A Glimpse to a Legend

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December 1560 He jumped over the steep cliff. Henry was unfamiliar with the word fear, the thought of getting hurt and dying. He was used to not feeling anything. It has been too long since he remembered feeling anything. Henry Alastair Keiths are the last of his name. He is the only living royal who succeeded to the throne from his late father - the Lion - Malcolm Bram Keiths. He had no siblings and his mother died a few years after he was born. Henry was alone in this world. The drop from the cliff was more than 50 meters. Before he landed on top of the water, he stretched his arms forward, and like a sword, he dipped into the deep water of the North Sea. He stayed at the bottom. He enjoyed the peace and quiet underneath. It was an escape from his rather monotonous and colorless life. Although the water was freezing cold, he felt nothing. Henry was used to the sharp stinging pain caused by the drop in temperature. He actually loves it to say the least. The coldness of the surroundings somehow made him feel alive. After a few minutes underwater, he decided to resurface. There are too many things for him to do. Another day in the life of Henry, the Lion’s son. Henry swam towards the shore. Naked, he took the narrow and steep path that led to the back gatehouse of the Dunnottar Castle. His steward, Silverio, handed his robe as he entered the gates. The steward has been in the family since he was born. His grandfather’s grandfather was the chamberlain of the castle and their family was allowed by King Malcolm to live within its walls. He had no last name. His father didn’t have one either. His father was born within the castle walls, and so was he. Their family has been in the Keiths family for centuries, serving whoever sits on the throne. Silverio had the opportunity to live a different life than his grandfather and father. However, he chose to live a simple and contented life serving the Keiths. “It is your birthday today, am I right, Silverio?” Henry asked. “Yes, your highness, how thoughtful of you to remember.” He replied. “Follow me.” Henry led his most trusted servant to his room. He took a small pouch from his bedroom drawer and gave it to Silverio. “Happy Birthday, this is for you.” “Thank you, your highness.” He opened the pouch and saw five gold coins in it. Silverio returned the coins inside the pouch and gave it back to Henry. “This is too much your highness. You have already given a lot to me.” “Take it,” it sounded like an order. “One gold for every decade you have been loyal to me.” He said. Silverio took the pouch and placed it over his chest. “You have always been gracious to me, your highness, my life, and loyalty are yours forever.” He bowed his head. Henry motioned him to leave. He barely reciprocated his servants' appreciation with a smile. Forever. A lot of people dream of having a grasp on forever. Ruling a kingdom forever, having power forever, enjoying all the material things this world has to offer. Forever is just a legend. Life on Earth is bittersweet, it is short. But Henry was wrong. Forever is true, it is a fact hidden among the dreaded fears of men, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the unexplainable. Forever is a choice. It is an option for people like him, people with wealth, people with money. People who wanted to take more than they should from this world. He recalled the days when he was around 25 years old. The Lion of Dunnottar Castle succumbed to an unknown disease. His body started to rot from within. All those years of dining lavishly, feasting on young women every night. Karma finally caught up to him. With all the power that Henry received back then, it was easy to give in to what life has to offer, to what he can get from life, with his money and power. He went to different counties, tasting life, taking a piece of every paradise he could find. On one of his adventures, he set foot on Sweden, in the Bla Jungfrun Island, a mystical remote location, inaccessible to many. But with his power and influence, he can go to places ordinary men have no access to. He was the son of the Lion after all. He dined and feasted, like what he is used to doing whenever he visits places. There he met Inanna, a beautiful young lady named after the Mesopotamian goddess of love and beauty. They dined and enjoyed the night together, diving into tempestuous acts that no young lass should enter into during that time. After spending the night together, he woke up, just like how he used to whenever he is done with a girl he met. He casually leaves and enjoys the day for another new experience. But this time, it was different, Inanna looked for him, even when he made sure that it would be difficult to locate him. “Why did you leave?” She asked. “Why wouldn’t I?” He asked “But last night?” She asked. “Last night was just like any night of my life,” he said casually. “I can’t believe you, I can’t believe this, how could you?” Inanna said, crying after giving herself willingly to this heartless man. “I would believe it if I were you.” He said, casually asking the waiter to send the girl away. Inanna’s face turned fierce, “You will pay for this.” “Oh yes, I can actually pay for anything,” Henry replied mockingly. Little did he know that he crossed a line that he should have not taken. His greed and overweening would lead him into unimaginable places and situations he once thought were made for nightmares. He remembered going to bed, then waking up in a strange place, a cave. Henry was unaware that he was inside a labyrinth, in the middle of a ritual. Standing in front of him is Inanna, looking vengeful, almost horrifying, smiling at him. “Surprised?” She said. “What are you doing to me? Release me now or suffer the consequences.” He warned. “Now, now, do not act so brag and high. I am just here to give you a gift. A gift that would change your life. It will change your life,” she paused, laughed, and then continued. “Forever…” “What are you talking about? Just let me go.” He said. “You can keep your money Henry, you will need it for a very long, long, long time.” She manically laughed again. One of the women standing behind Inanna went forward and forced him to drink. It tasted bitter, with a sour aftertaste. He tried to spit some but he failed in keeping everything out of his mouth. He swallowed a considerable amount of the liquid. Henry started to sweat, his vision blurry. He saw figures, women dancing and chanting around a fire. Several women came towards her, smearing, laughing, blowing air towards his direction. He lost consciousness, completely overwhelmed by whatever liquid he was forced to take. When he woke up, he was inside a boat. A few kilometers away from the place where he was staying. He went back to Dunnottar Castle after that, avoiding people for days. The days turned into months, then into years, into decades. It was too late for him to realize that after a decade, he remained to look like what he did the last time he stepped out of the castle. People around him died and aged while he remained young and in his prime years. He felt crazy for some time. He found himself with a knife, cutting his wrist. Only to see blood flow back inside of his body, leaving no evidence on the wound that he is self-inflicted. Henry is an immortal. When he realized the privilege of living forever, he went back to his old ways. He gambled, drank, ate, and enjoyed women, just like what he used to do. But time managed to catch up on him. He began to lose friends one by one. People he cared for died one by one. The next thing he knew, he was all alone, left with no friends and relatives. He also had to hide his condition from everyone. He had to transfer from one place to another to hide the fact that everyone around him was agreeing, dying, all except but him. So this is the other side of forever. He has been 25 for almost 190 years now. And he continues to see death and people leaving and dying right before his eyes. Henry got up and dressed. He was going out to town today. Thinking about the past will not help him escape the loop of being an immortal. It was time for him to do something. It was time for him to find a way to end his miserable life. His covered carriage was already ready when Henry got out of the castle. Knowing that his life was not for anyone to take, he already gave up the idea of having guards whenever he leaves the castle. He was used to sitting alone inside the carriage. Silverio sat beside the horseman, ready to attend to his needs at all times. Henry pushed aside the cloth that covered the window of the carriage. He looked outside, uninterested. It has been 30 years since he left Dunnottar Castle. As far as everyone knows, he is the 5th generation of Keiths living and ruling the land. If only they knew the truth. He had to get a new suit, Henry was expected to host a ball for all the royals in the North Sea and its nearby towns and cities. It is going to be a grand ball, fit for nothing less but a King. When he arrived in town, people stopped, stared, and bowed as the familiar covered carriage of the castle of Dunnottar graced the streets of Stonehaven. He discreetly entered the only tailor shop in town. Martin was already expecting him and closed the shop. He was only exclusively serving the King for today. Henry looked around, assessing the area. “This will do,” he left that comment to himself. He should try to avoid disappointing people in town. Limiting personal connections and avoiding issues will keep his secret safe and unnoticed for another few more decades in the area. He looked at Martin, “Shall we begin?” Martin was startled but immediately led the way to the standing area where he takes measurements for clients. He was more than excited to create a suit for the King. It has been several decades since the former King left Dunnottar Castle. Everyone in town was excited to meet and finally see the new King. Martin was one of the very few lucky ones who were able to meet his young King ahead of everyone else. Henry felt the tension in the room. Living for over a century has taught him to understand how people feel and move around royals like him. Some are uneasy, others too excited while most of them could not help but show adoration and love towards them. All those years of meeting different people from around the world made him used to the feelings that people reflect towards him. Like a King, he moved sternly, allowing Martin to have access to enough space to do his measurements without her actually giving him the opportunity to touch him directly. After a few minutes of taking his measurements, a servant appeared inside the area. “Who told you to enter?” Martin scolded his young assistant. “Let him be,” Henry spoke. “Get me something to drink,” looking at the child. “You heard his majesty, offer him something to drink.” Martin seconded, shooing the child away from the room. He turned to the King, bowed his head, and apologized. “I am sorry for the intrusion of our highness.” “Carry on,” Henry casually replied. Martin started showing the King the designs that he made for the King’s Royal Ball. Henry listened but felt that he already saw everything. He heard little footsteps walking towards them. Henry looked around and saw the young boy earlier. He was carrying a tray with a glass and a pitcher of juice. “Silverio,” Henry called out to his servant. Silverio instinctively took the tray from the child and poured his master a drink. He placed the tray on one of the tables. He took two pieces of Merck from his pocket and gave them to the boy. The boy could not contain his tears and bowed to Silverio, then to Henry, as a sign of gratitude. Henry barely looked at the boy and focused on the drawings presented by Martin. With too many designs available, he chose the red suit instead. It was a celebration and he wanted to celebrate with the occasion, even if it meant that he was just pretending. It was for the kingdom. He is doing this with respect to their name, the Keiths. After a few more adjustments, based on his chosen design, he bid farewell to Martin. “Thank you. We have to go now.” “I’ll have the suit ready 2 days before the party so we can do the necessary adjustments if any.” Martin hurriedly said as Henry began walking towards the door. He followed the King up to the street and bowed his head as Henry stepped inside his carriage. Henry sat inside and waited for his carriage to return to the castle. Maybe he would go jumping off the cliff again, and try to hit the rocks this time. Anything just to feel alive, just to feel like he was living. To his surprise, a girl suddenly entered his carriage. She had blonde hair, her clothes were slightly muddy. She looked like she was running from something, from someone. Aurora tried to catch her breath as she tried to squeeze herself in the corner of the carriage. She was tired of running. She needed someplace where she could rest and regain her strength. She suddenly realized that someone was looking at her. Aurora looked around and saw the man sitting on the carriage. He looked surprised. She placed her fingers on her mouth, “shhhhh” Aurora begged that the man remained silent. Henry heard commotions outside his carriage. She looked at the girl, her eyes were frightened, worried. “Stay here.” He firmly instructed the girl. Henry descended from his carriage to see what the commotion was about. Silverio was looking at him, confused, and was looking at the carriage door. Henry looked at Silverio as if he was telling him not to look inside the carriage. Silverio understood and went back to sitting beside the horseman. There were three men, running around the street, clearly looking for someone. The bystanders whispered at each other after seeing Henry looking at them. The three men realized that the crowd went quiet. They suddenly realized where the looks of the people around them were focused on. They were looking at King Henry. The three men were wise enough not to make a scene. They bowed to the King and left hurriedly. Henry went back inside his carriage where Aurora was still hiding. When she realized that the people after her were gone, he looked at Henry, thankful, “Thank you, I will be leaving now.” She shyly uttered. As she was about to open the carriage door, Henry held her hand firmly and said. “Stay.” Aurora looked at the man, confused. “Silverio, let us head back home.” He commanded as he pulled Aurora to sit by his side. Still confused, Aurora decided to give in to what the man wanted. After all, he helped her get away from those three men. She could leave and find another place to stay in later. Aurora tried to relax sitting inside the carriage beside the unknown man. After a few minutes, she realized that the man was properly dressed. She looked at her own dress. It barely passed as a proper dress. She was sweaty and dirty. She started to feel awkward and carefully moved a little bit away from the man. Aurora tried to wipe her sweat with the edge of the long sleeve of her dress. Henry was too observant not to notice. He immediately felt the woman starting to feel uneasy. He took a clean handkerchief from his pants pockets and gave it to the girl. Aurora was surprised to see the man handing him a clean handkerchief. She hesitated but realized that it would be more awkward if she did not take the handkerchief from the man who just saved her. She took it and slightly bowed as a sign of gratitude. Henry saw himself reciprocating the woman's gratitude. He too bowed towards the girl. Upon realizing just what he did, he focused on looking outside the window instead. Aurora started to wipe the sweat and dirt on her face with the man's handkerchief. It was clean and smelled like lavender. She too looked outside the window and realized the road they were taking. They were traveling towards Dunnotar Castle. She was certain of it. She looked at the man beside her again, then at the carriage that they are in. A house symbol carved into the upper portion of the carriage, just above the window where you can see the back of the horseman. Aurora finally realized. She was riding together with the King!
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