Nic Fell Sick Part 2 (Chapter 26)

1705 Words

The next morning, Joe was awake by the sudden loud Clang!! “Sorry Sir, I drop the file on the floor.” “Ahh! Oh!" The nurse was shocked as the patient not breathing... Joe looks what happens? Doc. Leon is coming in 15 minutes. Doc. Leon tells Joe please leave the room we need to do CPR now. “Ah? Okay.” Joe wasn't awake as his head pain... Joe looks at the clock, it's only 3 am. “Huh? Did I sleep for 3 hours? Do I need to call Shaun or Sam? Oh, I don't have Shaun's number what am I thinking. I will just call Sam.” Joe calls Sam. “Hello, Sam, this is Joe, this is an SOS call; Nic is now in bad condition, kindly inform Shaun. If both of you can come in the morning it will be good.” Sam was shocked what had happened? Joe says, “Come to the hospital first.” Doc. Leon arrives. “Nic ca

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