lose control

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Jessica’s P.O.V. He turned back around to look at me. And I could have sworn that I saw some sort of grin on his face, a look of satisfaction, just before he straightened his face again and just nodded at me. “Sure thing, sugar.” He told me, as he leaned forward and grabbed my hand. The gesture was sweet and kind, but it froze me, once I realized that he was actually touching me. Even though it was because he was acting sweet and doing so to guide me out of the very crowded Ranch House, feeling his hand in mine gave me tingles all over. I looked around, spotting Rachel, who was grinning wickedly back at me, sticking her two thumbs up in the air as if I had just made the winning touchdown for the team. While I wanted to pump my fist in the air and do a small victory dance, I decided to just wave back at her. While my John Wayne guided me outside, into the dark night. Once, we were greeted by the silence and darkness of the outside world, I wrapped my arms around myself in order to keep warm. A jacket would have come in handy by now. John Wayne saw me shiver from the cold and I saw the way his jaw ticked as if that annoyed him, and I quickly changed my mind about the jacket that I wanted to keep me warm. This man holding me close to warm myself up to would be so much better than any jacket on the planet. “You want to go and sit in my truck? I can put on the heat for you.” He told me, making me bite my lower lip. If this man was a serial killer, I would have been walking right into his little trap. He could just lock the doors of his truck, start his engine, and drive me towards a house in the middle of nowhere, where he would kill me and nobody would ever be able to find my body ever again. But I looked up at him, his dark eyes looking right back at me, with a look that I had honestly never seen in a man’s eyes ever before, as he was looking directly at me. He looked as if he was genuinely concerned about me being cold and he truly wanted me to warm up. So, I swallowed, thinking of just living my life for once, and jumping into the unknown. Sharing a truck with this hunk of a man? Yes, please! “Sure.” I nodded, seeing how a cloud of air left my mouth from the cold air. He nodded, pointing at the far back of the parking lot, where a big dark grey truck was parked. John Wayne took big steps, so I almost had to skip in order to keep up with him, and the fact that I was wearing a rather short jeans skirt, didn’t quite help in the matter either. Like a true gentleman once again, he opened the passenger’s door for me, closing it behind me once I was seated in the passenger's seat. And after that, I saw him walking around the truck before he got in on the driver’s side himself. Giving me just enough time to look at him once again. God damn This man is so handsome… Once he was in the car, he put his keys in the ignition and immediately turned on the heat. He looked at me as he gave me a dangerously gorgeous smile. “You’ll be warm soon.” He smiled at me, almost making me drop my mouth. There were a million ways I could think of that would end up with me feeling warm. And all those million ways involved him, preferably naked. “So, you live around here?” I asked him, hoping to avoid any awkward silences between us. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes never leaving me. Electricity fills the air between us. “I actually live in the next town. On the Grey Ranch.” He told me, making a lot of sense. This man, living and probably working on the ranch, was why he was so masculine and cowboy-ish. Because the man actually lived on a ranch. hah Go figure! “Are you a ranch hand or the owner?” I asked him, seeing how one side of his mouth tipped up. “Second in command, actually.” I nodded, trying to be polite, while his answer didn’t make any sense to me. I guess I was a ranch nerd, I didn't know a damn thing about the lifestyle. “So, do you live alone on the Grey Ranch, John Wayne?” I asked him, seeing how his smile grew bigger into a full-out grin. “John Wayne?” He smirked at my words, and I wasn’t able to stop smiling now either. “Yeah, I didn’t know your name. So, I called you John Wayne in my head.” I added, seeing how he nodded back at me as if he fully understood. Or was pleased by what I said? “Yes, I live there alone. No girlfriend or wife if that is what you want to know next. And my name is Derek, not John. What’s yours, sugar?” He fired the same question back at me. “Jessica,” I answered him, seeing how his eyes started to sparkle, once I had told him my name. “And where does Jessica live?” He asked me, to which I shrugged. I was a bit flabbergasted when I heard him say my name out loud. It rolled nicely off of his tongue. Giving me another hot flash. “Whichever hotel holds my suitcase for the moment,” I admitted to him, seeing how he frowned back at me in response. I laughed once, seeing a million questions floating around in his dark eyes. “I’m a travel journalist,” I added, hearing how he hummed and nodded as if that made all the sense in the world to him now. “And you are here, because?” He asked me, staring so intensely at me, that I had to wet my lips or I would probably faint from sudden dehydration. “The mayor asked me to write an article for the town, in order to attract tourists,” I told him, seeing how he nodded again. “And I grew up around here. Rachel was actually a high school friend of mine. She dragged me out of the hotel to come and celebrate her bachelorette party with her.” I added, knowing that Derek probably wouldn’t care about any of this. But I needed to keep talking, in order to not throw myself at him completely. ---------------------------------- Derek’s P.O.V. As soon as I had gotten her outside, I wanted her even more alone, secluded, all to myself, without any chance of getting distracted or any other guy grabbing her attention instead of me. When I saw her shivering from the cold, I wanted to wrap my arms around her to hold her close and warm. But that seemed a bit too rushed for humans since I didn’t even know her name up until a couple of seconds ago. I had suggested to go and sit in the truck. And she had accepted it. Making me catch two birds with one stone. Jessica The sexy vixen is called Jessica And she is a reporter. A travel journalist. A writer. That tiny piece of information gave away so much about her and who she was as a person. For one, she knew how to take care of herself. She had probably traveled around the world on her own, and the fact that she was still alive to tell the tale, said a lot about her bravery as well. She could live her own life and didn’t need an asshole to provide for her or protect her from the big, bad world. She was powerful, and it made her even more beautiful in my eyes. And two, I knew she wouldn’t be staying around here for long. Which, on one hand, came in handy for my picker, because he really, really wanted her, and wasn’t ready for the drama that could potentially follow after a booty call. It wouldn’t be the first time that a lady would feel as if, after a quicky with me, she thought that she was my girlfriend and we were in a ‘ committed relationship’. It had happened before, and while I didn’t like to make girls cry, I was not the man for a steady relationship either. That was a privilege that only my one true mate would get in my life. But on the other hand, hearing how this cute little thing right here would be gone in probably a short amount of time, made me feel anxious as well. Because a part of me didn’t want her to leave at all, I wanted to enjoy her, over and over again if I could. Nice and slow and hard and steamy too. I f*****g wanted it all. Imagining all the things I could do to that cute little body… fuck me! “How is your nose feeling? I still feel awful about that drunken Goof.” She told me, to which I shook my head. It wasn’t her fault that the piece of s**t had taken a swing at my face the first chance he had gotten. She shouldn’t feel guilty about this at all. It had ended up with her sitting right here in the truck with me all alone. Hell, for that, I would love to get my nose broken any day of the week. Because right now, it was just us two in the middle of an abandoned parking lot. I looked at her, seeing how her blue eyes were taking me in. She seemed worried about me in a way, and I found it damn adorable to watch. I quickly took a handkerchief and wiped away the blood from my nose. I already saw a bruise coming up as I looked in the rearview mirror, which meant that I was starting to heal already. But still, no goddamn smell on my part. Fuck me. I want to smell her! “I’m feeling just fine, sugar,” I answered her, as I smirked her way, seeing how her cheeks flushed slightly at my words. “Well, thank you for saving me back there.” She smiled back at me, making my heartbeat rise up as I saw her white teeth. Making me wonder what the hell was wrong with me here. I never reacted this way around a woman. Not ever. Not this strongly. What made this one so Goddamn special to me? Was it the fact that she was so damn sweet or that she was easily the prettiest woman I had ever seen in my life? Both definitely both. Especially when she tilted her head to one side, leaning it on the car seat as she looked at me. Biting her bottom lip Sweet baby Jesus… “Sugar, you’re testing my self-control here by biting that lip of yours,” I admitted to her, almost in a whisper, my focus zooming in on her teeth that were biting down on that plump lip of hers. s**t, I wanted to do that myself so freaking badly. This little vixen was testing my boundaries here. Tempting me, even. As she leaned up and leaned forward toward me, bringing herself even closer to me. So close, that I could feel her breath floating over my neck. “Jessica, listen. I really want to take this to the next level right now, but I don’t know how much you’ve had to drink already, and I really don’t want you to be regretting this in the morning.” I told her, making myself wonder why I was even saying the words that were coming out of my mouth right now. My eyes saw it and my wolf was feeling it too. This girl was presenting herself to me on a golden platter right f*****g now. Who the hell was I to say no to that? To say no to her? I had been walking with a pole in my pants ever since seeing her for the first time. And now that she was flirting right back with me, I was what? Using my good manners? Trying to be a gentleman around her? Fuck you, Derek! “I’m not drunk. I don’t ever regret decisions that I make, and maybe I want you to lose control.” She answered me, her voice laced with pure sexiness. A growl rippled out of my throat as I saw her eyes darken in lust, so in order to mask my own growl, I leaned forward and I lost my last ounce of self-control. I had had a lot of girls throwing themselves at me over the last couple of years. Hell, Cherry, a couple of hours ago at the bar, had done just that earlier tonight. But I didn’t want that, I didn’t want her. While now, with Jessica, I felt as if I was about to combust if I would stay away from her any longer. I leaned forward, pulling on the handle of my seat, in order to push my car seat all the way back, before I used my wolf strength. Reaching over and picking Jessica up, I lifted her over and placed her right down on top of my lap, her legs spread as she placed them on either side of my waist, ending up with her straddling me on the driver's seat. The place was f*****g cramped because I was a big man, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass, because she was right here, sitting right on top of me like I wanted her to. They could have pushed us both inside of a damn mini-cooper, and I would have made it work somehow. As she parted her legs to sit down on my lap, her jeans skirt rose up to her thighs, and I couldn’t help but see a hint of her panties. Black and lace… fuck me. I looked back up at her, seeing how she giggled once, and I wondered if she did that because she was nervous or because she thought that it was funny what we were doing right here. Whatever the case, I honestly didn’t care. She was smiling and it warmed my heart. But I had had enough of looking at her, I wanted to f*****g taste her, touch her. So I leaned in and I finally kissed her. She was warm and soft and plump and f*****g delicious to the taste. So much so that it almost knocked me off of my seat and made my wolf feel restless as he started to pace around in my head. She tasted of blueberries and a hint of wine. Her tongue gently stroked over mine, which made me groan, because f**k, this woman was unbelievable in every way. I was unprepared for the intensity that came along with the kiss, the way it was making me feel. And once her fingers reached up and tipped off my cowboy hat towards the back seat of the truck, before those same fingers got tangled in my hair, I f*****g lost my s**t for all mankind. Blame it on the alcohol and the lack of my smell, but I needed to f**k her, I needed to stake my claim on her in any way that I possibly could, even if it was just for the night. Even if there was a big chance that after tonight, I would never even see her again, ever. Whatever this cute little human was offering me right now, I would be a fool not to take it and cherish it forever.
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