Chapter VII

3860 Words
I was with Krystal right now; we were so busy finalizing and rehearsing our dance ‘coz tonight will be our contest with other Universities. It’s now Thursday evening and all championships will be held tomorrow afternoon. My friends were here, but not Jennie. I don't know if she left the penthouse, I can't contact her either. I just hope she’ll appear any minute now or before the competition starts, ‘coz this is f*cking nerve-wracking. “Relax. She wasn’t with Kai, if that’s why you looked bothered.” Krystal nudged me as we drink water. I was sweating really hard. I was only wearing my sports bra and sweatpants. I scoffed at Krystal and rolled my eyes at her. “How did you know that?” I asked, genuinely curious. She knows a lot about Jennie lately and I couldn’t help but to be suspicious about it but every time I would ask her, she would just shrug and won’t answer. “I just know.” This time she answered simply. I let it slide, too tired to even stress about that. “Seul!” I called, they turned their heads at me and stopped talking, I swear they never shut up. Specially Chaeng and Irene. “Will she make it here?” I asked and she only nodded knowing who I was referring to. I raised my hand for a thumbs up. “Who were you talking about?” Krystal asked, such a nosy woman. “Amber.” I didn’t even hesitate to tell her ‘coz it wasn’t even a secret. She blushed upon hearing her name. I snorted, “Just a name, Krystal. Just a name and your bloody red again.” I teased as I shook my head. She smacked my shoulder and turned around, stomping her feet. Pft, such a child. “I’ll just take a shower.” I told my friends and left and I didn’t even notice them following me until I heard some murmuring at my back. I turned to look at them and they stop talking, looking at me curiously. “Where are you going?” I asked. They blinked and looked at each other then turn their gazes back at me, still confused. And that made me f*cking confused as well! Then they repeated the motion again but this time, Jisoo talked. “I was following, Seul.” She said, Seulgie frowned and looked at Irene. “I was following Irene.” She said, then Irene stared at Chaeng. She pointed at her. “I was following, Chaeng.” I nearly face palmed when she said that, what the f*ck is wrong with these idiots?! Chaeng looked around as if being caught. Her expression is priceless. I wanted to laugh but I didn’t ‘coz I’m getting irritated. “I was unconsciously following Lisa?” She said, not sure of what she was saying. I sighed frustrated by them. I looked around and found students looking at us weirdly. Gosh, this is embarrassing. “Get your s**t together. Let’s go.” I said but they didn’t seem to be fazed by what happened and continued to walk while chatting with each other, completely ignoring me as they walked pass me. I just looked at them incredulously. I can’t believe they are my friends! ----- I'm outside, already. I'll be the one to take her home. I smiled as I typed my reply to Amber. Okay. Come with us tomorrow, yeah? Yep. She replied. We were waiting for our turn at the backstage. The group who was performing are halfway through. I was nervous, and Jennie didn’t even show herself today which made me sad. I sighed and looked for Krystal, she was busy on her phone. It’s probably Amber by the smile on her face. She has been smiling a lot lately and I was happy, Amber is really taking care of Krystal. “Krys!” I whined. She scrunched her nose and ignored me completely. What a b*tch! “Lisa.” Someone called me from behind and I turned around quickly when I recognized her voice. My face lit up when I saw her. “Jennie!” I exclaimed, our members looked at us but I don’t care. I went to hug her as she stood there awkwardly. “I missed you.” I whined, only for her to hear. She chuckled. “Sorry. I bought you this.” She said and handed me a box of Milkis which she got it from her backpack. I think my eyes twinkled and formed a heart shape when I saw those. “Goodluck out there.” She said and hugged me. Our dance crew teased us that made Jennie blush while I grinned from ear to ear. Jennie lowered her gaze, embarrassed and uncomfortable of the attention. I put my phone on Jennie's backpack before I held her hand and dragged her to the shower room where no one was there. As soon as we stepped inside, I cupped her face with my free hand and kissed her full on the lips. She responded almost immediately, her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer. I groaned and let go of her lips. “I missed you.” I told her again and leaned my forehead to hers. She bit her lip. She placed her hand on my stomach, feeling my bare skin. I was wearing a sports bra (a different one, okay?) and black sweatpants. She looked at her hand that was on my abs, caressing it gently. She sighed and look back at me. But then our group was called and it’s our time to present. I kissed her one last time and give back my Milkis to her. I will drink it later. I pulled her out of the shower room and told her to wait for me. We went out to the stage and formed our choreo. Loud cheering was heard at the gym when they saw us. F*ck! Then the music came on and we started dancing. Focusing on the beat and feeling the song as we dance. The crowd cheered louder when we finished the dance, while they applaud. I was glad this is over, I could rest. I ran backstage as soon as we were out of sight. I was expecting Jennie to be there but she wasn’t. I frowned. “She’s outside!” Namjoon hyung told me after he greeted every one of us. I smiled and rushed outside the locker room. “Jennie!” I called as soon as I saw her standing outside. She smiled at me when she saw me approaching her. “You did great, Lisa.” She said, and I nodded. I took the box of Milkis from her and opened one to drink. I was exhausted! “Let’s go?” I asked, she nodded and linked her arms around mine. I didn’t bother changing my clothes or even waited for the announcement of winner as we rushed outside the gym. She giggled. “Why are we walking so fast?” She asked and we slowed down a bit. “And can you at least put on some shirt?” She asks a bit irritated. I smiled when I looked at her. God, I love her. “I don’t have anything on me. It’s on my locker.” I said but she ignored me and opened her backpack. I only stared at her, admiring how cute she is right now. My smol bean “Here.” She handed me a neatly folder cloth and when I took it from her, she busied herself on fixing her backpack. “What are you waiting for?” She asks when she noticed that I was staring at her. “Put that on.” I unfolded the cloth; it was a jacket. My jacket to be exact. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Where did you get this?” I asked but put it on nonetheless. (Imagine she's wearing a sweatpants) “Your penthouse, where else?” She asked as if it was obvious. “I was there, remember?” We started walking but this time, we took our time, slowly. “You didn’t leave there?” I asked her, she nodded her head and put her arms around mine, leaning her head a bit as we walk. As of this moment, I felt like we were a couple. A real one. I just wished we could be like this but for some reason, something’s holding us back. Or someone… I cleared my throat, “All this time, I thought you went with him, you were just at my penthouse?” I asked again for confirmation. She sighed, “Didn’t I tell you I was… sore?” The last word was merely a whisper but I heard it. My heart melted when I saw her blushing and buried her face on my arm. I giggled and ruffled her hair. Our feet took us to the field, there was no one in here. The lights were on but it still quiet dark. We sat on one of the benches quietly, it wasn’t awkward. It was soothing, just us, spending our time together. Jennie leaned her head on my shoulder, while I put my arms around her. Cold breeze tickles our faces as we snuggled close with each other. She might not say anything about her feelings towards me but I know she cares. There’s a little hope that I’ve been holding on to. Well, for one, she gave me her virginity and we all know how important that is to a woman. And second of all, this. Her actions, her stares. “What are you thinking?” She asks quietly. I hummed, contemplating if I should ask or not. After a while of internally arguing with myself, I asked away. “What are we, Jennie?” She must not have expected that when she stiffened. I waited for her to answer but she’s taking too long. “I know you at least feel for me. What’s holding you back?” I asked again, this time facing her. She didn’t look at me, she avoided my gaze. I don’t know what she’s on about but I needed answers because we’re technically cheating on Kai. On second thought, he deserves that but still. I want her to be mine as a whole. “Kai.” She said almost a whisper. She gulped as I stared at her side profile. That single word is enough for me to shut up. Of course, it’s Kai. I sighed and sat up straight. My hands retreated from her shoulder. “You know I won’t give up, right?” I said as a matter of fact. She turned to me but then lowered her gaze. Her fingers fidgeting. “I don’t want you to.” She whispered, as if she was telling it more to herself than to me. Honestly, I don’t know what to feel. Am I happy? Sure. Am I disappointed? Yes. She reached for my hand, put it on her lap and intertwined them together with hers. Her hand was so warm, I looked at our joint hands. “I wanted you to be mine. Do you?” I said, desperately. She looked at me in my eyes. She was shocked alright, but she looked at me tenderly, as if she was happy, she heard that but then completely ignored the f*ck out of me! “Lisa,” she started, I looked away and waited, “There’s a party on Saturday, I need you to be there.” She said, pleading. I could only nod but that wasn’t enough for her. She stood and face me, I looked up at her when she cupped my face. Her eyes were pleading, like it is so important that I should be there. “I need you there. Promise me.” She asked again, afraid that I might actually say no to her. And who am I to tell her no? Without asking her reasons, I nodded. I don’t have to ask tho, wherever she is, I’ll go. Whether she liked it or not. She sighed a breath of relief as she leaned in to kiss me. She rarely initiated our kiss so it makes me so damn happy when she did. My hands found its way at the either side of her hips as we kissed slowly, sensually, pouring our hearts out into the kiss. I pulled her down on my lap. She straddled me, her knees are on either side of me, kneeling on the bench and I had to lean my back to give her more space. Her skirt rode up exposing her creamy thighs. Her hands are still on my cheek as she kissed me intently. My hands moved on her a*s, cupping her cheek and squeezing them. She let out a breathy mo*n and our kiss turned aggressive. Nibbling, tasting each other. Her tongue slipped in my mouth and I couldn’t help but to mo*n as heat enveloped me. I could feel the familiar tightness on my pants as my sh*ft slowly hardened. Jennie’s hand moved around my neck and sat on my cr*tch, directly sitting on my hardened c*ck. She mo*ned at the contact, she left my mouth to let out a mo*n. “God, Lisa.” She whispered as she looked at me sed*ctively, l*st overpowering her eyes. She leaned her forehead against mine as she looked down, staring at our center. “Jennie…” I gasped when she started to grind against my clothed sh*ft, painfully slow. She bit her bottom lip at the sensation, stifling a mo*n as she grinded in circular motion. She tilted her head upwards as her mouth went agape. “Ahh.” She mo*ned ever so s*xily as picked up the pace, frantically moving, grinding. Her grip on my shoulder tightened as she dug her nails on skin through my jacket. I gripped her hips hard as I guided her on her movement, putting pressure on my c*ck every now and then. I groaned, this is so f*cking hot! Jennie surprised me when she pressed her lips on my neck and automatically my head tilted to give her more access. “Baby…” I mo*ned when she nibbled on my soft spot, while she was still grinding against me. This pleasure will be the death of me and I wanted to be inside her! When she was satisfied on the mark on my neck, her lips then moved up to my ear, hot breath fanning my earlobe which was tickling me. My c*ck twitch and I had to thrust upward, hitting her clothed p*ssy, for more friction. “Ahh-hh.” She f*cking moaned on my ear, s*xily! I need to hear it again; I want to hear it again. My hands moved on her stomach up to her bre*sts, gently cupping and squeezing them. She mo*ned again, good heavens! She nibbled on my earlobe and I had to shut my eyes as sensations washed over me. “You’re killing me, Jennie.” I whispered but she only answered me with a mo*n when I pinched her n*pples through her shirt. “!” I said between breaths as we grinded faster and harder. She lifted her hips a little and I whined at the lost contact. She giggled and kissed me on my lips. Her hands then went to the waistband of my sweatpants as she tugged it down, enough for my c*ck to be freed. She looked me in my eyes and she bit her bottom lip. Her hands then went between her inner thighs as I saw her slid her p*nties to the side, giving me a view of her so*king pink folds. I gulped as I looked into her eyes. Those eyes that held intimacy and l*st. Those seductive feline eyes that never fails to captivate me. I looked around us trying to see if there was anyone in here. She chuckled, “No one’s here at this hour, Lisa.” She said, is it just me or her voice lowered an octave as l*st took over her. “Your kink is surprisingly arousing, Jennie.” I teased her but she smiled at me. This is a completely different Jennie. The Jennie everyone knew was a very reserved person, calm and collected. This Jennie? This Jennie is going to kill me. She was wild and s*xy. She hovered over my c*ck that was standing proudly, hard and oozing with pre-c*m. She stared at me with half lidded eye full of l*st and desire, bottom lip in between her teeth, as she lowered herself into me. My c*ck eased its way in, easily. I saw how her p*ssy swallowed me, I felt how her walls clamped around me, welcoming me in. We both let out a throaty mo*ned when I completely penetrated her. She stayed sitting on my lap, savoring the feeling while it lasts. She put her hands around me, pulling me closer as she hugged me. Her chin rested on my head as she was a bit high than me ‘coz she was straddling me. My face buried on the valley of her bre*sts, inhaling her scent. So addicting… My c*ck twitched inside her. She mo*ned when she felt it. As if on cue, she started to move, back and forth. We could hear the smacking sound of our s*x, the w*t sounds which made it more intimate as we held back a mo*n to listen. “F*ck, that sounds so hot.” I said, she could only nod as she rides me faster. This time she moved up and down, my hands gripped her waist, guiding and helping her keep a rhythm. I thrust upward, meeting her p*ssy, slamming hard. Her lips moved to my ear again, gently kissing and touching it. She keeps on mo*ning against my ear and that’s absolutely the sexiest sound on earth. “Come on, Lisa. Faster.” She challenged and I smirked. I held her waist tight thrust harder, faster. Like I was racing us to the peak of our highest pleasure. I caught her by surprise as she screams oh so s*xily in my ear, her nails dug on my shoulder as she stop moving, and let me do the work. “Ah! AH!” She chanted against my ear. “Is this what you want?” I asked as I became aggressively fast and hard. My hands then pulled her hips down hard every thrust I do. “Yes, Lisa! Ahh!” “You love gripping my c*ck using your walls…” I stated, she nodded frantically as she clenched on c*ck making her p*ssy impossibly and deliciously tighter. “I will never get tired of ramming your p*ssy.” I groaned, she must have liked me talking to her like this as her p*ssy clenched and unclench around me. My right hand moved between us as I reached down, looking for her hardened cl*t. Once I found it, she screamed my name. “Lisa! F*ck!” I flicked her cl*t, fast with my thumb. “You like that?” I asked, trying to look at her beautiful, reddened face. “I love… it! F*ck keep going!” She started to move up and down again, meeting my hard, fast thrust. Her walls started to squeeze me, undeniably tighter this time, literally choking and sucking the c*m in my c*ck. “I’m c*mming, baby. God, Lisa!” “Me too, baby. Me too!” I groaned. A couple of hard thrust and one last flick on her cl*t, she came so hard, choking my c*ck. I c*m almost immediately at the choking sensation in my c*ck. We both mo*ned as she rides us out of our org*sm. Panting hard. When we calmed down, her head leaned in my shoulder. “You really are great, Lisa.” She whispered and I had to chuckle. She mo*ned, she was so sensitive that even a little movement, could make her body twitch. She lifted her body slowly slipping my c*ck out. She mo*ned at the contact. Our mixed c*m dripped out of her p*ssy, making my sweatpants wet. I chuckled. She fixed her p*nties back, covering her p*ssy. I pouted ‘coz I really, really want to stare at it for a while. She slapped my shoulder, amused at my behavior. I slipped my c*ck back in my pants as I stood up, removed my jacket and put in around my waist to at least cover the wet spot on my pants. When I looked at Jennie, her face still red. “You okay?” I asked when her kneed gave up. I immediately caught her in my arms before she could fall on the ground. “I can’t walk.” She grunted. I lifted her up and carried her in my arms, chuckling. She hooked her arms around my neck for support and leaned her head on my chest, her eyes closing. I really drained her again, didn’t I? I walk us out here and to our room. Jennie wasn’t heavy, so it’s fine. I can’t believe we did that on the field, where anyone could have seen us, any minute we were there. Luckily, no students were going in there at this hour of night. I shake my head at Jennie who was sleeping on my arms. I didn’t think she could be this s*xy and needy when it comes to s*x. I’m not complaining tho. I totally loved it. But I wouldn’t go far beyond what we did earlier. Too risky. When we reached her room, I laid us down her bed and didn’t bother on changing. She was peacefully sleeping and I don’t have the heart to bother her again, after what happened. She definitely needed some rest. While I strip my clothes out, leaving my boxers and nothing else. I laid back down slowly, trying not to wake her up. I snuggled close to her, I hand laid on her stomach as I get comfortable and let sleep enveloped me.
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