
1404 Words
        Breath! Just breath! Things are getting worse, how in the world did this happened. I thought maybe it was just a f*****g senseless folly, about his threats of taking me from this shelter but the second Betsy jerked my arm and announced the infiltration of the shelter wall near our village made me run into over drive once again. Fifteen kilometers of thick walls blasted into a million smithereens by technology far beyond Queencie's wet dreams. For us it was the worst possible thing for a self sustaining shelter to be vulnerable to those bats. We're like sitting ducks waiting to be claimed and that was just so f*****g wrong.         First things first we have to ensure every civilian's safety. The good thing was The whole shelter has underground facilities that would be able to house everyone in case of a nuclear attack in this case vampire attack. Let's just hope they wouldn't be able to infiltrate that too. Well, everyone wants to live so they know what to do.         Second the battle area should be placed with in at least a kilometer radius of the attack zone. That's our responsibility being military, to die before the civilians do, epic right? Engineers started making temporary wall to contain the vampires in the west side of the shelter. Our job is to keep them from even getting past the attack zone. I'm just hoping that everyone would be able to be safe by the time they're through.         And lastly kill everything with fangs with a taste for human blood. They are not being frustrated with lack of food supply, because I know they have more than enough. But I know why they are doing this. This is his declaration of his so called immortal love for me. And it's making my blood boil.         How can he be so selfish to even hurt everyone I held dear?! Come to think of it, he did asked me a thousand times to be with him. Some how I know this is one of his sweet punishment for my snarling refusal of his love, not to mention how I killed him for quite a few times.         Civilians are calmly entering the underground facilities as Queencie yelled on my communicator. "Fran you can't just use those weapons! They're just prototypes!" I could imagine her walking in her lab rampaging to get as much equipment she can underground. "Jim, your sister is going on a suicide round with those weapons you just made!" she was as if walking childishly around her laboratory. I also heard Jim reasoning that the weapons are safe but would need proper handling. I smiled of how they talked like an old married couple sometimes.         "I know I can handle this." I said reassuring her,  weighing the gun on my bionic arm. I aimed at a chimera and shot it straight through the heart while I was fairly far away.         "But they are not ready!" Queencie whined like a kid.          "Well, I'm  using this no matter what. " shutting the intercom with my friend, who was cursing a million miles an hour, and putting on my bulletproof  vest that'll not help in anyway with a vampire attack.          Whistling, a jeep came for me to ride to the battle central. Soldiers were engaging some bats. Some were already using war freaks tank to attack some dragon like Chimera. Valkyries, our air force were hovering the field for any needed aerial artilleries. They are also in charge of rescue, magnetic harness can be activated that they can be easily pulled out of any compromised position.         I barked orders for my troops to grow some balls and don't expect to enter the bunkers underground. My Battalion is one of the front liners in the battle ground therefore if we die, it's what's expected of us, period. Surely saying that as it is would depress any man. That's why it's my responsibility to put on some glittery and flowery words to encourage them. I encourage my soldiers to die for our shelter nothing less than what is expected of me as a leader. I was the ground commander of the assault force in this shelter and no one was going to get past me. "Come on ladies, some sissy bats are waiting for us to fry their butts off." I shouted encouragingly to them as we ran one block to the blast site. They were raging warriors, trying their best to be brave even if we are facing the worst possible fear the world got to offer.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         Four hours within the battle, most if my men are dead. These Vampires aren't the ones we usually face. It was as if they are high breeds or something, faster and hungrier than before. Are they experimenting on their own kind now? Only seven of my men are alive and  trying sustain the line before our back up comes. "Five more minutes Fran! Hang in there! They finished building the walls, they just need to light it up with electric charge so they wouldn't think of trying to breach it." I heard Chelsea shouting in my inter com.              "In five minutes there's no point of rescuing us! Can anyone hear these bats roar?! Hell!" I barked back at her shooting nonstop using the prototype gun Queencie gave me. "I need back up and I need it now. I'm not in the mood of saying please and thank you cause we are dying here!"         Another one of my men was taken down that just made me angrier. Damn that Xed for being a psycho-maniac with his so called expression of love. He don't give a damn for these people. He was just showing off hid strength. He was just showing off how easy it was for him to take me.         "Boss! What the hell is going on. When are they coming?!" Asked Milo one of my cadet panicking like a sissy that he is. He was a new recruit.         "Geez put your big girl panties on." I barked. The prototype just broke down and run out of ammunition. "If I die right now, I know I took half of those bats with me. Damn I'm ready to die and my Mom ain't gonna like that." Taking my jungle bolos ready for hand to hand combat, I winked at my men and run towards the bats more energized than ever.         Maybe this is the effect of almost dying or realizing that the love of your life just wants to kill all you cherish, Or maybe, just maybe killing has its effect on my moral now that I am doing it over and over again. I mean, I started defending my life the moment I stepped in the military training (real life death roll) camp at the age of sixteen. Not only that I had to take care of my team then including Queencie who was just eleven. I had to live then, to protect my team. I have to live now to protect our shelter.          Humanity is at stake here so I had to live. Those where my thoughts as I butchered bats upon bats. Reading their every move.  Running as fast as I can, not realizing that my speed was equating theirs already. I was dancing with the steps of death and not an inch was calculated. It was as if in my nature. It was as if I was one of them but not like them. Not even Betsy was able to keep up. She would try her best to be agile with my every movement but I guest men's technology has it's limits. She zapped me with vibrations that kicked me out of my trance.         "Boss!" I heard a shriek coming  from behind. Milo was being held on the neck by Xedjedy himself. "Help me." he mouthed almost crying.         I rolled my eyes, for a sniper he is one clumsy guy. Whatever happened next made me shocked myself. In a blinked of an eye, I was standing in front of Xed. "Nice to see you face to face at last Fran." Xed said with his slips accent because of the fang.         "Let go of Milo, please." I asked my tone full of sarcasm.          He laughed heartily. "I love it when you ask nicely." He exclaimed," Next time I'll make you ask me for marriage, my Love." He said pushing Milo towards me.
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