instantly took a liking to him. They would always invite him to lunch, they would play with him every day. Bam’s life turned upside down, he gets to see the brighter side of everything. So he wanted to protect his friends from harm. He agreed with Jennie. End of Flashback! ----- “Yes.” Lisa’s eyes flashes hurt, pain. The crows cheered, but Lisa’s heart mourns. She wanted to leave, so she removed her friend’s arm around her and turned her back. “Stay, Lisa.” Lisa stopped, it was the voice of the girl she loves. The only voice who could halt her, who could melt her, who could make her happy. But right now, it’s the voice that hurt her. Kai was getting confused at the moment. He looked at Jennie but the latter was looking at someone else. “Yes, I want to be yours.” Jennie continued to talk, the crowd became silent again. They were confused. What was their Queen talking about or better yet who was she talking to? “Lisa, this is my answer to you.” Lisa’s heart stopped, she slowly turned around to look at Jennie. Jennie was making her way towards her. She looked around, she heard gasps. She saw the students looking at them dumbfounded. Kai stood up and looked at them, his face was red. Then she saw her friends, she saw them smiling. She doesn’t what was going on! Is this a prank? Jennie stopped in front of Lisa, she cupped her face between her hands. She was smiling at Lisa’s confused face. She was always slow. Jennie chuckled. “You asked me the other night, at the field.” Jennie’s face become red at the flashback, “And my answer is yes, I want to be yours.” Lisa blinked, twice, thrice. “What about Kai?” Lisa asked, still wasn’t in her usual self. She looked at Kai, who was getting angry. “What is this, Jennie?” Kai decided to talk, his voice was deep and scary. But they weren’t scared. Jennie turned around to face Kai. She smiled, “Sorry Kai. But I belong to Lisa.” Kai was about to argue but then those next word halts him. He was stunned. “No money for you. No Jennie for you. You lost the bet, Kai.” Jennie mocked, her face become stoic again. “You think I’m stupid?” “What are you talking about?” Kai was going to deny. He looked for his friends. Sehun shrugged when he saw Kai. He didn’t know any of this. He didn’t snitched. “I know the bet, Kai. I played your stupid game. I have you wrapped around my fingers. Now you lost.” Jennie felt Lisa’s hand wrapped around her hand. She relaxed, it was warm. Kai looked around, he was getting embarrassed, pissed. People were looking at him with disgust. They weren’t aware of this. They thought Kai was a goody shoes, he was charming. But he’s a b*stard. Kai’s eyes landed on Krystal, he glared. “You!” He pointed at Krystal, Amber was beside her. She held Krystal’s hand. “Yes, her.” Jennie answered, Kai looked at her pleading. “Please, Jennie. I love you.” Jennie chuckled. “I don’t. I couldn’t let anyone be a victim of that again, Kai.” Kai shook his head, “I changed, babe. I changed for you!” He reasoned out. “Then, give your child support.” The crowd gasps, they weren’t expecting this. Lisa squeezed Jennie’s hand. “And turn yourself to police before I make you.” Kai step back, he was surprised. “What are you talking about?” “Hey bud!” Bambam shows himself, he wrapped her arm around Kai’s shoulder. Kai glared at Bambam. But was stopped when the latter held his hand holding a bunch of photos. Kai’s eyes widened. “B*stard!” Kai yelled. He was going to punch Bam but he was quick. He dodged the punch. Kai’s friend ran to him, they were going to fight. “Stop it, this instant!” They looked at the DJ. But he was not a DJ, he was an undercover police. The crowd started to murmur, they were all talking. The police went to them but he wasn’t alone. There were a bunch of undercover police inside the room. They seized Kai and his friends. “I am arresting you on suspicion of possession of drugs. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something, you later rely on in court. Anything you do, say may be given in evidence" Kai and his friends have nothing against the police. They were helpless, they were dragged out of the party. Everyone was still flabbergasted. Bambam walked towards his friends. “Are you okay?” He asked, Jennie nodded. She looked at the pictures, it was Kai and his friends doing drugs. It was the best evidence, Jennie smiled. “Please, excuse us. I have to clear things out to this idiot.” Jennie’s friends chuckled at what she said. Lisa pouted but let herself be dragged by Jennie. They made their way at the back of Jackson’s house, at the garden. They walked slowly, Lisa was silently following Jennie when something popped her mind. “Does this mean, you’re my girlfriend now?” Lisa asked. Jennie halts, faced Lisa. “Weren’t you listening?” Jennie asked back. The night was deep, stars filled the sky. It was beautiful. Jennie held both of Lisa’s arm and pulled her closer, she put Lisa’s arms around her as she let herself relaxed inside Lisa’s embrace. She then sneaked her arms around the younger girl’s waist. She leaned her head against Lisa’s chest, where her heart is. Jennie listened at the calm beat. “Yes, I am now officially your girlfriend.” Jennie whispered, enough for Lisa to hear. She heard her heart thumped against her ear. She chuckled. “Easy, you might die.” She teased. Lisa squeezed Jennie, her embraced tighten. She could not believe this. It was just a dream. She was used to dreaming Jennie to be with her and now that it was happening, it feels surreal. “I love you, Jennie.” Lisa said tenderly, her chin rested on the smaller girl’s head, eyes closed. “I love you, Lisa.”
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